
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Aftermath in Lebanon

al Jazeera reported:

The Israeli defence minister has ordered an inquiry into the army's handling of the war in Lebanon. The inquiry, to be led by Amnon Lipkin Shahak, a former chief of staff, will examine the army's preparation and conduct during the war


The Israeli army and government have come under heavy criticism for failing to defeat Hezbollah before a fragile UN-backed ceasefire took effect on Monday.

If that is not an indication of a war lost, I don't know what it is.

And al Jazeera also reported:

Israel's assault on Lebanon was planned before Hezbollah attacked and was aimed at driving a wedge between the different faiths in the country, a delegation from the World Council of Churches says.

"We came back from Lebanon sharing the impression that this destruction was planned. And if the action by Hezbollah was the trigger, this was a planned operation all ready to go," Jean-Arnold de Clermont, president of the Conference of European Churches, said in Geneva on the delegation's return from a visit to Beirut and Jerusalem.

But instead, Hezbollah is now more revered than ever. The war has actually united the various Lebanese factions.

And while Israel has always been hated (now, even by the Maronite Christians) the USA has once again successfully won another hardcore foe who will always remember the Americans were vigorously supplying Israel with the munition that killed their children.

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