
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

More Zen about Half-Past-Six University

Malaysiakini reader Peter Ooi commented on the Half-Past-Six University (UPM) refusing to take disciplinary action against the 11 students who manhandled and intimidated another group of students:

Words cannot describe my anger upon reading that no action would be taken against those ‘mobsters’. The reasons given by the vice-chancellor for doing so are flimsy and silly.

Firstly, he said that he preferred to educate them rather than punishing them. My God! At their age, these mobsters are still not taught that intimidation or threats are strictly offensive. Mr Vice Chancellor, go ask any uneducated hawkers on the street, whether those actions are permissible or not. Their answers would probably make your so-called 'highly educated undergraduates' look like uncivilised and 'kurang ajar' morons.

On top of that, your statement that the incident was ‘localised’ made you look just as stupid as those ‘mobsters’. Mr VC, are you going to wait for a full-blown racial conflict before actions are taken? This shows that you are not suitable for your VC post. The saying 'nip the problem in the bud' must be very foreign to you.

When asked whether the students are still holding their posts, again your stupidity shows glaringly. Your answer was that their term of office is coming to an end and thus implying that no actions need to be taken. So by simple extension, if a bank manager is caught misappropriating fund and about to retire, then no action is to be taken too because his term as manager is coming to an end.

I really cannot believe such a stupid statement could come from a man of your standing, Mr VC.

Then another reader Voiceout Voicein wrote:

A professor who has eyes but cannot see, and who has ears but cannot hear. Let’s pray that the students take cue from their surroundings and stop listening to people without eyes and ears. It will do them some good to look at themselves in the mirror and view the video about their action. It’s difficult to blame them 100 percent as they are still young and if the authority simply whitewash the whole episode; what is to be expected from these boys?

'... who has eyes but cannot see, and who has ears but cannot hear ...'?

Oy, those words sound familiar lah. Didn't I write in Zen & the Half-Past-Six University the following phrases?

'... a vice-chancellor professor who could see but not see?' and '... a vice-chancellor professor who could not hear but hear.'

Fu Shan (Fu Mountain) seems to be getting crowded of late ;-)

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