
Monday, August 28, 2006

Khairy pulled emergency 'religious' handle

From Malaysiakini’s Vox Populi, we get the following readers’ views on the Hang Putih’s unrepentant refusal to apologise for his unfounded racist remarks about the Chinese community. The whiter-than-white son-in-law said:

"Many people say our criticism is too harsh, provocative and extreme, but this does not matter as we are upholding our religious dignity and pride. So why should I apologise?"

Wong SP said: "First he plays the racial card, now he plays the religious one. Who is asking him to apologise for "upholding our religious dignity and pride"? It looks like this guy is grasping for straw or disorientated by the furore created by MCA Youth. Either way, I pray for Malaysia if he is the best that UMNO could offer."

Anonymous stated: "Instead of apologising for mouthing his insincerity towards his fellow BN partner, the young upstart tries to justify his immature comments by using religion again. Isn't that a copout. Mr Ong Ka Ting and the MCA should be wary about the big bully in their midst - he who wants his cake and eat it. And they call it a BN partnership?"

Actually this morning I thought of mentioning what I saw/read too, that Khairy had pulled desperately at the emergency handle, by resorting to the religious card when religion wasn’t even involved.

This means he’s desperate, real desperate, and in deep trouble. But it’s just terrible the way he swung left (ethnicity) and right (religion) to hit all around him, just like a bull in a china shop.

He desperately wants to remain credible to UMNO Youth but is steadily losing ground. He has been aware that he needs to trawl for UMNO Youth support ever since he was parachuted into the seat of deputy UMNO Youth Chief – one unfortunate bloke had to stand aside for him – and especially when Dr Mahathir started to come after him.

Playing the religious-racist cards may win him a few odd points from the more easily aroused but the upshot is he’s running scared.


  1. In the long run, he's going to lose more than he thinks by stomping on the Chinese in his efforts to appease the Malays. For all his credentials, he's not making a clever move at all, all the more so when he's seen as the PM's close adviser.

  2. I don't believe he's appeasing the Malays. He's posturing as an ethnic hero for his own interests, to win support for himself. He never did have much popularity, and when Dr Mahathir ripped into him, plus the eebarrassing scandal of the ECM-Libra shares debacle, he had to somehow churn out support for his own standing. He elected to use UMNO's old favourite internal party campaign tactics.

  3. It is typical of KJ;

    1. The rumor was of him having affair with Maya, he swore that he did not marry Maya (which by the way no one was saying him taking Maya as a wife).

    2. MCA ticked him off for playing racial issue, he said he was protecting religious dignity (which MCA did not touch about religion at all).

    MCA is actually fell into his trap where he expect MCA and the non-Malay to react. Whne MCA and non-Malays reacted then he can get the support of the Malay grassroots since, these people has no choice but to support him for supposedly "fighting for the Malays"
