
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

PKR pre-emptive strike against DAP in Perak

A couple of days ago Malaysiakini reported that Anwar Ibrahim declared Opposition will do well in Sarawak.

I then blogged on that in Anwar Ibrahim re DAP - cakap ta'serupa bikin? where I questioned the sincerity of Anwar Ibrahim and PKR in his party’s demand to contest in the federal seat of Ipoh Timur, which is currently held by DAP’s Lim Kit Siang.

Lim is already severely confronted by the Election Commission’s redrawing of the electoral constituency’s boundaries which will favour the BN. Additionally there is the unexplained but significantly increased in the number of postal votes, in a place where there is no nearby army or police camp. As I had described – a powerful phantom army awaits to deal Lim Kit Siang a terrifying blow to his chances of being re-elected.

So the PKR’s demand for Ipoh Timur reeks of equine poo, the Trojan type, a gross betrayal to Lim Kit Siang.

Now, I read in the Star Online that PKR introduces state candidates in Perak. However, to be fair I note also in the Star a modicum of back-pedalling by PKR's Dr Lee regarding the Ipoh Timur seat. He would be wise to do so as the Perak Chinese are already disgusted by his disrespect for Lim Kit Siang.

The Star continued:

The DAP-Parti Keadilan Rakyat seat talks in Perak have yet to be concluded but PKR has started introducing potential candidates for the general election.

Making their rounds at the Kampung Simee market here yesterday, Ipoh Timur PKR division chief Vincent Chun was introduced as candidate for the Canning state seat while his vice-chief Lee Sing Long was named the potential contestant for the Tebing Tinggi state constituency.


Dr Lee said PKR had asked to fight in three of the nine state seats under the Ipoh Timur, Ipoh Barat and Batu Gajah parliamentary constituencies.

On whether his party was preparing for three-way fights, Dr Lee said they were hoping for the best but were preparing for the worst.

It’s the typically despicable PKR style of negotiating with DAP, through the press before the party-to-party negotiations have even been settled, and probably without informing the DAP as well. I don’t think PKR is a party which knows the meaning of confidential party-to-party negotiations.

And let's not forget that the party's self declared de facto head is none other Mr Silver Tongue who has been strangely tongue-tied on his party's Perak preemptive pronoucements, other then to claim a glib but meaningless Opposition will do well in Sarawak.

That the federal seats of Ipoh Timur, Ipoh Barat and Batu Gajah are currently held by three DAP MPs, Lim Kit Siang, M Kulasegaran and Fong Po Kuan, doesn't seem to elicit some respect from a so-called DAP ally, where surely the state seats within those parliamentary seats should by logic go to the DAP, unless of course if it's a Malay-majority seat which, as agreed between the DAP and Anwar, would be contested by PKR.

If the PKR has so pompously claimed it is a multiracial party, why then should Dr Lee fight with the DAP over Chinese-majority seats. The party nominees for elections should contest in those Malay-majority seats like Ijok - if you ask Nallakarapan, he would still agree.

And afterall, hasn't the DAP been accused of being just a Chinese-based party, even by some sneering PKR members - don't believe me that the DAP is considered as just a Chinese-based party? - please ask Karpal Singh, Kulasegaraqn and various previous DAP federal and state representatives whose names didn't start with Tan, Lim, Lee etc.

Or is the PKR is just like the BN with its 'UMNO' (very 'yes' here), 'MCA' (hahaha) and a depleted 'MIC'?


  1. Hi KT,

    To your question, "Or is the PKR is just like the BN with its 'UMNO' (very 'yes' here), 'MCA' (hahaha) and a depleted 'MIC'?", my answer is YES, from my observations in Ijok.

    I also agree with you that PKR should contest in Malay-majority or mix seats since it keeps proclaiming it's multi-racial while DAP is a cina party. It is exactly because DAP is in effect a Cina party that it should be given priority to contest in Chinese-majority seats.

    PKR Chinese should also grow up. Who do they think they are? DAP has been around for so long and LKS has fought so many battles. The Chinese saying is "mo tai mo sai" (no elder/older/bigger, no younger/smaller -- meaning a junior is disrespecting an elder). The Malay saying is "kurang ajar".

  2. Lee Boon Chai the soh chai would do well to first conduct a random survey to gauge the Ipoh Timur constituents as to the depth of their support for the PKR. He should also be reminded of the vast number of PKR candidates who lost their deposits in the 2004 GE
