
Monday, January 28, 2008

How may Anwar Ibrahim shed light on Lingam tape affair?

Malaysiakini tells us that Anwar Ibrahim today released a ‘third segment’ of the Lingam video.

Apparently the new five-minute clip was given (but by whom???) to Anwar Ibrahim, whom Malaysiakini termed as the ‘opposition leader’.

Excuuuuuse me, I was under the impression that Lim Kit Siang IS the ‘opposition leader’, while Anwar Ibrahim does not hold a position in Parliament. Is Malaysiakini confused or has one of its reporters been a wee too anxious?

Anyway, Anwar said: “This clip adduces additional evidence that the conspiracy currently being investigated by the royal commission extends beyond the attempt to fix the appointment of (former chief justice) Ahmad Fairuz (Sheikh Abdul Halim) to the Federal Court.”

Wow, but I heard rumours from BN personalities that UMNO occasionally leaks ‘inside info’ to Anwar via a certain PKR leng chai who continues to ‘liaise’ very closely with UMNO. The gossip I’ve heard has been that an UMNO group is using the de facto leader of PKR to keep another UMNO group on the back foot.

If that is true, then the Lingam videotape could form part of this Sun Tzu manoeuvre. I recall Sun Tzu saying “Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?”

Threatening, isn't it! Surely that would put (let's call it) Team B on the back foot, and perhaps on best beholden behaviour!

Mind you, I am not sure I know who is ‘using’ whom? But undoubtedly Anwar must be joyful with such a titbit to appear in the news – he has to or he’ll fade into political obscurity.

Anwar pontificated: “While the creation of the commission gave the public some hope that the credibility and integrity of the judiciary might be restored, we are unimpressed with the proceedings and the procedural decisions made by the commissioners thus far. The royal commission must operate with the highest level of integrity and transparency so as not to be seen as feeding the rot which has tarnished the Malaysian courts.”

Blast! How uncooperative is this Royal Commission – they should seek instructions from Anwar Ibrahim on how to proceed lah!

He continued: “I submit this new piece of evidence to the public, and extent my full cooperation to the commission’s ongoing proceedings.”

“I submit this new piece of evidence to the public ..." Hmmm, would that be a grandstanding action of a bit of ‘motivation’ for the RC? I suppose 'revealing any evidence to the public' would possibly be the best way to get called by the RC?

Anwar has on a number of occasions revealed that he could shed some light on the scandal. I was also informed by a friend that Anwar’s lawyer did not carry out his (Anwar's) instructions to pose certain questions during the RC when Dr Mahathir was called to testify. If that is at all true, I wonder why? Maybe the lawyer had forgotten or even didn't have the time to carry out his (Anwar's) instructions? Maybe the story wasn't even true.

Anyway, despite Anwar Ibrahim's most generous offer to 'shed some light' on the issue, the RC decided
not to call him as a witness.

Tell me something because I am not very clear on this Lingam videotape issue – I haven’t been following it for the reason (only my personal opinion) I reckon not much will come out of it – you work out why I think so.

But other than Anwar being the person ‘used’ by the informer to reveal the existence of the various segments of the videotape, what would be his role in the affair of alleged dodgy judicial appointments and alleged corruption of judges?

How may he contribute, or as he had claimed, ‘shed some light’ on the alleged scandal. Surely the videotape is self evident?

Oooooooo, it’s so mysterious.


  1. y is there so many videos taken in Lingam's place anyway...

  2. KT,

    Since U said,"I am not very clear on this Lingam videotape issue – I haven’t been following it for the reason (only my personal opinion)",
    then just stop making assumption.

    The very fact that the RCI doesnt want DSAI to testify menunjukkan adanya semacam satu konspirasi antara gomen dengan RCI yang ditubuhnya. After all its all Che Det's & Pat Lah's men!!


  3. ... and what assumption did I make ;-)

    all i did was asked an important question as follows: "But other than Anwar being the person ‘used’ by the informer to reveal the existence of the various segments of the videotape, what would be his role in the affair of alleged dodgy judicial appointments and alleged corruption of judges?

    How may he contribute, or as he had claimed, ‘shed some light’ on the alleged scandal. Surely the videotape is self evident?"

    tell me, what can he add to what's on the tape? he was not even involved.

  4. What i can I see from your writing, you are just another DAP chauvinist..

    You have been so anti- PKR and DSAI and I just wonder why...

    If there is any holes in the pact between the opposition, then it is cause of people like you!

    You think you are so GREAT? come on lah bro..

    You will be forever confuse... and I can say, you are the the type of people define by Jeff Oii as like a banana man, yellow at the outside, look like Malaysian, but very white in the inside.. so china man deep in your hard.

  5. ^ Hey seek, I don't think KT is pro DAP anyway. He got bantai old dinosaur LKS and his fellow Rocketmen before...

  6. from what my interpretation, the video is taken on hari raya day - december, so could be 2001. it must be the same video which the 1st segment is 8 min, than the released 6 minutes, and this third segment could be after the 6 min which went depth talking about the scandal. anwar did not release this segment probably to play a trick on lingam who likes to deny, and also the name loh mui fah was heard. the 2nd party in the conversation must be him.

    this lingam is full of tricks - from day #1, he insinuating he's not the one with famous "looks like me, sound likes me!". then he says he easily mabuk by few sips. then he says he only bragging and bullshiting! now he says he also want to put the accusing bar council head as judge! it's good anwar play games with him and that lingam does not know what card that anwar must be holding ...hahahah
