
Monday, August 21, 2006

Eat your heart out, Jeff Ooi!

UPDATE Morning 22 Aug 2006:

MENJ informed me that he had NOT made any statements with regard to the issue of Malik Imtiaz [deleted, see my remarks in comments]. He has published a news article denouncing such attempts MENJ claimed the purported link to his blog is non-existent and false, though myAsylum (see below) had captured the screenshots as follows:

"A website that aims to educate the Muslim public on the implications of a case by an apostate (thank you to menj fan for informing me about it).

I've always had a hardline stance against apostates from Islam and I will never compromise on the issue of apostacy. I have written a book about it, too. Which reminds me, I should have podcasted on apostacy but have yet to do so. I will record the podcast soon, inshaallah.


myAsylum has also captured the PPS screenshot showing Critical Thoughts' posting of Membela Islam pinged on PPS at 1312 hrs on July 17, 2006 with above statements:

Well, mates, I am glad that MENJ has written in to clarify the scary issue. Let's all avoid the word "KILL" anybody.

P/S to all who wrote me on issue, thanks for your emails and comments.

Remember the Shooting Saga at Jeff Ooi’s Screenshots, which prompted Edge group executive editor P Gunasegaram to report Jeff to the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum (CMCF) agency over a Screenshots’ visitor’s inappropriate comments about ‘shooting’ him (Gunasegaram).

Then, in my posting Big Brother warns Jeff Ooi & bloggers, Communications Minister Dr Lim Keng Yaik warned that the police would be monitoring bloggers who post seditious, malicious and defamatory articles on the Internet.

Also, deputy Internal Security Minister Fu Ah Kiow said some bloggers should be more sensitive of the items they post on websites. And he pinpointed Jeff Ooi as one of those bloggers who was … er … 'not-sensitive-enough'. The deputy minister also mentioned Malaysiakini as a culprit. In fact police are currently ‘investigating’ Malaysiakini for a news item that the newspaper had already withdrawn with full acknowledgement of error.

Then I posted Death threats against apostasy lawyer, about a human rights lawyer Malik Imtiaz being threatened with death by Muslim extremists, because Malik was actively involved in both the Article 11 Coalition forums and the Lina Joy apostasy court case.

Yesterday my blogger mate walski69 informed me of his posting Mutant Mullah: UltraMENJ steps over the line of decent behavior where he lamented that local blogger MENJ has gone too far by posting on his (MENJ) blogsite the message BUNUH ORANG MURTAD (KILL THE APOSTATE). [sentence deleted after due consideration - see my remarks under 'comments']. Additionally, MENJ has also posted a group photo of the lady and the defense council, to enable their identification.

Now, I know MENJ too, but I must confess his incitement to kill someone whom he didn’t agree with on religious matters is definitely beyond the boundaries of acceptable social behaviour, apart from such an incitement being criminal in intent.

Luckily for MENJ I note a complete lack, in fact a total absence of news reports among the mainstream media on his criminal incitement, unlike the disproportionate hullaballoo that surrounded Jeff's relatively mild issue. He’s lucky he’s not Jeff Ooi who is marked closely by some people in power. If I were MENJ, I would do the wise thing and remove a.s.a.p his unacceptable incitement to BUNUH ORANG MURTAD (KILL THE APOSTATE).


  1. Now, now, let's not get all worked up. Maybe he's "singing". Or it's just bad poetry.

  2. Wow..

    So what he pulled on me (deleting evidence and then claiming it never existed) wasn't his first time huh? No wonder.

  3. Well it might be true that he's not said anything about killing Malik Imtiaz, nor has he called, specifically, for Malik Imtiaz's death.

    No, he's called for death to 'apostates'.

    1. MENJ wants apostates killed.
    2. Lina Joy is an apostate.
    3. Therefore, MENJ wants Lina Joy killed.

    Note, I'm not putting words in anyone's mouth. I'm just using simple logic. The screenshot taken by walski attests to that *fact*.

  4. I have listened very carefully to MENJ and have deleted the sentence referring to Malik Imtiaz, with full apology to MENJ.

    I confessed I was very disturbed by MENJ's posting of the photo that shows Malik Imtiaz, captioned by his rather ominous statement that "... Inilah wajah seorang peguam pengkhianat agama. Beliau seorang Muslim, tetapi menentang hukum Allah dan Rasul-Nya serta mengalakkan permurtadan dengan membela seorang murtad. Sila serbakan kesemua supaya mereka mengenali barisan penyokng si murtad.".

  5. Wait till you get marked as "Article 11" stooges or some other fanciful madness, like some of us have. It's half-amusing, almost - and then you start thinking about the power of fanaticism...

  6. Menj is practising Taqiyya. It's the Islamic art of deceit. I myself saw the threat on the link.

    It's a known fact that he's against apostacy & apostates. I wonder if he is daring enough for a debate with the arch-apostate, Ali Sina of

  7. Sorry, MENJ but the proof of existance is on your website itself. Notice it's "" and not ""

  8. In case he deletes it again here's the Google Cache.
