
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ominous switch of ministers

Malaysiakini news article Najib takes over as finance minister worries me enormously …

… not so much because Najib gets to be the new Finance Minister – he has the qualifications and experience through a long tenure in the cabinet as well as being MB of Pahang managing the State’s economy and finance for a while.

It’s AAB taking over his Defence Ministry that I don’t like ...

... because I suspect that, with even Syed Hamid holding the Home Ministry, AAB is the real person in control of the police. If my suspicion is true, AAB’s new defence portfolio would mean that both armed services are in his hands …

… and that’s what worries me!

Why can’t he assign the defence affairs to someone like, say, a MCA or MIC person. Both Sabah and Sarawak had already enjoyed its representatives serving as former Defence Minister (I think they were respectively Tun Mustafa and Abang?).

This latest switch of ministers would have been a wonderful opportunity for AAB to showcase a more balanced cabinet by assigning, for the first time ever, a key cabinet position to a non Malay, like a MCA or MIC or even Gerakan person …

… but alas, AAB just has to hang on to that, when he has already enough on his hands as the PM.

I am also not too impressed by his subtle but implied warning shot that Anwar Ibrahim “… has become a threat to the economy and (national) security”, as reported by Malaysiakini in Another round of ISA for Anwar?

I know that Anwar has done a great disservice to Malaysia by refusing to accept the 08 March 2008 election result, with his continuous froggie campaign to seize power to become the PM, all that just to satisfy his consuming raging obsessive need to have what he felt was his, if not for 1998.

He has destabilized the nation for months purely for his own selfish purpose. I consider him to be nothing more than a very selfish self centred self serving person …

… but to detain him by using the ISA is just too much. Let me register my absolute objection to the use of that draconian instrument on anyone (who's not a terrorist).

… and I call upon the PM to immediately release Teresa Kok and RPK from an unwarranted unjust and unnecessary detention under the ISA.


  1. AAB is not playing balls anymore, he is going to war. Thats why he taking over the Defence Ministry . With Zaid out of the way I see second wave ISA is coming and this time our friend going to get it. If PR people going to the street, the army going to roll.

  2. MB of Pahang managing the State’s economy and finance for a while.
    reminder : Pahang is one of the POOREST in Malaysia.

  3. put this way, you have dumb apathetic ppl who stripped off their knowledge and information on their government doing (esp in sabah and ulu-ulu place), is this democracy ? who knows dsai walk into the gov, right the wrong in the system, and hold a free and fair ge again in 2-3 months time, just like what thai did in their country...... (is thaksin elected in previous october).

  4. PM's first priority to prevent coup ala TAR by his deputy. 2nd to have army as implied threat against rakyat's calls for change.

  5. I would be against Brother Anwar being bundled in under ISA.

    If he does, how is he going to defend himself in his sodomy trial?

    A man's gotta defend what a man's gotta defend, right?

  6. KT,
    I bet you would celebrating a round of beer if AAB arrest your Man Man Lai using ISA!! Isn't that's what you've been preaching and promoting all this while? Getting rid of him at all cost? Come to think of it, you're just another umno ass-licker. You and Killer, such a waste of intelligence.

  7. Nothing ominous in this.

    There are no avenues for new contracts at MINDEF. We have all the scorpeneis submarines, fighter-planes, arms, tanks etc. we will ever need. That game is over.

    So, time to go to the source itself - Mom, here I come, just in time for Hari Raya i.e. Ministry of Money!!

    Next project - new Billion $ HQ for Bank Negara at Palace of the Successful Prince!!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oops, the SAPP have pulled out of the BN and opted for an “autonomous political path”.

  10. The recent detention of three persons through the use of the ISA provoked an unexpectedly strong condemnation by the public as well as some members of the BN component parties. The powers-that-be must have been taken aback somewhat by this vehement reaction.

    If the powers-that-be had toyed with the idea of using the ISA to neutralise Anwar, the above outcome may have given them pause and stayed their hand.

    We can guess that they are probably doing a Hamlet - to be or not to be - to ISA Anwar or not to ISA Anwar.

    This is all very comical and amusing and even entertaining to impartial onlookers.

    If they do nothing, Anwar is shaking the stage they are on so violently they are in danger of falling off. If they put a stop to Anwar's antics by locking him up with the ISA they could well face the prospect of all hell breaking loose.

    One could fall off the chair with laughter thinking about this if not for the fact that it could have serious ramifications for all Malaysians.

  11. KT

    Well, I don't see any changes in such light lah.

    I think for all intent and purposes MINDEF is a dead-end as far as the influence is concerned and I can tell you that it is full of TDM's supporters. I very much doubt AAB is well liked at all at Jalan Padang Tembak. This job has not much influence at all.

    As I read it Najib has taken over the Finance Ministry, considered as the most important portfolio and through which he can wield much power and make changes.

    I am from the business and for some times now there is a call from the business community that Najib takes over the leadership or at least the Finance ministry due to his training in economics. The call grew louder after the last budget when the business community was alarmed by the populist and deficit approach.

    As for the call by AAB that GSOS is a threat, I feel now Badawi is now playing mind games but putting the spectere of ISA on GSOS' head.
    You can expect Badawi to go on offensive now and attack Anwar now that most of the adminitrative responsibilities under Najib now.

    We can expect Najib to drive the economic policies and make some announcements on changes to it soon. Also i guess there had been other changes between these 2 that was not revealed to public.

    I really don't think Badawi will ever use ISA on the snake charmer, knowing well the implications internationally. Furthermore GSOS is on his way down and left to his own devices, PR will wither and die naturally.

    Also do notice my predictions about PAS already coming true. They are already starting to stir the pot with Nik Aziz one one side and the other progressive group on the other side. Read today's Mikini.

    It is going to be very quiet on PR front in the coming days but watch PAS carefully. I would not surprise if they actually split and the progressive group join UMNO or form a new party that would join BN.

  12. I agree with killer, despite all the 'own-goals' badawi has been scoring lately putting Anwar in ISA would be a victory for the latter, not the former-he will say it proves his assertion that he was going to form govt.

    Badawi should have met him anyway as he demanded to call his bluff (if it is a bluff, which is looking likely now)-by not meeting him, Anwar continues to claim the numbers are there. More uncertainty.

  13. but why should AAB meet him, knowing Mr Man Man Lai has nothing, nada, zilch. kosong, zero!

    because if AAB had met him, he would have said something to enhance his kosong-ness as if he had something.

    besides, protocol-wise, why was there a need for the PM to hold such a meeting, apart from only adding to Mr Man Man Lai's aura

  14. To dispel the assertion. If Anwar said he had the numbers & wanted to meet badawi, and badawi agreed, anwar would have had to show the names. Call his bluff. I really don't know who's telling the truth (ther's so much bullshit going on), but surely that would have been the endgame for anwar? Yes of course badawi doesn't have to meet him, but by not meeting him, anwar can continue claiming he has the numbers for now.

    On another note, I have always felt that Yong Teck Lee makes the right political moves from standing for PBS in 1985 to forming SAPP prior to the 1994 election. Making the politically correct move-thus I was interested in finding out how he'll react today; BN or PR and he goes independent!!! Aiyah, I was expecting him to be my crystal ball...tidak jadi.

  15. kaytee ... with so many blatant abuses of power & misdeeds, I don't think I can agree with you with the "man man lai" approach.

    I think for the people, it has come to a stage of now or never.

  16. I think the statement made by Badawi was in fact a veiled warning to GSOS . Quite sometime ago I posted that GSOS should shut his mouth up and go for a holiday . He's pushing our friend to a corner with his obsession . However my gut feeling tells me that he might not use the ISA against the GSOS but rather looking at other avenues to pull him in .Maybe the Nalla 60 million issue !
    On the subject of AAB appointing either MCA , MIC or others to fill the defence position , this is a very minor cabinet reshuffle . The major one will come in December where it is major , involving everyone from all parties . Lets see what happens in the reshuffle .
    Who knows maybe we will see a new PM in December .

  17. No worry lah! no matter who takes over what is not relevant.You see the army and the policemen are not going to go against their own kind.Can tell you when Anwars supporters are around even the police will shit bricks.It's a fact as i was there during the Reformasi stage.The police were caught off guard and even Police Chief Rahim was pissing in his pants.
    Nah! today people are just are not afraid of the army or the police.It's the numbers that frighten them.Remember unity is strength .
    How many can you put under ISA ?
    One thing if its indians and chinese the police and army will have a field day and could not care less.
    It's a fact of life in malaysia.
    Touch a hair of any malay and you will know the consequences.The BN paralysed government needs to think a million times if it uses the army or police to do their bidding.
    Well kt and your side kicks dont blur yourself if you think Anwar is bluffing!His reputation cannot compare to yours but he will sail through.

    AnWar! Time to stop ! You have caused enough damage to the country and the nation with your mind games, polemics , ANTICS and TRICKS!!!!!! Where's your political dignity? I used to think highly of you but today you seems to be everything I don't want a leader to be... I used to feel sympathy for you but now I think you are downright DIRTY! Can't you wait for the next general election and respect "we the people's right to decide". This GE is merely a register of protest by many voters and it is not a mandate for you to be the Prime Minister. You have yet to clear yourself yet!!!! Don't go through the backdoor!!!! Don''t cheat the people further!!! Mind you...don't underestimate and belittle our minds!

    I was sad and sadder each day when I see the country spiralling downwards and sadder still when I see you AnWar continuing with your mind-games without any regard for the welfare of the nation and the good of the country. Time to stop and not continue to be a monkey trying to snatch the trophy...You are distracting everybody with your political lies and manoeuvre and you are enabled to do so by the good and sincere gesture of a good man and the good office of PAK LAH! With no gratitude you are now lambasting him with issues and non-issues, belittling any and every political moves that he made...what is right is right...what's wrong remains a wrong...but I do not want to see you exploiting and making a mountain out of a molehill anything you caught hold off....Enough is ENOUGH us your statesmanship and not your confident trickster's tricks.....

    I am sad when I continue to receive queries and worries by friends and supporters as to the state of affair of the country. I can feel the lull and a sense of lost in the wilderness by concerned and peace loving citizens of the country. They are the majority. They are crying out loud that the destructive politics, polemics , antics and tricks must stop and stop now before the country spiral further down south.....


    make peace and love...
    Posted by Ti Lian Ker

  19. Quite frankly, any impending cabinet reshuffle may now create a new sandiwara-an internal division of UMNO. If the Malaysian Insider is right, Muhyddin's head is on the chopping block-Mahathir is back, supporting Ku Li (politics does make for strange bedfellows does it not?) and god knows what else.

    But a reshuffle that does not address teh grievances of Sabah and S'wak may again lead totalks of defections insofar as BN members are unsure of Badawi's longevity (and perhaps Najib's by implication). IMO, we can go on blaming Anwar and whomever for all the instability, but the truth of the matter is until UMNO stabilises itself, we cannot expect anything but instability.

    It is they who need to get their house in order before we get our national stability back. And that remains to be seen, what with Mr. 'My Way Or The Highway' Mahathir back in tow. And if my way means destroying everything in my path, that is exactly what he will do, bulldozer and all...

  20. Know the Difference: Transition, not Handover.
    For the moment, the UMNO leadership crisis appears to have been averted with the announcement of the cabinet portfolio swap between Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his Deputy Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. As recently as last week, analysts and commentators were anticipating Najib to make a move on the Presidency before the year’s end. And why would they not? After UMNO Vice President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin rekindled the debate about Abdullah’s position, Najib appeared to position himself for an assault on the post when he remarked that the divisions should decide for themselves when the transition should occur – essentially informing that he was more than ready to receive nominations for the post of Party President.

    But with the portfolio swap, Najib may not see a need to gun for the Presidency – and by implication Premiership of the country – so soon. Notwithstanding the fact that a transition of power is, as Abdullah quipped, a process and not something carried out overnight, Abdullah must be credited for such a bold move. Skeptics have characterised it as a calculated political decision to neutralise any potential threat from Najib. Political considerations there definitely were, but by paving the way for Najib to take helm of the Ministry of Finance, Abdullah has also demonstrated magnanimity and sincerity to groom his successor for the top job in 2010.

    Being Prime Minister with little experience in managing the country’s economy will likely prove a mammoth task for anyone. And as it turns out, Najib is no ordinary figure with an ordinary past. With ample ammunition for the Opposition to take aim at his credibility – the SAS (Sukoi, Altantunya, Submarine) scandals spring to mind as illustrations – a Najib administration could use a head-start in spearheading economic recovery at a time when global financial uncertainty is affecting countries in this region, too.. It is further also to Najib’s convenience that the Budget for the year 2009 has just been announced with much of the implementation left for him to oversee. As such, Najib does not have the baggage of others’ inefficiency to contend with – a prevalent concern whenever an economic plan is carried out.

    As things, at least for the time being, cool down with regards to any contest for the Presidency of UMNO, it would be interesting to see Tun Dr.. Mahathir’s next move. Commanding a yet formidable following, his end-game for quite a while now is to unseat Abdullah as Prime Minister. His peculiar friendships with Tengku Razaleigh, Muhyiddin and Najib are telling – those individuals are all nothing more than instruments to his ultimate goal: the downfall of Abdullah.

    Ultimately, Abdullah’s supporters will hope that the PM’s move will be repaid with loyalty by Najib. Even to many who may not be Abdullah’s biggest fans are wary of the damage that an open contest will cause the party. Even they would gladly take two more years of Abdullah over the prospect of an internal split that will likely occur should we witness a repeat of the embarrassment suffered by the late Tun Ghafar Baba at the hands of a ruthless Machiavellian by the name of Anwar Ibrahim.

  21. Badawi needs to be in control of both armed services because he is more afraid of UMNO than AI. Let's get real here if AI really has the Frogs needed to do Badawi in he woula have already done so regardless of the chaos which may follow. I think the 'reformasi' demonstrations is proof enough of AI's callousness in his thirst for power. Then again which politician does not thirst for power.

    Badawi's real fear is what the UMNO grassroots will do to him when he shafts them properly by buying over enough UMNO divisional leaders to stay in power. Najib will meanwhile be too busy enriching himself in the Finance ministry to care.

    UMNO until now has been able to renew its leadership among UMNO grassroots and the Malays in general by putting in leaders which were not yet tainted by corruption. Badawi who lead BN to its biggest electoral win in history is the best example of how the Malays went back to UMNO in droves in the belief that Badawi was clean. But many Malays abandoned Badawi the moment he proved to be as corrupt as Mahathir. Badawi knows there is presently no UMNO leader without scandals so there is really no one in UMNO which can lead Umno out of the rut it is in. Badawi will hang on to power regardless of the cost. If the UMNO divisional chiefs cannot keep him in power the police and army will. I do not know what Badawi has been doing since he became the Defence minister. However do not be surprised if we were to see a flurry of new commanders appointed to head the military units stationed around Kuala Lumpur and even Selangor. Let's all f^^^king pray like hell that I am wrong.
