
Sunday, July 20, 2008

The nose of Anwar Ibrahim

Yesterday was a quiet day, as it should be, being a lovely Saturday. It signalled the beginning of the weekend and the near completion of the working week that has gone by - the week being the time period by which working people plan their immediate cycle of activities. Yes, people, especially (most of) those who work in organizations, start to wind down mentally.

I did likewise, putting my feet (virtually) on the table and a stubbie in my left hand, with cashew nuts by my right, to read Malaysiakini at leisure, and was delighted to find it telling us glad tidings, that Anwar hits the road again.

Malaysiakini reported that “… Barely 48 hours after being released from police custody, Anwar Ibrahim is back on the road again to continue his whirlwind tour throughout the country.”

It’s wonderful to know that his ‘hurt’ back is no longer troubling him after a horrendous night in police custody. My faith in the surgical skills of that one-only German surgeon, who operated on Anwar’s back, has been restored.

But of course, in his ‘man man lai’ regaling of the crowd at Cheng, Malacca, we learn from Malaysiakini that Anwar repeatedly stressed on his
‘ordeal’ during the arrest such as sleeping on the concrete floor and how he was stripped naked during a medical examination and almost photographed in the nude.

As I said earlier, I am glad his back has improved, almost miraculously as to enable him to travel not only to just Malacca, but as Malaysiakini described it, “…his whirlwind tour throughout the country.”

But on the other hand, maybe he might still be experiencing some pain even as he continues his nationwide campaign. What a brave man!

But then in another Malaysiakini news article Hospital: He was not stripped naked, Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain, the director of the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), confirmed that Anwar Ibrahim was not made to strip naked.

She stated: At no time throughout the examination was his decency violated.”

This was what Malaysiakini published:

Zaininah said that prior to the examination, two specialists had explained in detail the examination procedures to Anwar in the presence of his lawyer.

“Only after having obtained his written consent did they proceed with the examination,” she said.

After signing the necessary documents, Anwar was examined by two specialists whom Zaininah described had “adhered to proper clinical procedures during the whole course of the examination”.

But after he was released from overnight police custody and again at Malacca, Anwar told a different story, that he was stripped naked during the medical examination.

Only one of them can be telling the truth!

Anyway, while you undoubtedly will decide who has been fibbing, let's get back to the 'man man lai' speech.

Anwar promised the audience: “When I refused to be photographed, they said I was not cooperative. Well, when we take over and arrest Najib, let's see if he is willing to be photographed.”

Wow - “… when we take over …”! But when?

Malaysiakini also commented that in his 'man man lai' speech, Anwar has very little new material to his repertoire (what an apt word!), but he focused on casting doubts on the investigation of the sodomy allegations, which kaytee acknowledges is his basic right.

However, he also stoked public anger at the government's decision to raise fuel prices, which kaytee believes is mere political sh*t-stirring, admittedly the role of the opposition in a democracy, but considered as cheap and at times economically-irresponsible shots. A responsible opposition has to draw the ethical line somewhere.

I read that in 1974 when Anwar was in Abim, he was arrested and incarcerated under the ISA for political activism in support of farmers for their poverty (and hunger) in Baling. I admire such commendable stand for justice.

But when he was in government, even when in charge of Agriculture (1984), and then Finance (1991) and as DPM (1993), I wonder what happened to his outside-the-government stand for the Baling farmers?

Did he use his high & mighty UMNO-government offices to translate his Abim championship of the farmers into something solid for those petani petani? Or, did he forget completey about them?

Aiyah, it’s easy (and cheap) to make all sorts of promises or to act charitable and compassionate when one does not have the responsibility of accounting for the cost, affordability and economic management.

As an example., when Anwar was Finance Minister, the Sarawak State government begged him for a bigger slice of the 5% oil/gas royalties, BUT he said no. Now, outside the UMNO-led government, he says he would give 20%.

As I has blogged in The Haunting of Anwar Ibrahim more than 2 years ago:

… in the recent [2006] campaign in the Sarawak elections, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah put herself and her husband, Anwar Ibrahim, in a highly vulnerable position when she raised the issue of petroleum royalty given to Sarawak in its campaign to the run-up of the May 20 state elections.

Wan Azizah said the people of Sarawak should not be paying more for petroleum products because the state produced the commodity. She claimed that since Sarawak was a large petroleum-producing state, it should be paid more than the five percent royalty it is now receiving.

But her remarks ricocheted adversely on Anwar Ibrahim, who was former deputy premier and finance minister.

Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister George Chan Hong Nam seized on her statements to sarcastically say (words to the effect) it was rich of Wan Azizah to grandstand on the issue when it was Anwar as finance minister who had rejected a request for a bigger petroleum royalty for Sarawak - see Malaysiakini Deputy CM: 'Why didn't Anwar give us more?'.

Chan revealed: "When he (Anwar) was the finance minister, I myself asked for an increment in the petroleum royalty but he didn't give. Why is his party talking about it now?”

"I asked for more development for Sarawak because we don't have enough (development) and he also did not want to give (allocations). Why is PKR talking about it now? Why didn't he give us more when he was in power? Now he is no more in power, he can talk." […]

Chan said PKR had no right to manipulate and misrepresent the issue to the people as it was Anwar who had rejected Sarawak's request for the oil royalty increment.

Yes. … Former Bar president Zainur Zakaria said this of Anwar, when the ex-deputy premier had claimed to have been helpless to make changes while in government. He asked (of Anwar):

“But look, you were there (in government) for 16 years. Then, what were you doing all those years? What did you actually do when you claimed you couldn’t do anything?”

As I blogged in
Zainur Zakaria Zapped AAB & Anwar Ibrahim, Zainur then showed Anwar the honourable example.

“(Former deputy premier) Musa Hitam resigned on a matter of principle because he couldn’t agree with Mahathir. If Anwar doesn’t agree with Mahathir, why didn't he resign?”

He stated that the option to quit the cabinet could be taken by any member of the cabinet if they disagree with a decision. Therefore Anwar Ibrahim cannot simply shrug off his participation and responsibility in the old Mahathir cabinet.

I had blogged that every time Anwar condemns Mahathir, he cuts off a slice of his own nose.

OK, be all these as they may be, I can't do much about his nose but at least I can wish him well that his back won’t trouble him too much.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes but we all know how many people are threatened if they don't follow orders.

  3. negative bah

  4. Anon of 9:35 am left a comment - I have edited it slightly, as follows:

    "I had worked under Datuk Dr Zaininah, and i must say that she is one boss that is humble, strict in her work, very professional and fair. And i can say most doctors who worked in Penang hospital and KLGH will say the same thing. So when she produced the statement, i believed her. I also believe that the specialists involved are also very professional. So Mr Anwar is just [deleted], he will say anything to suit himself. By attacking the medical community, is by implying that our doctors are substandard and unprofessional. So now, Mr Anwar and gang want to bring down the doctors too? [edeleted]"

  5. I know Dr Zaininah well fom Penang for whom I have respect. Obviously she was asked to make that statement appearing front page in NST. I am sure she must bbe embarassed. What she said is correct-follow the procedure after been explained by the two specialists. She NEVER said he was not stipped naked. Please tell me how do you examine the private parts without stripping the person? Therefore why do we brand Anwar a liar unless we really hate him and out to discredit him. My old man taught me fitnah is worse than murder.

  6. another anwar bashing article.
    looks like you are as desperate as the mainstream papers under the orders of UMNO goons.
    having said that, your rights. this is your blog.

  7. Yes,in a political scenario, it is just like playing strategical game. If Anwar could have given in to Sarawak request when he was DPM and Finance Minister, he would not be serving 16 years that long in BN, most probably at that time Mahathir or UMNO would kick him out for good, as we can see later how he was kicked out in 1998. So do not blame Anwar was not reacting to the request as he had to play along with the UMNO agenda. What more shocking is the Sarawak today still be part of BN and just talking for its long overdue increment oil royalty but no action to pull out from BN. Do no blame others, Sarawak has all the power to tell BN or UMNO to increase the oil royalty and face the consequences if not being entertained.

  8. You're definitely a sickophant, kaytee. How come you hardly ever bash Najib?

  9. Kpd Ktemoc,

    insaflah sebelum terlambat!
    hentikanlah segala fitnah terhadap DSAI!

  10. yup agreed, this blogger has no proper suggestion, he keep bashing DSAI without properr reason as though we can get GOD to be our PM!

    he never mention, if not for DSAI, we are all facing the prospect of a womanising Murderer as our PM!

    And one that has PROMISED he will bathe chinese blood with his Keris !!!!

    At least DSAI has changed!!! You have a current racist, womanising murderer as our potential PM!!

    So all of you who criticise DSAI, think about the 'real' alternative!!!

    Dont criticise without commenting on our real alternative!!!

    Without DSAI, we are getting Najis or shit to be PM!!!

  11. (1) this post on anwar, and many previous ones, have been based on MKINI news article - so if you want to take issue with the veracity of the news, take it up with MKINI - tell Steven Gan not to publish anything not complimentary to anwar - have only articles like those from Kim Quek, or Salehuddin Hussein or Nat Tan etc - in fact, change the name of the news portal to Anwarkini ;-)

    (2) quote "If Anwar could have given in to Sarawak request when he was DPM and Finance Minister, he would not be serving 16 years that long in BN, most probably at that time Mahathir or UMNO would kick him out for good"

    you make excuses for anwar's awful performances (and lack of moral courage) in various ministerial positions, particularly when he was No 2 man in UMNO/kerajaan - he did nothing when he was in a powerful position to do so, but now claims he has a reformasi program - poorah, you expect me to believe him? - and why don't you anwaristas extend that charitable understanding to others like najib wakakaka and the other umno ministers - ;-) who knows, maybe when they aren't afraid anymore like anwar (like when najib becomes PM) ;-) they might even show they have a better reformasi package wakakaka

    (3) likewise, on the basis of fairness which you claimed to have oozes of, if najib is rumoured to be a murderer, why isn't anwar what he has been alleged to be, a sodomite?

    But if anwar is innocent until proven guilty, why don't you extend that same principle of the law to najib?

    surely what's good for the goose should be also good for the gander!

  12. Oh, i forgot, and don't think najib or hisamuddin were the only 2 UMNO ministers to threaten to whack chinese ... anwar was an UMNO jingoistic nationalist with worse utterances - admittedly he didn't wave the keris, but with his hurtful words he didn't need to - each and everyone of his melayu-speak was a poisonous keris

  13. Hishamudin is an idiot still using Keris in these 21 century

    Najip have gone way miles forward use C4 :-)

    Anwar indeed have gone backward !!
    no keris no C4 :-) but after few years in jail .... he is now closer to an ordinaly guy and which is more rakyat friendly leader

    An you Ktemoc ... Have gone crazy become an agent of UMNO :-) because Anwar really a real treat !!

  14. ;-) you guys see the world in just black and white - so if i whack anwar i must be an UMNO goon or agent; now what if I whack UMNO personalities, what would I be then? God forbid, an anwarista?

    the reality is those who deserves to be whacked should be whacked; and the priority of who to whack first shall be in accordance with the decision of the blogger

    ever heard of the military principles of war, like 'selection and maintenance of aim' and 'concentration of effort'?

  15. KTemoc

    You are the man!

    I say again, you are the man!

  16. Agree, Anwar is change man, but form bad to worst

  17. When I hear the song "Desperado", it reminds me of Anwar lah. PM now already lah if he didnt take on Dr M in 1997. Why? Desperado!!!!

  18. I am having a back pain for sometimes, though I have little sleep, I could not lie on bed longer-it makes it worse! But if I jump out of bed , it's ok then. I wonder if it is the same for all back pain sufferers.

  19. In Malaysia ,'hypocrisy is the best policy'.

    There are mostly hypocrites in the Malaysian Parliment who consider their position there a 'stepping- stone' for swindling the nations wealth.

    They are 'sheeps in wolves clothing'. Who will come and tear their robes away and send them out from there?

  20. It is our CIA's opinion that this Anwar Ibrahim is a moronic asshole. Why? He wasted a lot of our time trying to help him become PM. Just when he is about to get there after all our hard work of holding "carrots" to those potential "MP switch overs", his dick got mischevious. This DNA delay is to BN's advantage as time delayed dampens everyone's mood. At this juncture, we can only say "WHAT A DICK!"

  21. Why don't you write book on Anwar, since, you love his as* so much. Your negative views on him are so appalling that one will think the BN mongrels are all saints! Come out of it my friend, remember this saying. "He who has not sinned cast the first stone."
    One thing I am very, very sure, with you throwing all your shit on him, he will not behave like your political masters and c-4 you!!!

  22. Bismilah Hir Rahman Nir Rahim
    Please be wisely ok .When u are in BN second man in malaysia u have to refer to no 1 ( TUN NAHATHIR) what u can get from him . And present situation is reverse Saudara DSAI want to be no 1 in malaysia so tune must be a bit difference . Please conment in sence ok

  23. Ktemoc,

    Mkini is an option to expose untold news and story from other side.

    MSM has been fucking indeed BIAS!
    Are you agreed with me ? Pls answer

    Is Tun M derserve to be whacked after all he have done in judicialy for 22 years ? Pls answer

    Is Badawi deserve to be whack after 2004 mandate to him. He have failed miserably to reform Malaysia ? Pls answer

    i am not going to ask anyfurther questions further .... because you answer is NO ...NO ... NO ... hell a lot of NO :-)

    I see world in Full High Defination

    Cheers mate, continue to fight for UMno

  24. i am taking no side, but based on the existing information, my logical thinking tend to beleive DSAI than Najis and Shaiful. I can't convince myself Najis has noting to do with this with all the facts. Worst thing, why no invetigation seen on Najis on murder issue which there are so many suspect connecting to him ( even blind ppl can smell the rat. DSAI might play some political game ( who doesn't in politic), but a murderer and dirty conspiracy will not be my choice

  25. Notice the spindoctoring 'at no time was his sense of decency violated'. That does not mean they not check his goolies & penis for birth or prominent marks.

    When I go for my annual full-medical chec-up the doc will still cup my goolies and ask me to cough and wear gloves to probe where the sun don't shine. 'My sense of decency' is not compromised since it is a necessary part of the examination.

    And what, in an alleged sex crime case, they examined his body parts while he was fully clothed and in his underwear?

    This begs belief. Of course they did not 'strip' him. But they would have asked him to change into those green or blue skimpy gowns sans the boxer shorts?

    See how spindoctoring has also reached the doctors?

  26. A lot people voted PR, not that they are better but to teach BN a lesson and the aims was already accomplish. However PR took the mandate as a God given right to bring down the country administration. Anwar's actions and Bollywood drama is not acceptable by the people.

  27. i wonder how old is this "ktemoc", he sounds like a broken record, im pretty sure he is under 25. why waste time arguing with him, grow up ktemoc, n try to be a proud malaysian.


  28. ah yo,yo!!! Wah pi ospital,,HKL AS AN OUTPATIENT,,sakit d pundi kencing,,the female doctor touches my balls,,,,THe Director General of Hospital,,,ta' kisah pon,,,!!!


  30. Lame, Mr KT, lame ....

    And not only lame, but cheapshots .. your feeble attempts at trying to justify your anti Anwar diatribe.

    I too, am beginning to suspect, you are just a young f*%t who is too full of himself.

    Luckily, the intelligence of your readers have restored my faith in Malaysians. hey are just smarter than you think.

  31. I dont know whether Mr KT is suffering from Anwarphobia. Hardly target other morons. Weird isnt it? Biased isnt it? Yes, I agree with Mr Benny. I, too suffer from backpain but after moving around the pain does not bother me. I always believe that if the spirit is willing and one is determined to do what one sets out to do, pain is never a deterrent. Give Mr. Anwar a break.

  32. you and your good fren Jed Yoong are hired Bloggers... from the pro-blog project

    what is your salary - 3,333 rm per month? sponsored by BN right?

  33. Ktemoc,
    I'm definitely no Anwarista, but I think your sneering over Anwar's complaint on the aggrevation of his bad back is uncalled for.

    Do you have any elderly family members or someone close to you who has a bad back ?

    In about 1/3 of the cases, the pain and suffering mainly occurs when someone is trying to sleep, lie down or bend over, NOT when walking upright. It leads to difficulty and suffering in attempting to sleep or rest, or carry any heavy object but the person can still carry out his daily activities.

    A really unusual form of torture, if you think about it, but its no joke to the sufferer.

  34. this the latest article posted by RPK in MT

    “It may cause internal injuries to the bone and brain,” Dr Muhammad Borhan

    “I can presume that the injuries were severe as the signs were still there after twelve days. I am not sure that the injuries are lethal, but they could be serious. It may cause internal injuries to the bone and brain.”

    I feel that internal injuries to the bone might not hold water , BUT internal injuries to the brain well I don’t quite buy the idea , however if it is injury to the brain yes that is very possible .

    I have seen people who had part of their brain removed due to tumour or accidents . they still survived , only that the human receptors like the hands , legs or other parts of the human body where the section of the brain which was removed controlled those parts, will be affected .

    The other reason why I said Anwar could not have suffered brain internal injuries or brain damage is that he does not show any symptoms of mental disorders and physical disabilities caused by mental disorders .

    However he does show some psychological change . The Anwar of today is totally different from the Anwar of yesteryears . Today he is full of vengence , something really burning deep inside , wants to get what he wants at all costs without due consideration for the welfare of Malaysians affected when two bulls lock horns , the grass underneath will all be trampled . You can see from his mannerism , his speech etc are all design to whip up public sympathy for him , as what RPK said cult culture but I wish to go further , worshipped like a god . He is so good at deflection that his problems are all caused by his enemies and he will create scenes whereby people will fall for it and believe that his enemies created all his problems .

    Another Hitler in the making ? Hitler commanded that sort of a charisma where people are willing to sacrifice for him and die for him . They would shout Heil Hitler at his photo , at the Nazi flag . They would even betray their next of kin to the Gestapo should they dissent .They believed he would rule the world . In the end , millions of Germans and people of other nations died in the believe that he was invincible . He too had to die in the end .

    This is exactly what is happening now .

    RPK also realised that and parted ways with him . I too have seen the real him behind his mask ..

  35. Anonymous said...

    I know Dr Zaininah well fom Penang for whom I have respect. Obviously she was asked to make that statement appearing front page in NST. I am sure she must bbe embarassed. What she said is correct-follow the procedure after been explained by the two specialists. She NEVER said he was not stipped naked. Please tell me how do you examine the private parts without stripping the person?

    Dr Zainanah is correct when she said Anwar was not asked to strip .

    Do you all think this is a strip Show ??? Anyone can just ask you to strip ? You strip ? I wouldn't mind if a woman asked me to , in a room just me and her .
    Like what Blogger donplaypuks® said...they did not 'strip' him. But they would have asked him to change into those green or blue skimpy gowns sans the boxer shorts?

    This is technically correct . You people ever see the series on Astro where the women going for plastic surgery were all wearing green overalls when the surgeon was examining them . They were not asked to strip naked by the doctor or by the surgeon .

    Come on Anonymous , if you said you know Dr Zaininah well fom Penang for whom I have respect, you should know the examining procedure of the hospital especially that Anwar is a very special case and everyone is watching .

    And by the way Is Anwar so stupid to strip as required by the doctors ?? Don't you think he would so stupidly comply and then make a big wow wow about it outside ?? More like why should I Anwar strip , I refuse to strip .

    So the above that they would have asked him to change into those green or blue skimpy gowns holds .

    Therefore Anwar is not telling the truth .

  36. The authorities also made an attempt to deny Anwar was arrested using the Balaclava-clad goon-squad.

    Unfortunately that failed, because the pictures of the incident were plastered all over the newspapers the next morning.

    Even if they had tried to stop the MSM from publishing it, it would have been all over the blogs.

  37. Ya to all those who brand Anwar whackers as UMNO goons or whatever , therefore all those who similary categorise us as such can be termed as Anwar goons .

    And to those who still question whether Anwar 60 yrs old with his back surgery or back pain can sodomise a young 23yrs old Saiful !!

    This is my response .

    Anwar's back surgery has obviously rectifed his slip disc condition which was giving him back pains . Similarly a guy who has a knee cap replacement thru surgery will undergo psychotheraphy within one week of operation and should be walking within two weeks . In other words Anwar back surgery should not be a factor now as the surgery was done a few years ago .

    As for subdueing a six footer , I feel he was never subdue . Imagine a guy who joined Anwar's team gets promoted to his aide within three months is something to think about . I believed Saiful if you look at him carefully looks like a homosexual and I have reasons to believe that they were taking their time to enjoy it together and was never subdue and many were led to believe . If I am not mistaken there were as many as six or eight times . And this led many to question why Saiful only chose to report now and not the first time when he was sodomised . That is one question on everyone lips and only Saiful can answer that .

    On whether Anwar could still sustain a erection , should ask Chua SL as he is about the same age as Anwar . A 100 mg viagra should do it , it comes in various gm starting from 50,100,200and 500gm. Normal usage is aroung 50 to 100 for those still able to sustain an erection but not hard enough . This should be able to last for a few rounds .

    On whether penetration is possible when the anus is hole is small and tight . Assuming that Saiful is a virgin and the hole is small , yes the anus is small but it can expand as in the case when you are shitting hard stools . The hard stools when it comes out is roughly the diameter of the penis and it is hard and long . Of course it is tight and that's where the pleasure comes from .

    Imagine the womans vagina , it can expand until the size of the head of the baby . Same explanation here . All it needs is some lubricant

    Anwar's back surgery has obviously rectifed his slip disc condition which was giving him back pains . Similarly a guy who has a knee cap replacement thru surgery will undergo physiotheraphy within one week of operation and should be walking within two weeks . In other words Anwar back surgery should not be a factor now as the surgery was done a few years ago .

    As for subdueing a six footer , I feel he was never subdue . Imagine a guy who joined Anwar's team gets promoted to his aide within three months is something to think about . I believed Saiful if you look at him carefully looks like a homosexual and I have reasons to believe that they were taking their time to enjoy it together and was never subdue and many were led to believe . If I am not mistaken there were as many as six or eight times . And this led many to question why Saiful only chose to report now and not the first time when he was sodomised . That is one question on everyone lips and only Saiful can answer that .

    On whether Anwar could still sustain a erection , should ask Chua SL as he is about the same age as Anwar . A 100 mg viagra should do it , it comes in various gm starting from 50,100,200and 500gm. Normal usage is aroung 50 to 100 for those still able to sustain an erection but not hard enough . This should be able to last for a few rounds .

    On whether penetration is possible when the anus is hole is small and tight . Assuming that Saiful is a virgin and the hole is small , yes the anus is small but it can expand as in the case when you are shitting hard stools . The hard stools when it comes out is roughly the diameter of the penis and it is hard and long . Of course it is tight and that's where the pleasure comes from .

    Imagine the womans vagina , it can expand until the size of the head of the baby . Same explanation here . All it needs is some lubricant

  38. Oh, wow, Chaptokam....cyber-trooper ?

  39. KT is right on the back pain.

    I am a victim of the back pain. Any sufferer will tell you that climbing up the staircase and getting in and out of the car is hell. Standing for a long time will only make the condition worst. Its will be best to lay on a flat surface when the pain occur.

    Its is another Anwar's Bollywood drama

  40. Aiya KT boy, I don't know what is your problem with AI, but you seem to have a bone to pick with him.
    You need to be more objective if you want your blog to be credible.

  41. Kaytee is a paedophile. He likes anal sex with 15-year-olds like me. He tapes the sessions and watches 'em with cashew nuts and beer to wank off when not getting his secretary and junior staff to give him blowjobs in his "organization".

  42. Anonymous said...

    KT is right on the back pain.

    I am a victim of the back pain.

    Let me advise you to go swimming , ya swimming , thats where your whole body moves particulary your spinal cord . Do it for a few months regularly and let me know . I too have back pain for a few years due to lifting heavy objects . Sleeping stright helps to relieve you pains but not to cure it . It is normally caused by the d5 or d6 of your spinal cord . If you see a orthopedic specialist they will recommend surgery or to the physiotherapist or at best take a pain killer celebrex one tablet a day should cover your pain for the whole day .

  43. you must understand, when anwar is in bn, there are so many still on top of him, and when he became dpm, there's still mahathir to overcome. so even if he's willing to up > 5% royalty, he needs to answerable to his boss. but when he becomes pm via pkr ticket, is different scenario.

    you say he's "dark knight" within umno at that time, he has to feign his arrogance and apathy to impress the mindless and corrupted umno before he reaches the top to clean them out. like nurul izzah said before that when she asked anwar why there's still inflation and bail out during anwar is finance minster, anwar replied "what can he do" ......

  44. I think Anwar relies on assg**m for back pain relief hehe

  45. Anonymous said...

    Oh, wow, Chaptokam....cyber-trooper ?

    Brother I am no cybertrooper Not paid cyber trooper . Just want to kwai lan only .hahaha Not align to anybody , I whack TDM , Najib , Matthias , etc who talk cock .

    Peace my friend . have a nice weekend .

  46. Hi chaptokam,

    Thanks for your advise.

    I am doing the back exercise recommended by my physical therapist to strengthen my back muscles. Its is ok now but I still continue with the exercise.

    You got the latest from our friend that Sept 16 may not be achievable and talking about general election soon. He will never stop the rubbish lah.

  47. To Anonymous
    Btw glad to know you are ok now with your back pain . Me too I'm ok now . What i do is the moment there's a slight pain I 'll quickly go for a massage . It helps , only problem is got to pay for it .

    Yep I have read about that , he will keep on bullshitting and his tours are all design to put pressure on the govt not to take action against him on the sodomy case . The moment he stops he know's they are going to act against him . If they act against him now he knows the rakyat will scream political conspiracy .

  48. It may be true that Anwar did not approve the request of higher oil royalty for Sarawak 10 or 15 years ago, but this is not a valid reason to argue that he is merely playing the populist card claiming that he will do it now. The point is not that he has no accountability as an opposition leader, but whether he will honor his promise shall the BN fall and he becomes the prime minister. I would rather have someone on the helm who responds to the reasonable demand of the people under pressure than someone who keeps playing the racial card and who keeps a corrupted cadre of racists on the 4th floor of the highest office in the country. The future of Malaysia does not lie with the sick and corrupted racists who have sent the fortune of our countries down the drain but those who dare to speak the ideal of meritocracy and justice for all. So for the moment, I say, MOVE ON ANWAR! MOVE ON PAKATAN RAKYAT!

  49. K Temoc,

    Y remind me of Mr Bulbir Singh from Seremban

  50. Alahai....tengok muka anwar pun dah tahu dia ni penipu.....bila cakap pasal najib sedap-sedap dia kata najib ada kaitan dengan altuntuya...tapi belum dibuktikan di mahkamah....bila kita kata anwar kaki liwat pasal ada aduan...2 kes...dia marah..penyokong dia mengamuk......mana ada demokrasi ni? kalau u sedap-sedap cakap najib-c4- altuntuya....kita juga boleh kata...anwar...buntut....adil kan?

    Kepada yang tak yakin anwar 60 tahun tak mampu buat apa-apa dengan saiful...kenapa tidak kita "kurung mereka ni sebilik dengan anwar" selama 10 hari 10 malam....tengok macam mana....8,16,24,36?heheheheh.....dunia-----

  51. The only thing i want to say is no WAY, absolutely no way is DSAI more racist than Najis Razak.

    Najis Razak and Mad Hathir are 10 times worst than DSAI in playing the racial card! I think they will have no qualms starting race riots just to keep UMNO in power.

    I 110% sure DSAI wont do that!

    Adn having said all that , ktmammy, no matter what he writes,

    Malaysians everywhere , prob including all reputable foreigners......

    DSAI will still make a better PM , with all his shortcomings than the next candidate.....the racist, womanising, murderer Najis Razak!

    And that is the final bottomline!!!

    Najiz has a hell lot of explaining to do man! You think just swearing on Allah's name can get you off the hook???

  52. I am not anwar's ma chai,in fact I vote for BN in all my general elections except this year.I believe DSAI DID NOT DO it.This is a plot to stop him.Why???Put it in common sense,if you are in DSAI's shoes,will you do it?????The present ruling party DID mistakes after mistakes since 308.Their perceptions in the eyes of rakyat had gone from bad to worse!!!!DID I mention ruling PARTY??Atcualy BN is UMNO plus 13 telefares!!

  53. KT, your effort - trying to rehabilitate those Anwaraya cult members has thus far met with failure.
    You cannot blame them, as Jim Jones had reminded us about mighty power of words.

  54. It is our CIA's opinion that this Anwar Ibrahim is a moronic asshole. Why? He wasted a lot of our time trying to help him become PM. Just when he is about to get there after all our hard work of holding "carrots" to those potential "MP switch overs", his dick got mischevious. This DNA delay is to BN's advantage as time delayed dampens everyone's mood. At this juncture, we can only say "WHAT A DICK!"

  55. ahh..a good one. Anwar is a political chameleon..can sing different tune to different people. Like when he claimed his life was under threat hence the hide-out in Turkish Embassy..and almost immediately after he went on some nation-wide tour. but then again, he has some thugs of bodyguards.

  56. Jim Jones, ;-) yours would be, thus far, the comment of the post ROTFL

  57. Quote from anon 10:07 PM, July 20

    "DSAI will still make a better PM , with all his shortcomings than the next candidate.....the racist, womanising, murderer Najis Razak!"

    I wonder what's his reaction when people said to him with similar words ...

    "Najib will still make a better PM, with all his shortcomings than the other candidate....the racist, cunning, sodomist DSAI!"

    How's that?

    So, if u don't agree, don't make any judgement before they are proved so ... This only make u appear so stupid and emo ...

  58. dsai is no racist lar, he has cina wife ......

    but about if he's a sodomite, that i donno lor .....

  59. Anwar memang tak guna pun. Jenis pandai bercakap je. Sana sini dia berjanji. Hasilnya belum tentu. Memang betul, masa dia dalam kerajaan tak sehebat mana pun 'perjuangan' dia untuk rakyat. Sekarang bila takda kuasa, bukan main lagi 'prihatin'nya dia. Semua tu bukan apa, nak meraih sokongan je. Memang tak pernah percaya dengan Anwar ni, ular yang bahaya.


    PAS disillusioned with Anwar. Wants joint venture with UMNO. Selangor test case. America consoles Anwar. Will appoint him Chairman of World Gay Association. September 16 to launch World's Gay Day.
