
Sunday, July 16, 2006

USA abet Israel's Murderous Onslaught in Lebanon

Israel continued to pound Beirut's southern suburb on Sunday, the fifth successive day of an offensive on Lebanon. Yesterday alone, the air strikes killed 35 civilians, including 15 children. The Jewish terrorist bombardment was meant to punish the Lebanese government for failing to disarm the resistance group Hezbollah, as if the latter could.

The tactic of fear and group punishment is Nazi terrorism of the kind the Jews and Europeans experienced during WWII.

And what did I tell you about the US in an earlier posting, President Chirac: "Israel wishes to destroy Lebanon"? Didn’t I advise that the Americans cannot be trusted where Arabs and Israel are concerned?

After President Bush rang Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora to voice support for his government and pledged to exert pressure on Israel to limit damage inflicted on Lebanon, he had instead instructed his ambassador to the UN to veto a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. The USA veto-ed the resolution not once but twice. Britain joined in the veto.

The veto-ing of the UNSC resolution had of course been intended to enable the Israelis to continue pounding the Lebanese into shreds. Somehow the Israelis believe, as it had in Palestine, that group punishment of the locals a la Nazi tetrorist tactics can intimidate the local populace to turn against Hezbollah, as it had hoped for in Palestine.

But the evil duplicity of President Bush and the abetment of Tony Blair will ensure more innocent Lebanese civilians and children will die from the murderous onslaught of the Israeli military. And so will innocent Israeli civilians too as Hezbollah would undoubtedly retaliate. Already its long range rockets had hit Haifa, killing 9 people.

All the impotent Arab League could do was to declare the road map to peace in the region is over. Once again, the US has failed miserably in its foreign policy, as it only could, since its foreign policy has all along been dictated by Tel Aviv or the Israeli representatives serving in the Bush Administration.

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