
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kelana Jaya MP bashed by PKR man?

In Malaysiakini news PKR invites ex-MCA leader to join party we are informed that Dr Tan Yee Kew, after serving 20 years in the MCA, has quit the party.

She had been frustrated by the pervasiveness of racial politics, corruption, the economic situation and the ketuanan Melayu dominance of UMNO in the BN. It took her 20 years to come to this realization but I suppose it's better late than never.

PKR wants her, and has enticed her entry into the Anwar Ibrahim’s party by dangling the carrot (or ch'ai t'au) that she will be made chairperson of the Klang Municipal Council.

Dr Tan Yee Kew, who was a former deputy Wanita chief, was a three-term MP for Klang, and needless to say, she would be bloody miffed at being dropped from the candidates list in the 2008 general elections.

But I urge her to look at the silver lining, where as a non candidate for the election, she was spared the public humiliation of the 08 March 2008 massacre.

I would also recommend for her to join the DAP instead – it’s safer because if you read the Star Online, you would discover that the '14-minutes' (from photographer to parliamentarian) man, PKR MP for Kelana Jaya Yang Berhormat Loh Gwo Burne was bashed by a PKR man.

The alleged assailant was said to be a personal aide of an Anwar ‘insider’, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, ADUN for Seri Setia.

Loh was selected personally by Anwar Ibrahim, the PKR de facto leader, immediately after he joined PKR one week before nomination date (and also on the personal urging of Anwar), to stand in the parliamentary seat of Kelana Jaya (effectively meaning he was the ONLY party nominee). He was swept into parliament on the political tsunamic wave.

In this one-sided kungfu fighting episode, Loh had attempted to intercede for some residents who weren’t happy about the construction of a place of worship at Desa Mentari.

He was bashed in the face by allegedly his fellow PKR member.

Being the soft spoken gentleman he has been reputed to be, he even apologized to his alleged assailant for having to report the matter to the police.

But Loh added that PKR should really do something ‘comprehensive’ against his alleged assailant.

Aiyoh, ‘comprehensive’ – such a big word, man, and chillingly so too!

But anyway, perhaps in the light of such intercourse (the verbal type lah) hazards for PKR people, Dr Tan should seriously consider my suggestion to join the DAP. Guaranteed no internal black eye - at most you would be bored to death by the DAP members' prim, proper and prudish mannerism.

See also:
Bahasa Mělayu - a letter to Yang Běrhormat


  1. The person who has the authority to appoint her is from PKR , the Menteri Besar of Selangor . If she joins the DAP no Pengerusi , Majlis Pembangunan Klang . DAP tidak ada kuasa untuk melantik dia . So her objective is very clear , she join PKR not for her beliefs that the party is the right party but for her self interest Lah !!!

    You got your assumptions wrong this time . Forgivable .Further she knew she couldn't win in the coming party elections as there were too many phantoms in her division .

  2. "Loh was selected personally by Anwar Ibrahim, the PKR de facto leader, immediately after he joined PKR one week before nomination date (and also on the personal urging of Anwar), to stand in the parliamentary seat of Kelana Jaya (effectively meaning he was the ONLY party nominee). He was swept into parliament on the political tsunamic wave."

    Point saying. If YB Loh was sincere he would not have offered himself for a parliamentary position knowing he was not ready to serve community. But just like anwar he is only interested in positions and power and not to really serve.

  3. "at most you would be bored to death by the DAP members' prim, proper and prudish mannerism."

    ... or be on the wrong end of factional in-fighting.

    A week before the 838 election, DAP captured some headlines for the wrong reason: your "sweety" Fong Po Kuan, for whatever reason, tarik harga and issued a "final decision" not to contest the Batu Gajah seat.

    One week later, she decided to stand afterall. And she won (well, if Loh Gwo Burne can win...)

    But the bitter aftertaste is still there. What the hell happened? Was it, as many people assumed, that forces in DAP Perak wanted her dropped? Or was it, as some others suggested, the CEC who wanted her dropped? This wasn't mere BN badmouthing, FPK herself did apparently decide to quit. Of course there is the sandiwara theory as well...

    But these things are not new. Kerk Kim Hock comes to mind. As does that poor sap who defected from DAP to MCA some time last year, taking his Negeri Sembilan ADUN seat with him... and the poor sap of course lost his seat after that ;-) There was a minor drama in DAP Pahang as well, driving the chairman of DAP Pahang to the brink of resignation on the eve of the election.

    DAP's reputation for factionalism does put off a lot of people, including someone whom you have a lot of respect for: Dr. Hsu, who even went so far as to say that if factionalism weren't such a big problem in DAP, that Malaysia would have been a two party system years ago.

    What do you have to say about that?

    I understand (and agree) that this is your blog and you can blog about whatever you like. And all of us of course have the right not to read your blog if we don't like it, but I think you do have a lot to offer, so I wish you would stop spending this much time bashing PKR because most *real* people are not actually so enamored with them (or Anwar for that matter...).

    So I think it would be a better use of your time to discuss ways to strengthen DAP, especially addressing the two core problems that the party does have:

    1) internal factionalism
    2) apparent inability to woo a Malay base

    ... especially in light of the entirely new situation that the party finds itself in, holding executive powers.

    If we can solve those two, maybe we can make Dr Hsu's and Raja Petra Kamaruddin's wish come true... and both would then run out of excuses not to join DAP ;-)

  4. "If we can solve those two, maybe we can make Dr Hsu's and Raja Petra Kamaruddin's wish come true... and both would then run out of excuses not to join DAP ;-)"

    err, not that I am saying DAP should woo RPK... sometimes I think even Jeff Ooi may hv been a mistake ;P

    but RPK did say once "Sebenarnya saya sudah lama nak join DAP, tapi... (some excuse stemming from the songkok dramas)", and that was what prompted my semi-facetious comment...

  5. Who are the people in PKR? they are polluted from BN rejects and mostly form UMNO. Probably can call them UMNO 2

    Others who joint them will have no say instead will be punched up.

    Yet, they are shouting FREE SPEECH

    Still some people not able to see the true colour.

  6. Well said you guys I think you have been enlightened .PR still has a long long way to go .with the CULT called PKR .

  7. Did anyone ever raise the possibility that this might be a 'high-level mole'?

  8. "High-level mole"? meaning PKR been intruded with so many moles, nuhhhh! The truth is many high ranking party officials left the party and joined PAS (Ezam not counted).
    But possibility may be raised by no one other than Anwar, because he is living in paranoia.

  9. a non-event of miniscule importance!

  10. Exactly a little storm in a teacup. Don't play it up like the fellow with two Ms to his name. Your own house not in order, nak ungkit hal ini.

    Anyway this aside Mr.Anwar was cool, calm and collected during the big debate and his scintillating self despite attacks on his earlier reformasi days.

    Mr KT, I dont understand why you do the things that you do, always whacking Mr. Anwar. You have an axe to grind with him?

    That aside,I enjoy your postings, juicy and thought provoking. Cheers.
