
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Syed Hamid: "Police was only protecting Tan Hoon Cheng"

Here's a f* spin as reported by the Star, reproduced in part below:

Sin Chew Daily News reporter Tan Hoon Cheng, who was arrested under the Internal Security Act 1960, maybe released as soon as Saturday, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

He said Tan was detained under Section 73(1) of the Act in order to ensure her safety as police intelligence indicated that there were threats to her life after she reported on Bukit Bendera division Umno chairman Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s allegedly racist remarks.

“We have no intention of holding a reporter as after all she was just taking notes of the comments made by a certain party that led to a public debate.

“She maybe released as soon as today after police have obtained all information needed,” he said, adding that the reporter’s detention was part of the police preventive action.


  1. Holy shit.

    Just when you think the government couldn't get any dumber, or insult out intelligence any further. An ISA arrest for someone's protection? It takes balls to say that with a straight face.

  2. I suppose they are also 'protecting' Teresa Kok because of the false report in Utusan and Khir Toyo's blog?

  3. My council of Gods, Mediums had a meeting with Allah and they concluded this Botak is beyond redemption.

    Hald way through the conference, my medium representing the Monkey God went bersek and it was comfirmed that Syed Hamid's soul have been perpetuated and he will die in a road accident soon.

    Allah added he is very agnry with this Botak and will punish him.

  4. And what ant crawled up your backside to hina Islam over this arrest?

    Just keep to botak, and other personal slurs but don't menghina Islam!

    Jangan main api dengan ugama orang, reti?

  5. Me, sceptic on frogs, is being "invited" by the BN regime to reconsider the need for regime change by "other means".

  6. Yeah

    That's what happened with Ghandhi, Mandela, Chia Thye Poh et al.

    What caring I Raja Polis and Govt!

    And did you catch the US Open where my grandmother thrashed Federer? No? Shame.

  7. Ahmad Ismail should be arrested and detained forever for his own safety. There are millions out there wanting to strangle the daylights out of him.

  8. Hamid Albar should voluntarily walk into jail and throw away the keys too. Many are out for his neck too.

  9. let me play the contrarian for the fun off it :) this guy got it spot on when he put article 10 up ( The law is crystal clear and yet they decided to push the limit. Remember for every action there is a reaction of equal force or more and are right, TK and the reporter are collateral damage of a war started by someone who decided the subvert the democratic process, he so ardously extols. Hypocrite!

  10. The exceptions to freedom listed in Article 10, which formed the Constitutional loophole for the ISA, were written in the context of the Emergency.

    There was an armed insurrection by Communists in those days, and subsequently guerrillas sponsored by Sukarno. In fact, the DAP accepted the ISA in those days, as did many ordinary Malaysians.

    There are no more Communists hiding behind every bush, so the ISA is just being used for the perpetuation of the ruling body politic. UMNO is NOT Malaysia !

    If the "someone" is carrying out illegal acts endangering the security of The Federation, arrest him and charge him in court.

    And don't confuse the security of the Federation with the financial security of UMNOPutras.

  11. Latest from SUPP in Sabah is they are going to have a meeting on Sept 17.

    "“Our discussions will, among others, focus on whether the detentions were an abuse of the ISA and whether this is a start of Ops Lallang 2,” - Datuk Yong Teck Lee.
    (See the Star Online)

    Is he the next to be ISAed?
    (Can prevent frogs from jumping)

  12. Kittykat46
    The government of the day is duty bound to protect the integrity of the Federation from saboteurs be they communists, extremists or hate mongers etcetera. The actions of those people detained falls within the ambit of Article 10(2a) and 10(4.It so happens that the government of the day is controlled by a party you dislike hence your misguided outrage:

    perpetuation of the ruling body politic. UMNO is NOT Malaysia!

    I am apolitical and am ambivalent of the efficacy of democracy in effecting change. Be that as it may, i am still pissed off by certain segments of civil society who are wont to spout from the constitution when it suits them but are averse to observing its contents when it suits them to do so.These amoral hypocrites are the ones who have buggered and bastardised the constitution.

    Have you ever heard a constitutionally elected government being beseiged by a pack of wolves intent on toppling it at any cost. Whither, the trust of voters who voted in reps based on their manifesto? Are u saying that the will of the electorate can be easily cast aside for the benefit of a megalomaniac intent on power? If so, that would a sad indictment of the institution of democracy that so many people are enamoured with. and what is even worse is that there are some pro-you-know-who blogs claiming that these reps won because they "bought" votes. Are u saying the oppo reps are clean as a whistle and above board in their dealings?Pray, can you clean up after the fact, with a gang of immoral frogs, the institutions you claim to be tainted?.Absurd isnt it when on one hand you claim they are corrupt and on the other you seek their support and use them "corrupts" to cleanse the system.

    All this unholy haste is due to the fact that the opposition have come to realise that the socalled Bangsa Malaysia is a figment of their imagination and the rainbow coalition is soon going to dissapear in the sunshine once the Malay urban electorate returns to it proverbial "kampung" : BN as the economy improves and the price of fuel, goods and services stabilise (will blog on this). Take that segment away from the equation and you will find many an oppo. MP floundering on dry land like fish outta water.

    Wonder what sort of depraved moral universe do such leaders inhabit? I wouldn't even trust them with my hypothetical vote much less my grandma!

  13. so as to be impartial
    saiful must also be given police protection under ISA....

    otherwise vote BN out

  14. Extract from the star: When asked if the opposition would have to defer its Sept 16 plan to take over the government, Anwar said of utmost importance now was national unity and political stability.

    “This is why we are now demanding for an urgent closed-door meeting between our representative and the Prime Minister to discuss national security and the future of Malaysian politics.”

    I hope this is real, high time we move forward,

  15. To those who insists on putting all the fucking problems existing in our country to the fucking regime and especially to BeeEnd I have this fucking message :

    It is not the fucking BeeEnd , Its the fucking UMNO , and get that right into your fucking head .
    I am fucking pissed off , everytime the fucking UMNO does something , every party in the BN gets fucked for no reasons . If you think you are fucking good go and demonstrate in front of the fucking BUMNO headquarters , fucking idiot !
    And by the way KT I hope this comment is not fucked and deleted .

  16. At the rate events are moving, MCA may remain in BN, but MCA will have Zero MPs after GE13.

  17. Anonymous said...

    At the rate events are moving, MCA may remain in BN, but MCA will have Zero MPs after GE13.

    Still a long way to go , prefer the change to come from PRU13 rather than thru katakfication . At least its democratically and legally valid . if its zero so be it !And lets see what happens should that be the case.
    Better be zero than to join the great snake oil salesman .

  18. My reading of the situation is the political price for BN/UMNO of keeping RPK and Teresa Kok under ISA detention is climbing by the minute.

    I have never seen ordinary people so upset about ISA detentions, except perhaps the Hindraf cases.

    In Ops Lallang 1987, Mahathir could afford to pay the political price, and more. He still got his customary 2/3 majority.

    Not So Dollah 2008....his political bank account is running Outttttt......

    RPK will probably be charged under one of the other Penal Code laws.

    I don't see they have anything to hold Teresa Kok for.

    Unless Dollah really secretly wishes for Anwar to be the next PM....

  19. Quote from the Malaysian Insider

    "The Internal Security Act (ISA) should not be used against civilians, de facto law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said.
    The Act should only be used against terrorists or those trying to topple the Government by force, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said at a press conference at his home here on Sunday."

    I guess there is still ONE Honest MAN left in this bunch of THUGS masquerading as a Cabinet.

  20. Dear all, dont get caried away. There is the constitution. Article 81(d) enables such things to be done. Its perfectly legal. Why wouldnt AAB , or anyone for that matter (even AI if pushed) throw the law at anyone ? This has been specifically provided for. And I think the reason is a good one too. Even otherwise, the means justify the end (and I do mean that).
