
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The UMNO Interdiction of Dr Mahathir

Yesterday in my posting No Hang Tuah for Dr Mahathir I discussed the issue of Dr Mahathir wanting to be one of the UMNO Kubang Pasu delegates to the party’s general assembly. I noted the original number of 79 UMNO branches in the division which had nominated Dr Mahathir dropped dramatically to a measly 15 in 3 mere days.

The division secretary, who had been strongly against Dr Mahathir representing Kubang Pasu as a delegate, denied that that the branches were pressured by ‘certain quarters’ to retract their nominations for Mahathir.

Today, a visibly upset Dr Mahathir Mohamad claimed what we have all suspected along, that apart from that change of 79 to 15 nominations, there are instructions to delegates not to choose him at this Saturday’s Kubang Pasu UMNO division meeting. He said the UMNO supreme council is trying to prevent him from being elected as a delegate.

averred: “I believe that the supreme council decides that (Kubang Pasu head Mohd Johari Baharum) is the man to stop me from being a delegate.”

In the meanwhile in the south in Negeri Sembilan, an UMNO branch organised a function on last Saturday to honour Dr Mahathir for his contributions to the country and party.

However, the organiser, Kampung Padang Jual UMNO branch head, Abu Samah Mahat,
said that ‘certain quarters’ attempted to disrupt the function. He revealed that the anti-Mahathir party, on learning of the function for Dr Mahathir, had deliberately organised a concert on the same day, where seven buses were then brought in to ferry away UMNO members to the concert.

He said that when his branch had met with the division leaders earlier to inform them about the function, the latter were not pleased. Well, his troubles aren’t over yet because the division head Ismail Lasim said the division has yet to decide on whether to take action against the branch for organising the function.

Ismail said:
“The division’s stand is that the function did not get our blessings as it was deemed to be inappropriate given the current political situation.”

Inappropriate to honour a former UMNO president? Why?

;-) don't mind me, it's just a KTemoc's rhetorical question.

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