
Monday, August 07, 2006

Lebanon Says 'NO' to US-French ceasefire draft

Not surprising that Lebanon said F-off to the proposed draft by the US-France for a ceasefire.

It doesn’t call for Israel to get out of Lebanon. Hezbollah has also nix-ed the draft proposal, saying there’s no cessation of hostility until all Israeli troops get out of Lebanon. The so-called ceasefire is worded in such a way that Hezbollah mustn’t fire a single shot while Israel reserves the ‘right to defend itself’, and knowing the Israelis, we know what that means.

The French did its best but with the USA insisting on everything Israel wants, that was the best the draft could come out with.

But that’s not good enough for the Lebanese, who knows that while they may be pulverised each day, time is on their side as the Sunnis are slowly gravitating towards their cause, much to the alarm of the Sunni rulers and governments. The Lebanese also know that Israel can’t take the sort of attrition that Hezbollah has been dealing out to them.

In fact, Hezbollah has just launched a barrage of rockets in northern Israel, at the communal farm of Kfar Giladi. Nine army reservists were killed while 14 others were injured, with 4 seriously. It’s always a terrible shame when civilians of both sides are injured.

From al Jazeera:

Hezbollah said it had also attacked Israeli forces in south Lebanon on Sunday, inflicting several casualties. There was no immediate word from the army on Israeli casualties in the fighting.

Hezbollah fighters targeted Israeli military vehicles in Wadi Honeen on the border and an armoured Israeli unit trying to advance towards Adayseh village, killing or wounding several soldiers, the group said. Two tanks and two bulldozers were reportedly destroyed.

Israeli troops trying to advance north near Biyada village were also attacked and two tanks damaged.

A couple of days ago, significantly Hezbollah and the Lebanese military joined forces to repulse an Israeli raid by helicopter at Tyre. Several Israeli commandoes were injured. That was significant because the Lebanese military and Hezbollah had operated together, probably for the first time, which may yet prove more ominous for Israel. Israel brutal atrocities against the Lebanese has united the Shiite, Sunni, Christian and Druze communities of the Levantine State.

Things just aren’t going Israel’s brutal ways, which have been worrying Washington who thought it could pull a fast one on Beirut by an uneven-handed draft resolution that favours Israel, disproportionately.

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