
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bkt Mertajam's UMNO: "Koh must share powers with UMNO!"

Following Dr Koh TK’s back flip on his initial rejection of UMNO Youth’s grouse about his lack of support for Penang Malays’ economic benefits, UMNO Youth Chief Hishammuddin Tun Hussein has back flipped too.

Hishammudin said since the hullabaloo the state UMNO Youth had met Dr Koh on Monday where the meeting focused on relations rather than the rotation of the chief minister’s post.

He said: “If a leader can accept the real situation and hear the grievances of the people, then there is no reason for change. I asked the Youth wing to meet with Dr Koh and they have done so.”

Hishammuddin pronounced that Dr Koh and the Youth wing must resolve the situation quickly and not allow it to get worse, or it would badly affect the people. But he warned: “When the UMNO Youth wing voice its opinions, attention must be given. If not, I will have to intervene.”

Hishamuddin assured us that the people were not concerned about skin colour or political parties, but merely wanted their leaders to take care of their welfare.

He assured us: “It is never a matter of race. If the Chinese are left behind in development, it will certainly be fought for as this is the Barisan’s way.”

What about the Indians?

However, Hishamuddin added a sting to his tale (or tail?) that if Dr Koh does not listen to those who had different views from his, he would get himself into trouble.

In the meanwhile, Malaysiakini reported:

Ketua Umno bahagian Bukit Mertajam, Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir mahu Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon membuktikan keikhlasannya untuk memajukan orang Melayu dan bukan sekadar bercakap kosong sahaja.

“Pertama sekali Dr Koh perlu menyerahkan jawatan Pengerusi Pihak Berkuasa Air Pulau Pinang kepada Umno. Jawatan itu adalah hak Umno,” katanya.

Sebelum diambilalih oleh Dr Koh beberapa tahun lalu, jawatan berkenaan dipegang oleh Datuk Ahmad Saad, bekas ketua Umno bahagian Permatang Pauh.

Musa berkata, kuasa Dr Koh terlalu besar kerana segala keputusan termasuk membabitkan kepentingan Melayu berada di tangannya.

Quickie translation:

Musa Sheik, UMNO head in BM asked Koh to show his sincerity in helping Malays by surrendering his post of Chairperson of Penang’s Water Authority to UMNO. Musa said that post is rightfully UMNO’s, because it was once held by Ahmad Saad, UMNO head of Permatang Pauh.

There’s no stopping Musa because the following was what he next said:

Musa juga menyokong cadangan Ahli Majlis Tertingi Umno, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik itu, supaya Ketua Menteri mengagihkan kuasanya secara bertulis kepada Timbalan Ketua Menteri bagi isu-isu yang membabitkan kepentingan Melayu.

Jawatan Timbalan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang disandang oleh pemimpin Melayu dari Umno.

Dengan cara itu, kata Musa, barulah konsep berkongsi kuasa di kalangan anggota Barisan Nasional dapat direalisasikan.

Quickie translation:

Musa supported Supreme Council member Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik’s suggestion that the Chief Minister devolved his powers with the Deputy CM (held by UMNO) on matters involving Malays. Musa feels this is the only way to realise the sharing of powers among the BN members.

Mind you, some UMNO heads didn’t agree with Musa’s hardline approach. For example Abdul Jalil who is a Penang MLA refers to Malays in UK and South Africa who don’t have any powers but still do better than local Malays with all the powers. He advised UMNO Malays to look at themselves, instead of balming others.

But obviously Musa Sheik is on a roll, and knows it because he is bucking PM AAB's order to cease and desist about the CM's position. Hey, everyone loves a hero, especially an ethnic hero!


  1. I say comes 12th GE, kicks BN government out and let opposition rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. .

    the keris man said :
    “It is never a matter of race. If the Chinese are left behind in development, it will certainly be fought for as this is the Barisan’s way.”

    If umno ready to set precedent for non malays and non muslims to follow suit than its probably good for the country. Non Malays should make a list of grievances to their repective state MBs and demand for their rights and welfares etc....


    if they are doing it simply because they are GREEDY for power due to supremacist and bigot mentality than they are just hypocritic idiots.
