
Sunday, July 30, 2006

One Born Every Minute (4)

A short pause from politics and international affairs to see other aspects of life ........

Last week in Ipoh, parents of a 16-year old girl, who was said to have been raped, decided to send her to a bomoh - a traditional healer or, if you like, a witch doctor - to restore her virginity.

So the teenager from Taiping consulted a 74-year old bomoh, who claimed he was able to restore her virginity with a special oil.

He took the girl into a room to give her a flower bath* before massaging her with the ‘magic’ oil. Apparently, while her parents was waiting outside, in the privacy of the treatment room, the bomoh fondled the girl’s breasts.

* traditionally a purifying ritual

He was arrested after the girl reported to the police at Kampung Gajah. Obviously, the girl wasn't all that convinced of his jambi-ing (magic incantation) cum raba-raba (fondling).

I was wondering if I was the bomoh’s defence lawyer, whether I could use the defence argument to the trial judge as, “Yang Arif, macam mana Pak Bomoh dapat urut dengan minyak sakti kalau ta’boleh raba raba … er maaf … sapukan minyak tu di kedua spotlight … er maaf … badan si-sedap ... er ... gadis tu.”

Hmmm, maybe I might not make a good defence lawyer.

And I would recommend the girl’s parents, if they can afford it, to seek a Japanese surgeon who specialises in hymen restoration. There's less likelihood of molestation, though not guaranteed.

(1) One Born Every Minute
(2) One Born Every Minute (2)
(3) One Born Every Minute (3)


  1. haha, by highlighting Idiots born every minute, you could go for Blogathon like some of the bloggers. Take a minute and give it a thought. =P

  2. Wow. Perhaps I ought to become a 'bomoh' or something, and have a lot of fun!
