
Sunday, September 22, 2024

PAS: Probe GISBH but don't be overzealous [KAKINANG???]

PAS: Probe GISBH but don't be overzealous

Published: Sep 22, 2024 1:19 PM

While lauding police action against Global Ikhwan Services and Business Holdings (GISBH), PAS has urged the authorities not to be overzealous in their approach.

In a statement today, PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan stressed that there were several positive aspects to GISBH such as its huge business network.


“We support the strict action taken against wrongdoers but let’s not be hasty in meting out punishment, especially when it comes to the group as a whole.

“This includes its innocent members and GISBH’s legitimate activities such as its huge business enterprise - which must be protected from injustice that may have been triggered by sentiments, prejudices, business rivalry or even vested political interests,” he said.

Takiyuddin (above) is not the first person to raise concerns over the authorities’ action on GISBH’s business network as former law minister Zaid Ibrahim also raised similar sentiments yesterday.

Addressing the issue on X, Zaid said while the group may have made mistakes in their interpretation of Islam, it was no justification for destroying their livelihoods.

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim

“I hope the National Fatwa Council can differentiate the temporal errors Malays commit from those parts of their belief system about God and the afterlife. Where they have defied the laws, take immediate action against them.

“Faith can be restored relatively quickly with proper guidance, but businesses take years to build and, once destroyed, may not grow again.”

Dragnet continues

Yesterday, the police arrested 155 more GISBH followers in an early morning multi-agency raid across Peninsular Malaysia.

Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said 78 men and 77 women were arrested under Phase 4 of Ops Global, while another 186 victims were rescued, including women and children.

This came after the police rescued 402 children in raids on 20 GISBH welfare homes in Selangor and Negeri Sembilan on Sept 11, with 171 people arrested.

Nineteen individuals, including GISBH CEO Nasiruddin Mohd Ali and his wife, were remanded for seven days to assist in the investigations on Sept 19.

GISBH CEO Nasiruddin Mohd Ali

Separately, Free Malaysia Today reported Penang Deputy Chief Minister Mohamad Abdul Hamid as saying yesterday that the state authorities are investigating a chicken abattoir linked to GISBH for allegedly not paying its workers their dues.

He also claimed that the abattoir, Ikhwan Poultry Sdn Bhd, located in Tasek Gelugor, has yet to apply for halal certification.

As for other businesses and welfare homes operated by the company in the state, Mohamad said the state government was keeping tabs on them to ensure there are no violations of the law.


MKINI Readers Write-In:

Akmal you have been silent over such serious issues. It's a crime and very serous ones. Society must feel safe against such people regardless of race and religion.You are someone who likes to play up with race but whenen it comes to your own race on serious crime committed you remain completely quiet. So shameful
Absolutely outrageous! 186 victims of sexual abuse/rape and probably still counting but Takiyuddin Hassan is asking the authorities not to be "overzealous"? Reminiscent of Hadi's avowal Muslims don't lie? Or Muslims need special treatment?
In another democratic country where religion is not zealously guarded these sexual marauders would be jailed and put away for life.
I would recommend whip lashes and possibly castration.
Yet this self righteous legal eagle is actually asking for some leeway for their despicable crimes against children mainly. What does it say of his personal faith and one he touts politically. This is beyond double standards. It about privileged racism and bigotry
Equally shocking is Zaid joining in the fray by asking for the authorities to protect the businesses of this depraved group!
Meanwhile the 'boikot brat whose rantings got persons hauled into court and cost the local supplier his business has been as dead as a dodo! Possibly stunned into shame and unable to clearly defend the indefensible?

Totally agree!
Orang kita jangan hentam kuat sangat.
Orang lain baru kita hentam kaw kaw.
Over zealous. How can PDRM be over zealous Takiyuddin ?

They must have the evidence and proof before they can charge anybody of the crimes that they have committed.

Takiyuddin, do you realize or know the magnitude of what have happened here. Children being abused, exploited and even sodomized.

Do you know ofwhat these mental and physical scars are going to create for the children that have gone through these situation for

Will they in the future repeat or inflict, ⁷what they have expirienced on other children ?

Will they become a threat to the nation in the future, due to the wrong doctrine that they have been ingrained with.

Let PDRM do a thorough job of investigating the whole episode and also who was or is responsible for each crime that they have committeed.

Why is Pas worried or who are they defending ? Do any of their sources of funding come from these companies runned by these criminals ?

Is Pas worried that PDRM may find a connection between the party and GISBH ?

When it comes to real crimes by one group, one rule. When it’s even imagined wrongdoings by another group, it’s hysteria time. Such is the character of racial and religious politics in Malaysia, which has no place in a multi-racial multi-religious society. We can be so much better than Takiyuddin, Akmal, Hadi and their kind, so why aren’t we?
Missing children found in the homes! Abduction?
Then why so over zealous on KK mart? This is more serious
Because KK Mart was caused by other lain!

Kes in semua type sama!
Mana Dr Akmal……? Why no boycott instructions or notices. Are these wrong doings not so serious as compared KK Mart ?
KURANG AJAR Akmal only dares to bully the minorities.
He is a useless hypocrite and coward.
GISBH with its paedophile shenanigans gave Islam a bad name.

It is unbecoming of PAS for trying to defend the business entities of ajaran sesat GISBH.

ALL of GISBH members should be arrested under SOSMA & its assets & business entities ceased & confiscated since Agong & Selangor Ruler have spoken.
PAS is singing a different tune now for GISBH as it involves 2R. PAS said GISBH wrong doings can be corrected by guidance. GISBH shouldn't be punished for any Islamic wrong doings as well as criminal offences. GISBH has a big business which cannot be allowed to fail. In short, leave GISBH alone and give help to GISBH to repent. However, KK mart case, there was no quarters given to the KK mart owner and the company that imported the socks. The company that imported the socks had its licence revoked. This means bungkus. The defender of Islam demanded apologies, boycott and police investigations against the company and owners. It fault of a few socks is much less offensive than GISBH offences. GISBH offences include Syariah and criminal laws. The sad part is that PM keeps quiet. He pretends not to see, to hear and to act as he doesn't want to annoy anyone whereas PDRM, Sultans and Agong have to step in to direct PDRM to act fast and fair. GISBH is a hot potato which has tarnished Islam. However, those who had shouted that they are defenders of Islam including PM and UMNO youth leader are having loss their voices and lips zipped. Not a sound from them. There had never been a similar incident like GISBH in other Muslim countries. Malaysia always made fantastic news for the wrong reasons.

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