
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

MCA neutralise Khairy's ethnic posturing?

The MCA is moving to neutralise Khairy Jamaluddin's ethnic posturing. They realised that they only would strengthen his position in UMNO Youth by insisting on an apology from him. They are now putting the onus on him to decide whether he wants to apologise or not.

Bernama reported:

MCA Vice-President Datuk Ong Tee Keat has left it to Umno Youth Deputy Chief Khairy Jamaluddin to apologise to the movement and the Chinese community for his recent remark that had offended the Chinese.

Ong said that in politics, anybody including Khairy could talk and voice opinions but sometimes there were those who agreed or disagreed with what had been said.

"It is up to him (Khairy) to say what he wants or to apologise or not ... that is his right," he told reporters after officiating at the 2006 National Technical Education Conference, here.

Ong, who is also Deputy Higher Education Minister, said there might be a chance that what Khairy had said was misinterpreted by the media.

"Whether all the media were wrong or Khairy's speech was a mistake, that is not certain ... have to ask Khairy himself to get the truth," he added.

The MCA Youth had at the party's general assembly last weekend urged Khairy to apologise for his remark claiming that the Chinese would take advantage if Umno was weak.

Note “… there might be a chance that what Khairy had said was misinterpreted by the media …” and "Whether all the media were wrong or Khairy's speech was a mistake, that is not certain …”

my underlining

If those aren't sophisticated sarcasms, I don't know what they are then.

But I reckon that would be the best approach in dealing with him as any further MCA Youth pressure will only work to his favour, making him into an undeserved ethnic hero.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I agree with you. MCA could not have given more mileage to KJ at this point. Put it this way, the worst way to deal with bullies is not to start something and then stop because it gives him even more confident. The way to deal with bullies is to either just walk away from the start OR to take it all the way until someone falls.

    MCA could not look worst at this point. The deserve to have their ass kicked in the next GE.
