
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Political defections - a letter to a future PM

Dodgee Con-Sultan Agri-Solutions
916, Jalan Katakpuroo
Taman Chooi Kay
Pulau Pinang

Yang Amat Berhormat
Datuk Seri Alvis Isley

My dear dear Yang Sangat Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri,

I cannot tell you how much I admire your reformasi innovation when I see the following headlines in Malaysiakini:

(1) Four Negeri BN reps to defect 'real soon', claims PKR

(2) Perak: Umno state rep defects to PKR

You and you alone, as to be expected, have brought about a new Renaissance in Asian politics precisely at a time when it is needed in the wake of the global economic depression.

Your farsightedness on the political process astounds me as to its contemporary relevance. Just imagine a whole new Malaysian political system of electoral representation that does not require any more election, no, none whatsoever as our robust 2-party system engages in a continuous swap of MP and ADUNs, unless the rare and terribly inconvenient occasion of death of a MP or ADUN breaks the chain of a steady stream of political defections.

With such a concept (mutually agreed to by both parties) we Malaysians can do away with general or state elections, yet keep our system of political representatives from each party refreshed, rejunevated and recharged with continuous changing charming faces, and best of all, cost free.

I marvel at your amazing political concept where there will be monumental savings in election funding and the associated purchase of electioneering paraphernalia and supporters expenses. All these unnecessary expenditure could be more profitably invested for the rakyat’s benefits.

Such a marvellous system of mutual changes of MPs and ADUN ensures that on one day your astonishing party leads either the Federal or State government, whilst on the next, it may become His Majesty’s loyal Opposition, democracy at its best, though of course I need to state my confidence that you will be the Prime Minister of this great nation of ours.

I want to put on record my utmost loyalty to your esteemed leadership.

Yang běnar,

Dodgee Dimsum

Incidentally, as part of our agricultural reforms (oh, how I love this word ‘reformasi’) may I interest you in my agri-consultancy company Dodgee Ribbit Puroo. We hold the internationally registered patent for genetically enhanced Conraua goliath, guaranteed to provide our rakyat with the necessary protein requirement during festivities, given the unreliability in the supply of traditional meat like beef, mutton and camel steaks in the face of the ever present threat of mad cow disease, foot & mouth disease, etc.


Dodgee Con-Sultan Agri-Solutions
916, Jalan Katakpuroo
Taman Chooi Kay
Pulau Pinang

Yang Amat Berhormat
Datuk Nar Jee Razy

My dear dear Yang Sangat Amat Berhormat Datuk,

I cannot tell you how much I admire your powerful fight-back innovation when I see the following headlines in Malaysiakini:

(1) PM: Pakatan reps to join us

(2) 2 Perak excos 'missing', PKR fears defection

You and you alone, as to be expected, have brought about a new sophisticated but quiet dynamic leadership in Asian politics precisely at a time when it is needed in the wake of the global economic depression.

Your farsightedness on the political process astounds me as to its contemporary relevance. Just imagine a whole new Malaysian political system of electoral representation that does not require any more election, no, none whatsoever as our robust 2-party system engages in a continuous swap of MP and ADUNs, unless the rare and terribly inconvenient occasion of death of a MP or ADUN breaks the chain of a steady stream of political defections.

With such a concept (mutually agreed to by both parties) we Malaysians can do away with general or state elections, yet keep our system of political representatives from each party refreshed, rejunevated and recharged with continuous changing charming faces, and best of all, cost free.

I marvel at your amazing political concept where there will be monumental savings in election funding and the associated purchase of electioneering paraphernalia and supporters expenses. All these unnecessary expenditure could be more profitably invested for the rakyat’s benefits.
Such a marvellous system of mutual changes of MPs and ADUN ensures that on one day your astonishing party leads either the Federal or State government, whilst on the next, it may become His Majesty’s loyal Opposition, democracy at its best, though of course I need to state my confidence that you will be the Prime Minister of this great nation of ours.

I want to put on record my utmost loyalty to your esteemed leadership.

Yang běnar,

Dodgee Dimsum

Incidentally, as part of our agricultural growth (oh, how I love this word ‘growth’) may I interest you in my agri-consultancy company Dodgee Ribbit Puroo. We hold the internationally registered patent for genetically enhanced Conraua Goliath, guaranteed to provide our rakyat with the necessary protein requirement during festivities, given the unreliability in the supply of traditional meat like beef, mutton and camel steaks in the face of the ever present threat of mad cow disease, foot & mouth disease, etc.



  1. BN lost KT on Malay votes and more importantly the Chinese did not abandon PAS in KT. Anwar thinks he can translate this momentum into a knockout blow of UMNO by forcing a by-election in Perak. Killing Umno in a Malay state like Perak will instantly make him the biggest Malay hero in Malaysia. Anwar thinks PR's win thereby making Najib a failure in the eyes of UMNO so that he can entice the UMNO frogs to make him PM. It's a gamble for Anwar but this man do not have modest goals.
    Looks like the Perak government is Anwar's pawn in his bid to topple Najib
    Dirty politics? Then again such is life.

  2. Try often times and you'll eventually get your way I suppose. God knows Anwar has failed often times when attempting to achieve grandiose outcomes(losing to Pairin 1994 to topple PBS, losing to Mahathir 1998to become PM, losing the 9/16 defection fight 2008 again to become PM), and this time may just get his win if by-elections, or even better, if full elections are called.

    Still for all my misgivings about the man, I hope it happens and he becomes PM-he cannot be worse than Najib!

  3. Dodgee Dimsum from Taman Chooi Kay, you sure live in a garden full of frogs!

  4. KT, KT, you are too straight and narrow, so full of your "principles".

    I won't comment any more other than saying many Things may not be what they seem to be, or what is reported in the Star or even Mkini....

  5. Datuk Nar Jee Razy's reply to Dodgee Dimsum: "Lu tunggu, limpeh akan C4 lu tak lama lagi"
