
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

916 - the morning after

Tonight you're mine completely
You give your love so sweetly
Tonight the light of love is in your eyes
But will you love me tomorrow?

Is this a lasting treasure
Or just a moment's pleasure?
Can I believe the magic of your sighs?
Will you still love me tomorrow? [...]

– The Shirelles

The song by The Shirelles was damn slinky, sexy and suggestive for its days, implying the regrets of ‘the morning after’ (a torrid intimate ecstasy), where the sweetie agonized over the stone cold possibility that she was 'used'.

Well, 916 has come and gone … so, do you feel ‘used’ too?

Uncle Lim KS had been the only PR politician who had the sense to say, words to the effect, that it doesn’t really matter whether it’s 916, 1016, or whenever but the BN is beatable.

He's right but … and a BIG BUT … that was never the point with Mr Man Man Lai's 916, not when he himself opened his big mouth to boast of having 31 BN MPs in his pocket – no one forced him to.

Prior to that, he in fact had some leeway, blaming the Taiwan trip (which he sent a ‘special team’ to chase) for possible delays to his boast of 916.

But again, without anyone pushing him (at least as we saw it from where we stood), he chose to commit himself to 916, making wild claims of some cabinet ministers among the 31 BN MPs.

Of course we know why … he made a terrible bluff out of desperate hope to stampede what he perceived as some BN MPs who might be easily panicked, for them to snowball, again with much wild hopes on his part, into an avalanche of frogs.

And as AAB went into phlegmatic ‘elegant’ silence (for which he has been sneeringly derided, but which proved to be most suitable in dealing with Anwar’s bluff), Anwar went into overdrive with hysterical frenzy, demanding a meeting with the PM for a preposterous 'handover' of government, whilst wannabe martyr talked about PKR seeing the King.

But alas, Mr Man Man Lai had met Sifu Man Man Lai, and as in the story of The Master & The Disciple, the Sifu easily beat the Mister.

Sad to say the Renaissance Man of Asia was flicked off by AAB, a man considered by many as of low intellect.

As reported in Malaysiakini Takeover a 'political lie', says Pak Lah AAB was right smack on when he described Anwar’s stunt as:

"Why should I be pressured? It is mere dreams. If at all it is true, (Anwar) would have announced it by now. The whole world would have known."

"Do you think he would ask for a meeting with me to discuss a transition? He would storm into my room with hundreds behind him, shouting victory. This is Anwar's style."

Indeed, the international press would have been summoned to learn of the crossover and his backdoor acquired mandate to rule. He would have abandoned his man man lai bullsh*t because then he wouldn’t have needed to man man lai anymore.

AAB sneered at Mr Man Man Lai, in more or less the same way as Lim Keng Yaik had once described Anwar: "He has no substance …”

… and then adding “… but the people will continue to be fascinated by him. This is a waste of our time. It is a game of political lies by Anwar Ibrahim and the people are choosing to believe him”, obviously a swipe at Anwar’s adoring followers.

AAB revealed that even the letter he received from Anwar had NOT even mentioned anything about the so-called 'peaceful handover' of power, but just general topics ...

... so what purpose for a meeting with AAB other than to continue his bluff ...

And the most shameful revelation had been offered by Muhyiddin Yassin in Malaysiakini Muhyiddin: Anwar uses my name to woo MPs.

Muhyiddin describing Anwar’s cheap stunt as both immoral and senseless, told reporters after breaking fast with them at a hotel in KL:

"This is a ploy (by Anwar) ... by (putting) my name on top the list (of BN defectors), hoping to garner support from other BN MPs. This is a desperate attempt by Anwar."

"Anwar is power crazy.”

… more so when Mr Man Man Lai has for the last 10 years been tormented by his biggest baddest bodoh-est move against his mentor and benefactor in 1998 – please read The torment and impatience of Anwar Ibrahim and September 16 - Miasmatic mist of malarkey.


  1. Let's see who i should believe over the contents of the letter, Mr. There will be no GE, and announces the GE the next day, Mr. I am not getting married, its rumours, next day Jean is my wife, Mr. Fuel will not increase, but then increases it, Mr. Journalist should not be afraid to tell the truth, and uses ISA on one the net day ............ or DSAI who has said that he can form the govt but is going AB a chance ....... I am not a huge fan of DSAI, but he is the best we have at the moment so get off ur high horse and pettiness, geez man ......... 916 must be 916

  2. Anwar would show hand before 916 if he has the card in hand and LKS knew it was a bluff but cross his finger hoping for it to happen.

    He was never man man lai, not then, not now so the best we have is just another dirty politician bluffing and lying his way around.

    Lets see how he bluff through a possible 2nd ISA on him.

    I'm more concerned about the effect on the already strained economy, the losing confidence of foreign investment and the crackdown to silent media, bloggers and NGOs deem supportive of Mr. Man Man Lai

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There is absolutely no need to AAB to meet GSOS even to call his bluff. If GSOS can spin about the "phantom transfer of power letter", I am sure he will spin further tales about his meeting with AAB.

    Anwar never been a disciple of "peaceful transition" school but a follower of the "stab in back" school of political succession.

    What is even funnier is his claim of having entire parties defecting and cabinet ministers leap frogging. After making such fantastical claims, naturally the PR supporters had been in the state of high "political arrousal" pre-916 but when 916 came and went, the mood of these anwaristas and political hyenas has turned decidedly limb and shrivelled. The wheel has came of the Great Snake Oil Bandwagon.

    Yo Chaptokam, I vaguely recall that I had seen such strategy been employed elsewhere in other parts of the world used by a certain organisation known as Comedians In Action. Or was it the organisation goes by the motto, "By the way of Deception we wage war"... What's your take on this ?

    BTW I do sense that AAB is now on the "offensive mode" while GSOS is gone into hiding with his fellow cheerleaders from PAS and DAP been reduced to "inelegent silence". I wonder too what Mr Goebbels of Malaysia, Tian Chua aka the Rabbit Killer has to say now.

  5. Oh! oh! its jerking time by KTee and his sunshine goons again.

  6. Dear All

    This is worth reading:

    Phua Kai Lit

  7. Anwar's hit a pretty big setback, but BN isn't headed for a safe harbour anytime soon.

    The Asian Wall Street Journal article above is a pretty sober assessment of the country's economic situation.

  8. Killer

    Yup , this strategy has been used by many , perhaps GSOS have picked up this from his co-salesmans in the US where they have effectively used this strategy to go war and invade Iraq . Many scientist , university professors have proven that 911 was an inside job. I was used by the Bush's administration to deceive the American people and as a reason to go to war . Even until today there are still many unanswered questions . But one glaring thing was that NO Jews died in the two towers even though there were nearly 3000 of them working there . Reason they knew in advance and did not report for work on that fateful date 911 .
    I brought up 911 because it has similarites to the 916 both goes by the motto , By the way of Deception we wage war". both cases were regime change and in both cases used the Mass Deception method . Both failed in the sense that American troops are still in Iraq after 6 yrs , and the 916 came and went and the "regime" is still around .
    Hitler used that too in the burning of the German Parliament and blamed it on the jews . In 1933, the Reichstag building was subject to an arson attack and, as a result, seen as the pivotal event in the establishment of Nazi Germany and many have reasons to suspect that the arson was done by the Nazis and blmed on the Jews . Another piece of clever deception .

  9. Think Anwar is a failure ?
    The Great Snake Oil Salesman is finito ?
    The Opposition will collapse after this ?

    Think a bit deeper...and watch the next few weeks.

    UMNO's troubles have Just Begun...

    Carpenters song...We've Only Just Begun...

  10. kittykat, the post thread is about Anwar's credibility as an alternate PM - do we want such a person (to be PM) when he has led us, especially those of you, his poor adoring supporters ;-), by their noses to the high expection of his man man lai 916, which cruelly crashed to a disgraceful 'nothingness' (basically bullsh*t), where he could be so easily flicked off by a man like AAB?

    Don't you anwaristas feel betrayed? If you don't, I sure as hell worry for your ability to discern and assess critically and objectively your choice of political leadership.

    For example, as a DAP supporter I would not hesitate to lambast Uncle Lim or his son or even Karpal if any of them bullsh*t me - well, at least on those points of bullsh*t - it won't diminish my support of the DAP (unless they choose to ignore my criticisms of their errors, or momentary lack of principles or deviation from ideology).

    You anwaristas instead choose to look for faults with the other party (whose faults of course shouldn't be ignored but treated as a different forum topic) rather than critically questioning your idol's snake oil pitch.

  11. Chaptokam :-
    "But one glaring thing was that NO Jews died in the two towers even though there were nearly 3000 of them working there . Reason they knew in advance and did not report for work on that fateful date 911."

    You just confirmed to me you are "Otak Something Wrong".

    Yeah, a lot of True Snake Oil Salesmen on this blog.

    Ktemoc, Killer, Chaptokam, Xiean (rhymes with Hokkien Sien - means bullshitting)

    Not surprisingly....

  12. The nation and its people are suffering financially, causing them mental and emotional stress due to this GSOS irresponsible acts which causes the country economy and financial system to deteriorate. Their aims of terrorizing the legitimate elected government with cross over is to create instability and uncertainty and lost of confident in the government is to destabilize the country economy and financial system. When the economy collapse so will be the government.

    GSOS have manage to achieve partly the aim by causing the economy and financial system to deteriorate, but the economy have not collapse yet so is the government. AAB have been on the defensive and very patient all the while, and now the aggressor's resource have weaken, so the next wise move for AAA is go offensive. However image of global economy in not promising but people want this matter to be settled sooner rather than later. If soft approach don't work and they don't get the message what are the choice left ?

    The ministry swapped is telling me that they are going offensive, Najib handle the background, and he will go to the front line. Its a warning to his opponent, as from now you better stop or else the axe will fall. And this what I wish AAB should do, use the axe if this fellow do not stop.

  13. LKS posted an article in his blog calling for fresh elections, noting that in the first past the post system a 1 seat majority is a mandate to rule. That to me is a clear indication that he may well be breaking ranks with Anwar on 916 now. Till reading that, I was far from convinced the bluff (or otherwise) had run its course, but I am coming round to the conclusion run by ktemoc.

    Still, it'll be interesting to see what happens if anwar does get to meet the agong. This is bad news for the ISA detainees though-they must be released immediately.

  14. Hahaha Ktemoc, I'm no Anwarista (whatever That means) , I don't feel betrayed because I never had any expectation of September 16, other than watching the government squirm. I think I've written about this many times before September 16.

    I focus on the BN government's inability to govern, because to me that's the core issue.

    Its way beyond Anwar Ibrahim. Its about the future of Malaysia. Anwar is a vehicle, if he isn't there, under ISA etc. , things would be tougher, but the program goes on....

  15. Anonymous 10:12 AM

    Can you prove me wrong ?

    You just confirmed to me you are "Otak Something Wrong".
    Maybe this applies to you since you have nothing to counter substantiate what you are saying except name calling . You have been doing it all the time . Others couldn't be bothered to reply you , but let me tell you this , it means nothing to us your name calling , want to know why ? you are just kid using your brother's computer , suggest you go the games section and satisfy your urges over there .
    Dirty Rascal !

  16. read this

    IPOH: The DAP prefers fresh elections than defections to decide on the new government.

    Its national vice-chairman M. Kulasegaran said this has always been the stand of the party which was fair to the voters.

    “This is because elected representatives who won in elections under their party banners should stand by them,” he told reporters after a vigil outside the Ipoh Barat DAP office on Tuesday evening.

    The vigil, attended by more than 100 people, featured nine speakers from Pakatan Rakyat component parties and NGOs. They called for the release of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin who were detained under the ISA, the abolishment of the Act and the closure of the Kamunting camp.

    Kulasegaran said the Prime Minister should call for an emergency sitting of Parliament to allow a motion of no-confidence to be tabled.

    “He should take this opportunity to resolve the uncertainty felt by all Malaysians,” he said.

    At last soemone in DAP (other than Karpal Singh) has woken up from the man man lai hypnotic sleep. Perhaps it has taken the man man lai 'nothingness' to wake them up but it's always better alte than never. Good on the DAP!

  17. Chaptokam,
    I want to address what you wrote that No Jews died in 9/11 and saying that it was because they knew in advance didn't report to work.

    That rumour has been going around a long time, and is a despicable racist lie.

    The WTC had many tenants from the financial and stock brokering industry, and you may know American Jews are well represented in that sector.

    And yes they were among the dead. The list of names of those who died in the WTC is available on the Internet. Some traditional Jewish Americans still give their children very "Jewish" sounding names, and yes, you can see many such names in the list.

    The toll of 9/11 could have been much, much worse. Some 30,000 people worked in the two towers plus visitors. I had been there before, in 1999, visiting a business contact. Because of the time of day and nature of the business of many of the tenants, a lot of people who work there were not in their office. Nothing surprising.

    If you visit a financial services firm e.g. in KL, easily 2/3 of their staff would be out somewhere during the day, mainly clerical and admin staff left in the office.

    Plus not forgetting tower 2 had plenty of time to evacuate, except for those who were trapped above the burning floors.

    But the relatively low number of deaths compared to the theoretical number of WTC occupants, has been turned into a very nasty racist lie in the years since 9/11

  18. Tired of wild-eyed conspiracy theories? Here's where you can get analyses from the experts
    (political scientists from academia):

    Phua Kai Lit

  19. kittykat, I called you an anwarista because once you actually left a comment here on my blog saying words to the effect that yes, you are an anwarista and proud of it.

    If you now deny you're one, then I congratulate you for not belonging to that group of blind fanatics, whom RPK had described as PKR acolytes who would consider Anwar's fart as fragrant.

    Well those acolytes may not have obtain Chanel 5 from Anwar but they sure received Chong 916 instead, and to them it's as good if not better than the former ... (sigh).

  20. Global stock market are tumbling, Mr Man Man Lai continue with his nonsenses, calling for emergency Parliament session to deliberate on vote of no-confidence against AAB.

  21. Dear All,

    For goodness sake, Malaysians should wake up to the fact that in the midst of the current financial meltdown, it is in their best interests to suspend their support and yearnings for their mat jenin to take over as PM.

    For if Anwar really loves Malaysia, he would at least back off now in this financial tsunami sweeping over the world.

    But no, all he is concerned about is being PM.

    meanwhile, the rest of us suffer.......

  22. hmmm ... AAB is incompetent ... Anwar is too dangerous ... kit siang? can ar?

    so, who's gonna be our future PM? can we consider our women to fill that post? Rafidah got AP issues ... sharizat? who else?

  23. xiean

    Mr Man Man Lai continue with his nonsenses, calling for emergency Parliament session to deliberate on vote of no-confidence against AAB.

    he's buying his passport to Kamunting or Sungei Buloh. Looks like they are cleaning up his room for him now . I think he doesn't care anymore about us Malaysians , whether we die , become bankrupt , beg by the roadside no see . I don't get my PMship , we all die with him .
    I'm glad we all see thru him !!!

  24. Anonymous 3:32 PM

    But no, all he is concerned about is being PM.

    meanwhile, the rest of us suffer.......

    Agree with you dead on !!

    AnWar! Time to stop ! You have caused enough damage to the country and the nation with your mind games, polemics , ANTICS and TRICKS!!!!!! Where's your political dignity? I used to think highly of you but today you seems to be everything I don't want a leader to be... I used to feel sympathy for you but now I think you are downright DIRTY! Can't you wait for the next general election and respect "we the people's right to decide". This GE is merely a register of protest by many voters and it is not a mandate for you to be the Prime Minister. You have yet to clear yourself yet!!!! Don't go through the backdoor!!!! Don''t cheat the people further!!! Mind you...don't underestimate and belittle our minds!

    I was sad and sadder each day when I see the country spiralling downwards and sadder still when I see you AnWar continuing with your mind-games without any regard for the welfare of the nation and the good of the country. Time to stop and not continue to be a monkey trying to snatch the trophy...You are distracting everybody with your political lies and manoeuvre and you are enabled to do so by the good and sincere gesture of a good man and the good office of PAK LAH! With no gratitude you are now lambasting him with issues and non-issues, belittling any and every political moves that he made...what is right is right...what's wrong remains a wrong...but I do not want to see you exploiting and making a mountain out of a molehill anything you caught hold off....Enough is ENOUGH us your statesmanship and not your confident trickster's tricks.....

    I am sad when I continue to receive queries and worries by friends and supporters as to the state of affair of the country. I can feel the lull and a sense of lost in the wilderness by concerned and peace loving citizens of the country. They are the majority. They are crying out loud that the destructive politics, polemics , antics and tricks must stop and stop now before the country spiral further down south.....


    make peace and love...
    Posted by Ti Lian Ker blogspot .

  26. The kambing asks: so, who's gonna be our future PM? can we consider our women to fill that post? Rafidah got AP issues ... sharizat? who else?

    Ans: Nurul Izzah

  27. With the world economy facing its most serious threat in a lifetime, it makes sense to try to pull the whole nation together.

    So, it may be best not to rock the boat and Anwar to call off the frogs.
    BUT, It both hands must clap.

    How to have national unity with Opposition MPs under a manufactured ISA detention and UMNO still stuck on Saiful's arse ?

    So, thinking out of the box.

    a) Anwar call off the frogs
    b) Police - release politically motivated ISA detainess
    c) Govt & Police - take a long, hard look at the evidence or lack of, for Saiful's arse, whether you still want to proceed with the case.

    d) Govt & Opposition - pull together our best brains to figure out how to defend the country's economy. And I mean the best brains in the country - they aren't all Barisan loyalists, and they don't all belong to the same race.

  28. kau gilakah? if anwar gets shot she may have a chance as the daughter of a martyr. On her own 2 feet let her prove herself first.

    yes, why not women-I agree...we seem to exclude 50% of the population, but just which woman is capable at the moment? Not nurul izzah, not yet.

  29. Hi Ktemoc and All

    Here's another site for analyses by experts:

    Phua Kai Lit

  30. Yes,

    we need leaders who will lead us thru the most treacherous of treacherous financial murk now threatening to engulf our country.

    we don't need mat jenins getting the country into a spin over his desire to be PM

    wake up malaysians!!

  31. Nurul Izzah fan club,

    Have you been suffering from Mad Cow Disease or dementia ?

    What ****** qualification that Nurul Izzah has for the PM post apart from having a pretty face ?

    In fact the people of Lembah Pantai are already regretting their choice of the MP within months of GE is a reflection of her capabilities (or lack of it).

    Mak Cik Wan Azizah was an absentee MP at Permatang Pauh, prefering to hang around her husband like an Indon maid and read prepared speeches provided by Azmin and the PR propagandists.

    Now the sweet and completely useless Cik Nur Izzah is not doing much but posing with her ex-con Papa.

    Xiean is right. While the country is engulfed by economic fire, the GSOS just like Nero is compeletely oblivious to the situation, choosing to plot to seize power. In my view he is Malaysia's Public Enemy No 1.

    It is quite clear that what GSOS is trying to do. Playing mind games and buying time. He knows AAB won't cal for an emergency session just to have a vote of no confidence. As such, GSOS has until Oct 23rd to get the required MPs to crossover before the Parliament restarts. In meantime GSOS will accuse AAB of not allowing a peaceful power transfer. If I am AAB, I will call for an emergency session tomorrow and call GSOS' bluff and kill his credibility for once for all.


  33. Killer

    He knows AAB won't cal for an emergency session just to have a vote of no confidence.As such, GSOS has until Oct 23rd to get the required MPs to crossover before the Parliament restarts.
    Did this cross your mind that he's calling for an emergency parliamentary vote of no confidence falls on tuesday 23rd oct . That this coincides with his sodomy case hearing which also falls on that date ! That he can again refused to attend court hearings due to the vote of NC ? That he again can play that card ! so this boils down to this .Why can't he wait until parliament convenes immediately after Hari Raya which is just about two weeks away ! Why does he need to push for it to be on tuesday ? Why can't it be after his court hearing ?
    My guess would be as good as yours , another DECEPTION in the making of playing mind games .
    I feel your bad karmic reactions are coming back to you ,very soon . You'll never be PM , never !!!.

  34. xiean

    meet up with you after the MCA party elections ie after oct18

  35. Newsflash: Dato Seri Anwar berjaya dapat 42 kerusi tambahan. 18 dari Ikea , 14 dari Courts dan 10 dari Fella Design.

    Maaf Zahir dan Batin .

  36. Ni angan2 dia saja. Dengan harapan nanti bila orang dah dengar dia cakap macam ni, orang jadi kelam kabut, lepas tu kalau ada mana2 MP yang jenis tamak lepas tu takut2 dengan keadaan ni cepat2 melompat. Malangnya plan dia tak menjadi. Sekarang dia penat nak berdalih. Dalih lagi Anwar!!

  37. lallang exile

    I am surprised you labelled me an Anwar supporter in Susan's blog !

  38. Hi lallang exile

    Here is a thought experiment:

    Which of the following teams do you prefer? AAB-Najib(-Khairy) or

    If a PR govt does not emerge
    from the current political battles,
    give me Razaleigh-Muhyiddin anytime! The first team is "leading" us on the road to
    Zimbabwedom. Dr M knows this and hence his urgency in pushing for such a change.

    Phua Kai Lit

  39. This is too much. He's a sneaky little snake. He promised the nation a new government 16 september. And he failed. period. No amount of excuses can cover that. and now he brings forward the joke to 23 september?!
    when will he stop?

  40. Phua

    By no stretch of imagination Malaysia is heading toward Zimbabwe, be it economically or in terms of democracy. The fact is the country just has seen an unprecedented increase in the representation of the Opposition in the Parliament. Only a moron or a card-carrying member of the Anwarista Cheerleaders Club or an employee of the Great Snake Oil Sdn Bhd would swallow such utter nonsence.

    However, it does occur to me that under GSOS we might in fact catch with Zimbabwe in a couple of years at most.

    Chaptokam : Oh, I didnt realise the significance of the date...sneaky little bastard isn't this GSOS....All the talk about new Dawn is just snake oil sales talk, all he is interested is in power and saving his sorry posterior...

  41. Dear Killer

    With all due respect to you,
    you can say what you like in your
    diehard defense of the FIL-SIL kleptocracy. March 8 and Permatang Pauh earthquakes occurred in spite of the machinations of the regime.
    More earthquakes are on the way.

    In my opinion, what Dr M writes in his website about FIL and SIL has greater credibility than what you write in their defence. (And I am not a Dr M fan. I wrote earlier that 30% of what he has done is good and 70% is bad - with apologies to the Chinese Communist Party's evaluation of Mao's deeds).
    Don't blame all of AAB's plunging popularity on Anwar's manoeuvering. Dr M's writings should also be accorded much of the credit!

    Phua Kai Lit

  42. Hi Killer 12:08 pm

    I forgot to add that we Malaysians are also currently enjoying a very high rate of (self-inflicted) inflation thanks to AAB's drastic
    hike in petrol prices.

    Cheerio and enjoy your next RM4 or RM4.50 plate of mixed rice!

    Phua Kai Lit (just another one of those Malaysian morons with PhD
    degrees who keep warning about the FIL-SIL regime's taking us on the road to Zimbabwedom)

  43. Phua

    Perhaps you had forgetton to add that we are not the only country is under pressure from very high inflation rate. Try to crawl out of that cocunut shell once in a while and peek out at the rest of the world.

    Keptocracy or not, I can live with it but I would not accept a katakcracy for sure.

    Be clear that unlike the zombie-like cult called Anwaristas, I do not think AAB is the greatest thing the sliced bread. He has his share of blunders and weakness but credit has to be given where it is due. He might been slow but if you remove the political blinkers, his contribution to the expansion of the democractic space, free speech, media freedom and curbing of political influence on GLCs has not been insignificant. As I said, if not for AAB Anwar would a member of prison rather than a member of parliament.

    I would hardly call PP as an earthquake when the margin of victory was hardly a big improvement over GE result. Moreover it is not like he won in a nuetral place or BN stronghold. PP can hardly be called as a barometer of national psyche.

  44. Phua

    Have to agree with killer on these few issues relating to inflation ;
    We are not the only country having high inflation . And at times prices are determined by unscrupulous vendors .
    For eg RM4 or RM4.50 plate of mixed rice! I'm sure that's KL prices but you can get a similar plate of fried rice , mixed rice , char keoy teow for RM3 to RM3.50 with eggs and medium size prawns Penang Prices . Remember the last time they riase sugar prices by 10 cents a kilo . The coffee shops raised their coffee 10 cts a cup .

    On AAB he has his share of blunders and weakness but credit has to be given where it is due. I also agree with killer on this point .His contribution to the expansion of the democratic space, free speech, media freedom and curbing of political influence has been commendable . As I see it ,if not for AAB Anwar would a member of prison rather than a member of parliament , there will be ops lallang 2 immediately after PRU12 followed by NOC . He accepted that defeat that BN could not secure two thirds majority in parliament . He accepted the loss of five state governments . What else do you want him to do ? Commit hara kiri ? If it was TDM what do you think would have happen after PRU12 ?

  45. Hi Killer 4:47 pm

    1. Having lived for 17 years in the
    USA, I have decided to return and crawl under the Malaysian coconut shell. There's no place like
    the Malaysian coconut shell for a home! I have no regrets about coming home (except for the sorry state of our semi-democracy, or should I say, pseudo-democracy :(

    2. Yes, inflation is a worldwide phenomenon. But in Malaysia, it has been worsened by an ill-conceived drastic petrol price hike by a PM-cum-Finance Minister who reportedly failed
    introductory economics while a student at University of Malaya

    3. Yes, I do agree that AAB is an improvement over Dr M in that there has been some degree of glasnost in Malaysia. Credit where credit is due. But the recent ISA arrests of the Sin Chew reporter and Teresa Kok are signs of "three steps forward and two steps back".

    4. We (myself, you, chaptokam, xiean, kittykat etc) are all Malaysian patriots. We just happen to disagree politically.
    If I am a BN supporter (which I am not, of course), I would push for the following:

    -- AAB hands over power to Tengku Razaleigh immediately
    -- Reformers in BN to form a govt of national unity with the PR (my social democratic friends will shake their heads at this suggestion of mine!)
    -- Immediately convene a meeting of experts in economics and finance
    to draw up plans to deal with the
    impending economic crisis
    -- BN-PR Unity Govt to carry out other pressing reforms i.e. anti-corruption drive, depoliticise and reform the police, judiciary etc
    -- BN-PR Unity Govt to take immediate steps to help poor Malaysians who are hard hit by inflation
    -- BN component parties should oust their incompetent and corrupt leaders and replace them with reformers like Zaid
    so as to regain political support

    Phua Kai Lit
