
Friday, June 12, 2009

One and one-half PKR blokes for PAS?

Why my title of ‘One and one-half PKR’?

Well, we know our dear Kulim Wonder, who became notorious for his thuggish barging in on a Bar Council organized forum on an inter-faith issue, is far more PAS than PAS members.

The Kulim Wonder has now not only publicly undermined his PKR Deputy President’s stand against PAS' call for a fatwa to ban SIS, but went even further than PAS, in making puerile derogatory remarks against SIS.

The Kulim Wonder would be better off in PAS than PKR, but then who would want him other than Anwar Ibrahim?

I want to remind Kulim voters to take note of his bigotry when 2013 arrives. And if he is still in PKR (makes you wonder why Anwar Ibrahim has thus far refused to expel him?), wherever he stands, vote for BN!

So ... that’s one PKR bloke standing with PAS (the faction in its true misogynist ethno-centric colours).

But who’s the remaining one-half?

Read Malaysiakini Mustafa: Cease all talks on unity gov't where Mustafa Ali, PAS elections director, had appealed to Pakatan Rakyat’s party leaders to stop harping on Pak Haji Hadi Awang’ proposed unity talks with UMNO (‘unity talk’ is just an euphemism for ‘unity government’ or power-sharing).

An extract of the Tuesday news article reads:

Apart from causing concern among PAS members, the matter has also prompted
questions from leaders of Pakatan component parties including DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

Mustafa conceded that the issue has led to confusion among Pakatan colleagues.

“During the talks that Hadi, Anwar (Ibrahim) and Haron Din (PAS deputy spiritual leader) had with Tok Guru Nik Aziz on the issue of unity government… maybe it was assumed that this message was relayed to DAP, but it was not. It may be true that they are unaware of the issue,” he explained.

So our dear de facto, reformasi-deformasi, Renaissance-Man, Paul-Anka-loving, with-a crush-for-Natalie Wood, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had a tête-à-tête with Hadi Awang, minus the DAP, on the proposed ‘unity talks’.

Or had he? Can someone advise me please whether The Great Leader has rejected Mustafa Ali’s revelation?

That’s why I am being fair wakakaka in allocating (at this stage) only a one-half PKR bloke.

Hmmm, if I recall, former DCM1 of Penang Fairus was very keen for PKR to participate in the ‘unity talks’ too.

So I wouldn’t be exactly surprised if Anwar had wanted (and maybe still want) to participate too in a sort of home-coming cozy conversation with UMNO.

But I await eagerly his rejection, dismissal, denial, etc of Mustafa Ali’s revelation that he Anwar Ibrahim had quietly, and behind DAP's back, chit-chatted with PAS on 'unity talks' with UMNO.


  1. Ktemoc,
    Thank god that LKY never meet up with you. You know what's your conclusion is
    Again, are you anything related to that Teh fella? Come on, don't be shy.


    P.S : I am not blindly admiring Anwar. Neither do I agree 100% with Karpal. As for you, please stay away from DAP. Better still don't have anything to do with DAP

  2. Is that the way you Fcukatan buggers talk ! go fly kite you assholes . Telling somehow here to stay away away from DAP ? of course KTEmoc is not like Anwar who likes to do a DAP
    ( Deep Ass Penetration ) wakakakaka !

  3. Demand for political patronage rears its ugly head in Selangor
    By Neville Spykerman

    SHAH ALAM, June 12 — The demand for waste management contracts to be distributed among Pakatan Rakyat (PR) supporters is seriously undermining the credibility of the Selangor government.

    The Selangor administration is under siege from grassroots supporters who feel they are "entitled" to Alam Flora contracts, and PR leaders are split down the middle on the issue.

    The existing contracts, which were given out to politically-linked companies by the previous Barisan Nasional administration, are expiring soon.

    Allegations of political patronage are commonplace in the industry and many companies which previously obtained contracts act as agents who sub-contract out the actual work.

    Over the last few months, there has been intense lobbying for the new contracts to be given to Pakatan-linked contractors.

    Datuk Hassan Ali yesterday said he wants the new contracts to be given to people who need them as well as party supporters.

    “Both should be given the opportunity,” said the Selangor executive councillor in charge of public amenities.

    However, the Selangor PAS commissioner denied allegations by Petaling Jaya City Council (MBSJ) councillor A. Thiruvenggadam who claimed the state government had agreed to allocate waste management contracts on the ratio of 40 per cent to PKR and 30 per cent each to PAS and DAP.

    Hassan said the final prerogative is still with Alam Flora although the state government can make recommendations.

    He added that all parties who wish to obtain waste management contracts will have to register with the state economic planning unit which would then refer them to Alam Flora.

    He added no new contracts have been given out as yet.

    DAP’s Ronnie Liu said he is against the distribution of waste management contracts based on political affiliations.

    “I will not allow it and will suggest the contracts be given out by balloting,” said the state executive councillor in charge of local authorities.

  4. The Kulim Wonder would be better off in PAS than PKR, but then who would want him other than Anwar Ibrahim?

    I want to remind Kulim voters to take note of his bigotry when 2013 arrives. And if he is still in PKR (makes you wonder why Anwar Ibrahim has thus far refused to expel him?), wherever he stands, vote for BN!

    Right On !!!
    The fcuking Kulim Pondan of Cina Balek China issue !
    He's better off in some remote island off Malaysia or better still in Guantanamo

  5. Zulkifli Noordin is a dog that has bitten it's master, and was not disciplined for it. Now this dog is going to continue misbehaving - as it did towards Elizabeth Wong, and now towards SiS. Every taste of political blood emboldens it more. One day this dog will go for the jugular of it's master, unless it is put to sleep before that. The longer Anwar puts this off, the more rabid this dog will become. Surely Anwar sees this...?

  6. Yes - that Kulim wonder needs to be taught something. PR or not - the campaign has to be against him ... even if the alternative is Umno!
