
Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Watch on Israeli Watch

I went over to Israeli Watch blogsite, whose blogger I know as a passionate pro-Palestinian supporter. If I may, I would offer two pieces of advice to him (and to my Penang kinfolk, mahaguru58, as well):

(1) The more serious one

He wrote “..We call upon all the nations of Islam to forget their differences and unite to organise a military response against Israel. Drive Israel back from the occupied lands that rightfully belong to our Muslim brothers and sisters …”

While he has the right and indeed passion to say that, I believe the Palestinian cause, for which I support too, would be better served by a non-religious approach. The Palestinian cause is one of justice. Besides, don’t forget, there are non-Muslim Palestinians too.

As an example, the Israelis have cleverly turned their cause into one of Christianity’s, rather than just Judaism’s, interest. The Palestinians would be better served by an approach of common decency, justice and anti-oppression. Regrettably, many non-Muslim Malaysians are not supporting the Palestinians because they see it as a Muslim problem rather than one of justice.

(2) The Incongruous Advertisements

Obviously, either the Israelis are targeting his blogsite or Google Ads have a weird sense of humour. Israeli Watch, for all its serious pro-Palestinian blogsite, ironically advertises information peculiar to Israeli interests and cause, that range from the frivolous to the very serious.

There are a couple which invite readers to meet Jewish girls. I am all in favour of that. Then, there is the extreme rightwing, Nazi-like Samson Blinded site operated by one Obadiah Shoher.

Obviously, the reference to Samson is about Israel, and his main grouse is that Samson is blinded and fighting half heartedly like a wimp. He wants Israel to grow a bit of backbone and consider the following:

Israel must create a credible threat, act brutally
Israel does not need peace with Arabs
The creation of a Palestinian state would not bring Israel peace
Annexation of Arab lands will not necessarily impede Israeli-Arab peace
A culturally attractive Israel could annex the Palestinian territories more easily
Israel as Middle Eastern empire
Israel should conquer only militarily weak, economically viable Muslim states
Israel may annex Arab land
Israel can win tolerance of foreigners to annexation in Arab countries
Israeli annexation tactics in Palestine, expansion from a security belt
Israeli threat of expansion would bring peace with Muslims
Harsh measures, not limited victory against Israel's Arab enemies
Israel must use chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons

Don’t those just say something about the website?

On top of that he dedicates his site to the memory of Avraham Stern, yes, he of the notorious murderous Lehi or Stern Gang. Wait, there’s more, he even boasts that he could include Baruch Goldstein in the dedication.

Those two, Stern and Goldstein, and indeed Menachem Begin of the notorious Deir Yassin massacre were unmitigated murderers.

Obadiah Shoher does not reserve his vile only for Arabs, for he lambasts the Christians as well. He said:

What a bizarre notion Judeo-Christianity is! Judaism and Christianity are the different poles, practicality and idealism. Jews do not preach poverty and humility. Judaism and Christianity are incompatible, not parts of the same culture. If anything, Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity is. It is also repugnant to side with people who oppressed and exterminated Jews for millennia against Muslims who were reasonably tolerant to the Jews. Peaceful relations with Christians are perfect, but lumping Jewish heritage together with Christian doctrine is abominable.

Opponents of Revisionist Zionism tout Einstein's condemnation of Zhabotinsky. If Zhabotinsky understood nothing in physics, why assume Einstein understood anything in politics?

Note the use of that frightening Old Testament word 'abominable' at the end of his 1st paragraph? Then he explains why Jews were massacred during WWII:

Nazis exterminated European Jews; how can we still claim the divine protection and biblical rights? The Lubavitcher Rebe remarked that he sees divine intervention in Germany, the military superpower, being crashed. Also in being a few months short to develop nuclear bomb. But the German annihilation of Jews reminds of the generation of Egyptian bondage that perished in Sinai steppe.

Only free Hebrews were to enter the Promised Land with Joshua. Could not it be the divine intention to keep the shtetl Jews out of Israel? In the last moment, the divine compassion saved the remnant.

Look at his rationalisation in the 2nd paragraph. Makes me sick that a man like that would imagine 6 million Jews were senselessly slaughtered because they were not fit to enter Israel.

I think Israeli Watch should re-examine its blogsite advertising policy. That’s why KTemoc Konsiders doesn’t allow any advertising on its site, even though I have been approached. I continue to be pristinely independent.


  1. Greetings brother,

    How's life ? Been back to Penang yet?

    My trip last was way back during Raya last year. Planning to go home soon for a short visit.

    Miss Penang and the sea off Telok Bahang, fishing there off the rocks of Batu Ferringhi, halfway to Telok Bahang, and miss my relatives back home.

    Now to my main intention of visiting your site here.

    MENJ has his own ideals in dealing with Israel.

    I kind of look forward more to the Neturei Karta playing a major part in normalising the Palestinian occupation by the Zionist regime.

    Personally , I believe that all mnkind deserve to live in peace amidst the other ethnicities , each within their own space or side by side as we Malaysians do.

    The thing is that while we may have noble ideas as to how the Israeli occupation should be resolved, we see today the terrorist regime waging an undeclared war using superior aircraft and military technology to blast to bits Lebanon's infrastructure and massacring innocent civilians in it's socalled attempts to get it's 'soldiers' back from the Hezbullah's capture!

    I dare say that this bloody world is so lopsided in its socalled ideals of Freedom and Right of Self Defence or in this case Offense!

    Just picture the scenario if we were to be occupied and attacked at will like the Palestinians have been and now Lebanon, Syria and the other Arab countries are facing the danger from this bastard state created by America and Britain at the expense of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians lives lost since 1920's!

    Will you like it when your home is destroyed, your beloved families massacred before your very eyes, your life reduced to nothing by such bastards ?

    I don't know about your true self brother but I'd rather see to it that destruction be upon those bastards than see my nation, my family and myself be put in harm's way by those devils flying the Star of David over our lands!

    I speak as a Muslim first and a Malaysian second.

    We are lucky to live as we do here, tolerating each other's presence within our own respected circles of live and spirit of muhibbah but over there, people's lifes and ancestral lands are being occupied by bastards who claim to be the Chosen people and having the patronage by the real super terrorists of the world, America under the rule of George Wacko Bush and his bootlickers, Blair and his gang of thugs in the EU!

    I do however do not condemn the entire Jews of this world for there do exist good peace loving Jews such as those who are in the Neturei Karta!

    Check them out and see for yourself that it is the Zionism creed that is wreaking havoc in the Holy Lands of Palestine and that even the Jews themselves who are opposing the Zionist regime!

    Some of them have even been killed by the Zionists in attempts to silence them and wipe them out!

    Elfie and me are only voicing out the obvious. Do not please think of us as warmongers or haters of peace.

    Almighty Allah knows us best. As for myself, I am all for fairplay and world peace.

    If I sound angry and post as such, that's because I am being open about what I feel is taking place over there in Palestine and now spreading to Lebanon.

    As a blogger, we need to be open and sincere about what we feel than try to kowtow to the lopsided world out there.

    I respect and appreciate your writings and do know that just like me and Elfie, you are as passionate about justice for all.

    Let's just say our pieces and leave it to God to judge us.

    ~~~ As for those Google adsense, the system just sort of recognises the main topics being posted and corelates the ads relevant to the topic.

    I am sure as a true blue Penang Romeo , you'd love nothing better than to meet those Israeli lasses.

    Go on, take a trip and see if you can hook one up. You'd be welcomed, I'm sure ! :P

    Adios brother, stay cool. :)

  2. My dear brother mahaguru58,

    don't get me wrong that I am against Muslims supporting Palestinians, least of all from a non-religious bloke like me ;-)

    I feel the Palestinian causee is a worthy one, based on justice, fairplay and understanding of history, and unjust interference and manipulations.

    There are more supporters of Palestinians among non-Muslims in the West or western nations than there are (or should be) in Malaysia, which is very disappointing.

    I believe a large part of the problem is the (incorrect) perception that it's basically a Muslim problem. Some even support the Israelis - I'll blog on this shortly, hopefully to correct a very wrong attitude.

    But best of luck in what you do.
