
Monday, August 26, 2024

PAS man should look in mirror, not scapegoat DAP: Aziz Bari

PAS man should look in mirror, not scapegoat DAP: Aziz Bari

Martin Vengadesan
Published: Aug 26, 2024 6:28 PM

DAP’s Abdul Aziz Bari has urged Perak PAS commissioner Razman Zakaria to be more honest with himself rather than making DAP a scapegoat for his party’s failures.

Speaking to Malaysiakini, the Tebing Tinggi assemblyperson claimed that Ramzan is not well-versed in the country’s political history.

“Razman needs to be more honest and take a good look in the mirror instead of scapegoating DAP. He obviously is a latecomer to politics and is unaware of certain things,” he said.

Aziz’s (above) comments came after Razman claimed that while PAS had previously worked with DAP, it distanced itself from a DAP that was now a “rotten fish”.

Razman went on to attack Umno for being willing to work with DAP, particularly in Perak after the 2022 state by-election, when no coalition held a convincing majority, with PN winning 26 seats, Harapan 24 and BN nine.

Harapan and BN formed a pact, leading to Umno’s Mohamad Saarani’s reappointment as Perak menteri besar.

Perak PAS commissioner Razman Zakaria

DAP never hindered PAS

Elaborating further, Aziz pointed out that DAP never hindered PAS, and the phrase “Islam is in danger” is only shouted by the Islamist party when they are out of power.

“PAS embraced Malay unity and dominance after the 2018 general election and curiously abandoned the struggle for an Islamic state and hudud law.

“PAS stopped pursuing those goals when it became part of the Perikatan Nasional government, which took power through the back door in March 2020. Even today, these issues are still missing from the party’s manifesto,” Aziz noted.

He also challenged the narrative that PAS left the Pakatan Rakyat coalition in 2015 due to disagreements over implementing the hudud law in Kelantan.

Aziz clarified that this was not the case, adding that hudud was never included in the Pakatan Rakyat’s Orange Book, which was co-signed by PKR, DAP, and PAS.

“I believe PAS left more due to internal power struggles, especially between the then-progressive wing or ‘Anwaristas’ and the clerics who were more inclined towards Umno, led by Najib Abdul Razak.

“I told PAS at the time that if they were serious about implementing hudud, they should have a blueprint for it, as constitutional issues needed to be clarified. But they never did,” elaborated Aziz, who is himself a constitutional expert.

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