
Saturday, January 25, 2025



Friday, January 24, 2025



President Donald Trump has suspended weapons shipments to Ukraine. Here is Alexander Mercouris with his daily report. You can listen to the first 10 minutes of his podcast - the whole thing is over an hour long.  ttps://

The Russians are pushing forward slowly but surely along the entire frontline. I believe the Russians can move much more quickly but Mr Putin was waiting for Trump to become president again - which has happened. Mr Putin has said that there shall be no ceasefire in Ukraine. A ceasefire means both sides can re-arm and replenish supplies and then continue fighting again. He says either Ukraine agree to his terms or they will settle the outcome on the battlefront - meaning Russia will invade and occupy the whole of Ukraine.

Mr Putin's terms of peace are simple i. Ukraine cannot join NATO forever ii. Ukraine becomes demilitarised iii. Russia keeps all the Russian majority areas of eastern Ukraine iv. Ukraine gets rid of Nazi elements in that country v. Russian speaking people inside Ukraine shall not be discriminated against. 

The term of the Ukrainian president and the government has also expired and Zelenskiye is no more the lawful president of Ukraine. Mr Putin wants him gone from the scene as well.

I believe Mr Putin will also tack on other things like removing Western sanctions against Russia and the West reestablishing normal relations with Russia. Russian gas must flow to Europe again. He wants a comprehensive settlement. Everyone will live happily ever after.

Acting in favour of Mr Putin are the collapsing Ukrainian armed forces. Ukrainian troops are deserting their positions en masse - between 100,000 to 200,000 Ukrainian troops have deserted their positions. Just in the past week two Ukrainian generals and one Colonel have been arrested for the collapse of Ukrainian positions under their command. Here is a brief video. 


Hence it is a clever move by President Trump to suspend arms shipments to Ukraine. It will hasten the end of the conflict and also help to preserve more territory under Ukraine. Otherwise the Russians will over run the entire country.

This is a good development.

As a footnote, the war in Ukraine is actually a religious war. The Ukrainians belong to the Church of Constantinople (Eastern Orthododx). The Russians belong to the Russian Orthodox Church. Here is some trivia - the founding of the Russian Orthodox Church was in Kiev in Ukraine. 

The history of the Russian Orthodox Church begins with the Christianization of Kievan Rus' in 988 during the reign of Vladimir the Great. In the following centuries, Kiev and later other cities, including NovgorodPskovRostovSuzdal and Vladimir, became important regional centers of Christian spirituality and culture.

The 2018 Moscow–Constantinople schism is an ongoing schism between the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC, also known as the Moscow Patriarchate) and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, which began on 15 October 2018 when the former unilaterally severed full communion with the latter.

There is some bad blood going on as well.



  1. Seen this?


    JUST IN💥💥: Russian president Vladimir Putin says the 2020 US presidential election was “stolen” from Donald Trump, and that had the Republican won, the Ukraine conflict might have been avoided. 

    “I cannot disagree with him that if he had been president, if his victory hadn’t been stolen in 2020, perhaps the crisis in Ukraine that arose in 2022 wouldn’t have happened,” Putin has said in an interview published by Russia 1 TV journalist Pavel Zarubin on Telegram on Friday.



    Have you noticed the total smear campaign on MLK since the moment Trump released his assassination files?

    The deep state is being forced to tear down a black American icon for fear of being exposed as his killer.

    Whether MLK was a saint or a sinner of the highest order is open for discussion, but the timing of the hit job on his reputation is pure panic and an obvious sign that the creepos had him killed.


    We really can’t be sure if Martin Luther King was innocent or guilty of the Diddyesque crimes he is currently being accused of.

    What we do know is that the Dark State is real, and that for decades they kept a smear dossier on MLK, ready to release the moment the truth of his assassination came out.

    If he was as bad as the accusations imply, they knew and propped him up as a hero for decades, even giving him a national holiday.

    Either way, this is going to be a great big red pill for a nation that has been run on deep state lies for a very long time.


    It should be no surprise that reports of renaming Dulles after DJT are coming back around right as the JFK, RFK, and MLK files are being planned to be scheduled to be released "in full" someday.

    It sounds like the Dulles brothers (true villains, certainly) will have their reputations destroyed as the cost of moving on. They'll be the Fall Guys so the rest can continue to avoid accountability. An airport named after Trump will be our special prize for agreeing that it's time to move on from the whole assassination thing.

    The original report from last April on the renaming of Dulles to Donald J Trump International:


    I think @JohnRatcliffe opening a probe into what the intel community knew about the origins of covid is major signal.

    He knows exactly what he’s going to find.

    Full episode:



    Under new management via Director Radcliffe, the CIA now all the sudden favor the lab leak theory for C19!

    In other words… they were lying the entire time, and now they cannot cover it up anymore.

    The “conspiracy theorists” were right…



    To be clear, I don’t believe C19 “leaked”.

    Based on an overwhelming accumulation of evidence, I strongly believe that it was released intentionally.

    But regardless of intent, the pathogen was man-made, and the government/media went out of their way to cover it up.

    Whether it was intentional or accidental, those who created the virus are responsible for the deaths of millions. Then to make things worse, the establishment weaponized the situation to expand their power, shut down the economy, exterminate small businesses, steal trillions of dollars from the People, while censoring and smearing anyone who dared to veer from the prescribed narrative.

    In addition, they covered viable treatments like Ivermectin, and coerced/forced billions to take their “vaccines”, which were neither safe nor effective.

    So no matter how you want to slice this pie, our health agencies, intelligence agencies, media, and pharmaceutical industry, all committed crimes against humanity. It’s just a matter of to what degree.


    1. Becareful ya...TAK MY was part of the chain via EcoHealth Alliance...pandai-pandai jaga diri ya...big wind, big rain out there. And, watchout for that rampaging bus.


      The next contingency in the Deep State plan, is to obfuscate their involvement in bioweapon development, and offload all blame on China.

      I’m not saying China are completely innocent, but I am saying with 100% certainty, that US health agencies, via USAID, were heavily involved, and not just in Wuhan, but around the globe. Do not let them convince you otherwise.

      Since at least 2022, China have been claiming that C19 was NOT their doing. They agreed with Russian MIL’s findings that the US are developing bioweapons in Ukraine, and are violating the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). China are behaving as if they are victims of a biological attack, they claim the US are the ones who did it, and they have been demanding transparency for years.

      Meanwhile, the US formally claimed that the virus was naturally occurring, went extreme lengths to cover up any talk about the potential of the virus being man-made, and refused to acknowledge the accusations from Russia and China.

      What’s my point?

      China are not behaving like the guilty ones. The US are. China have been sayin for years the virus was man-made, and the US deployed all assets to ensure the world believed it was naturally occurring. If China were responsible, why would they be bringing attention to the idea that it was man-made, and why would the US be the ones covering it up? It doesn’t make sense.

      Could China have played a role in the development of SARS-CoV-2? Absolutely, and if they did, all parties involved must be prosecuted. I’m just saying that the US were involved for certain, and we have the paper trail to prove it.

      See these clips from Chinese Defense and Foreign Affairs spokesmen from 2022. Their words might shock you:

  5. Neo Nusantara Raya?

    There is a prophetic message from the Blessed Virgin Mary, in her apparition in Fatima to 3 sherperd children in 1917, that goes something about nations will no more... prophetic message is very hard to see in realtime, always after the generations that live it has past. But let's see what will happen.


    Trump says that we may be a “substantially enlarged country in the not too distant future”.

    He then hinted at abolishing income tax and moving back to tariffs.

    It sounds like Trump’s plan is to absorb Canada and Greenland, to become a self-sustaining empire and one of the largest producers of oil and natural gas on Earth, then move back to a tariff-based system that incentivizes the purchase of US goods, and abolish income tax after DOGE trims all the fat.

    Whether or not he will be able to accomplish this is one thing, but that appears to be his plan. He has been hinting at it for weeks now.

    So long as it’s done diplomatically, all parties agree, and there is no more income tax, I can get behind this idea.

    I understand this sounds impossible, but Trump has a knack for the impossible.

  6. There is NO Victory for Russials.
    Russkis are making very slow progress in Ukraine at horrendous cost in men and materiel.
    At this rate , Russkis will collapse into a dozen warring -Tans states before it achieves it Victory over Ukraine.

    1. Prophet of doom farting know-nothingly about the coming collapse of Russia!



    Understand what happened with Pete Hegseth's nomination and confirmation.

    Pete was overwhelmingly supported by the veterans' community. We know he is a dirty boots warrior who has the gumption to straighten out the mess that is the DoD, and collectively we have been his greatest voice of support.

    Who vehemently opposed his nomination?

    -The senior generals, the senior admirals and the SESers in the Pentagon.
    -The entire defense lobbyist community.
    -The entire defense industry.
    -The entire Democrat Party.
    -Three "Republican" senators who receive massive campaign contributions from the defense industry.

    And in a fitting end to this saga of veteran warriors vs. the Military/Industrial Complex, it finally took a USMC Lance Corporal to vote him into office.

    CORRECTION: Corporal, not Lance Corporal. Which makes it even better.

  8. There is zero evidence Ivermectin is an effective treatment for Covid.
    The Malaysian Government to carried out its own assessment, not wanting to depend on foreign views for or against.
    Ivermectin was quietly dropped.

    Only MAG idiots continue to promote Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid.

  9.'s horrible sh!+

    That study by KKM under the director-generalshi+ of the misai kontot logtor was designed to fail. There were many other studies in many parts of the world showing its efficacy for the task at hand...but then again why argue with a pig? The pig is always right...if that little itsy bitsy strand of chemical compound is a killer, so be it. If ya luv ya half yearly boost jab, no one stopping, paisar certainly will award ya a cert for it, if ya around long enough to collect. If you can pay for expensive and nauseating big c treatment, why not...go ahead... TAK MY is a captive state anyway and sheepland for the most, just a tear and move on, everything is but a breath, here today gone the next instance

    The podcast is about the broader use in big c treatment, many studies were reported already. No problem to deny, the choice to know belong to each.


    DR. MARK GORDON: "I have a 76-year-old veteran who was diagnosed with a Gleason 7. Gleason is the grade of cancer of the prostate and it was a Gleason 7. He went on 12mg of Ivermectin every day for eight weeks. And at 12 weeks he got a special PET scan done looking at abnormalities in the prostate. They couldn't find anything. And his PSA, when he came in his initial one with the cancer was 12.6. He's now at 5.3."
