
Monday, August 07, 2006

Khairy Jamaluddin's Noble Challenge

Khairy Jamaluffin* Jamaluddin, deputy Head of UMNO Youth and also the PM’s son-in-law has been criticised by former PM Dr Mahathir for various alleged naughtiness.

* thanks Howsy, finger problem

Thus, in exasperation with such allegations and controversies, Khairy expressed his preparedness to quit his post in UMNO should he become a liability to the party …….. BUT only on condition ……..

…….. that the delegates of UMNO Youth feel he should go.

He said with great nobility and self-sacrifice: “Only they can decide. Nobody can force a person to leave except those who elected the leader ... Leaders carry out delegates’ mandate. If the leader does not have the credibility or is a liability to an organisation, he cannot cling on to his post. He must realise this.”

“So I want to seek the views of UMNO Youth members at the grassroots whether I've become a liability with all the speculations about me.”

There you are – bloke has made his move, his challenge! The onus is now on those UMNO Youth delegates. It’s no longer Khairy’s baby. The PM backs his very daring move, saying that if people don’t want him, he should resign.

Mind you, he is a very popular man because someone (can’t remember his name – that’s the danger of not contesting to be ‘someone’) had actually made way for him to contest the UMNO Youth Deputy Chief’s position.

Given his ‘popularity’ I wonder whether anyone among the UMNO Youth delegates would say “Go, we don’t want you in our movement”?

And to show you his ‘popularity’, Bernama reported that the Federal Territories Youth division called on irresponsible people (who?) who hurled various baseless allegations against Khairy to stop doing so immediately.

It head Mohamad Norza Zakaria announced sternly: "The movement considers stinging attacks on Khairy as efforts to undermine UMNO Youth."

In other words, an attack on Khairy would be an attack on UMNO Youth itself.

He said the State Umno Youth supported both Hishammuddin Tun Hussein and Khairy as the most senior leaders in the movement and described them as ‘the country's most important asset’.

Well, one should never let go of an ‘important asset’.


  1. Jamaluffin'? Is the typo intended or are trying to make a joke out of him? ;)

  2. How about PROVING he deserve to stay, to make his case? Dr. M rose from Kampung to top post for 22 years and NOT once did he bitched about not being supported. Plots after plots to overthrow him and he battled it out at places where it counts. He did not depend on others. Even now, he is saying its about issues and not a power struggle. He went out and just got it by hook or by crook. Even Pak Lah, has gotten where he is, although partly luck, by surviving and winning election after election.

    This kid, with all his education and privillege, got his start through marriage and still he depends on privillege to get anywhere.

    The kid don't get it, he just don't get it.

  3. Was he even elected to the post?

    Why all the talk about having members evict his rear when he wasn't even elected to the post?

    That's 1st-class 'Transparency' at work right there, which Bodohwi can shove it up his kangkung.
