
Friday, August 02, 2024

Olympic Boxing Match - Woman lost badly to Male (???) Opponent


"This Is Unjust!" Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down In Tears After 'Biological Male' Brutalizes Her In 46 Seconds

Feminists are once again silent after a female boxer was destroyed in 46 seconds by a 'biological male' in an Olympic matchup.

After just 46 seconds and two massive shots to the head, Italy's Angela Carini threw her helmet onto the mat and abandoned the bout against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, shouting "This is unjust!"

The 25-year-old Carini, and Italian police officer, refused to shake hands with Khelif - who was previously banned from the 2023 world championships by the International Boxing Association after failing tests to establish gender qualification.

After the Olympic match was stopped, the referee raised Khelif's hand in the air, while a visibly furious Carini yanked her hand away from the official and stormed off, the Daily Mail reports. She then dropped to her knees and burst into tears, saying she had never felt such strong blows in a match.

"I'm used to suffering. I've never taken a punch like that, it's impossible to continue. I'm nobody to say it's illegal," she said after the match. — ZeroHedge

Our Take: Outrage consumed social media Thursday, as a boxer with XY chromosomes competed against a boxer with XX chromosomes, forcing the latter to discontinue the match after just 46 seconds.

Again, satire has become reality:

A user on X, @sylphwindrunner wrote, ‘I cried watching this. They’ve legitimised men beating the sh*t out of women. Having been at the receiving end of a man’s fists, it took me right back there. That poor woman, all her life working & training for this. Absolutely disgraceful, repulsive & sickening.’

Angela Carini, the Italian female boxer was heard shouting, ‘This is unjust!’ as the match ended, and appears desperate for a decision from the International Olympic Committee on the fairness of the matchup.

Notably, the transgender boxer was banned from the International Boxing Association, but permitted by the IOC against the protests of female athletes.

Don’t expect justice for Carini or changes to IOC policy. The IOC is committed to equity or equality and safety. Remember, the 2024 IOC also allowed a convicted child rapist to compete in Men’s Volleyball.

And, for the trans movement, equity means never having to apologize for beating the shit out of women. — Ashe in America


  1. Absolutely stupid move to allow a person who was born and passed puberty as a male to compete as a woman in any sports where muscular strength and/or physical size is an advantage - which is most sports.

  2. Fyi...


    Well, now it’s time to be wrong, eat a little crow, and correct the record.

    Imane Khelif, the Olympic boxer we have been ragging on for a couple of days, is a female boxer, has been a female boxer since childhood, and is not transgender.

    She was accused by a Russian sanctioning body of having male chromosomes and was disqualified from a prior boxing competition on those grounds.

    Khelif has some male traits, but she also has lady bits where they belong.

    The woke agenda is sick, sad and wrong, and the controversy over Imane Khelif actually makes her a victim of that ideology. They have pushed men in women’s sports and now the pushback has pointed the finger at a chick who looks like a dude, punches like a dude, but was born a chick.

    There are plenty of transpronoun kooks ruining women’s sports. Apparently, Imane Khelif isn’t one of them.

    Can’t be too careful with the truth. Sometimes it’s very hard to find, even with the best intentions.

    HT Matloe Jack for bringing this to my attention.

  3. ~~~~~

    🇩🇿 A deeper look if the Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is trans.

    Answering requests from my Algerian followers I dug in a bit, so here’s what we know:

    1) Algeria is a Muslim country without LGBT rights, hence they would never send a trans to represent them.

    2) The Algerian understanding is that Imane has is hyperandrogenism, what causes heightened testosterone levels

    3) Imane lost 9 fights and had 4 draws out of 50 during years, so there are women who can win against Imane.

    4) Imane was disqualified from last year's world championships for failing gender-eligibility tests, due to XY chromosomes.

    "Based on the results of DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to deceive their colleagues and pretended to be women. Based on the results of the tests, it was proven that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from the competition”

    4) Rosario Coco, the president of the Gaynet communications association:
    "In contrast to the reports that have been circulating, the Algerian athlete Imane Khelif is not a trans woman. From the information we have about her, she is an intersex person, who has always socialized as a woman and has a sporting history in women's competitions".

    ➡️ So as far as I understand, Imane is not gay, nor trans, but she’s intersex, so born as a woman with male chromosomes, hence the high testosterone and appearance.

    Genetically Imane is a man though.

    Of course it’s not Imane’s fault and Imane did not consciously change her gender from man to woman, that’s just how she is. Likely Imane did not even know about that until recently.

    So this is morally an important factor!

    Now the question, if Imane should compete against biological women, is another.

    Imane is biologically mostly a man (intersex, as in between sexes), that maybe is upsetting to some but it is true, unless the International Boxing Association is spreading lies about the DNA test they did.

    To be fair, Imane is not an unstoppable monster like the memes portray her now.

    Imane record is:
    50 fights
    37 victories
    9 defeats
    4 draws

    So, there are women out there who can beat Imane. Now decide for yourself.

    @MyLordBebo | Boost us! | X

  4. ~~~~~

    Ireland's Kellie Harrington defeated Imane at the Tokyo Olympics.

    Imane made the 4th place, not winning any medal.

    Hence, Imane is not an “unstoppable monster”

    @MyLordBebo | Boost us! | X

  5. At times, there is no straight answer, only be taught by truth, and move on...


    I’m gonna wade back in on the Olympic boxing non-scandal.

    You, like I, have been saying there are only two genders like robots for years, and we have been correct.

    Imane Khelif was born a female. She is a female. As a matter of fact, she is a manly female who has not given in to woke madness and transitioned to calling herself male. Oh, the irony.

    In the absence of a genetic test, we would only know she is a female with extraordinary boxing skills and a manly visage.

    How many women do you know who look manly? How many men do you know who look effeminate? Are you waiting for a genetic test to determine if they are female or male? Nope.

    Sports is a competition of physical skill and intrinsic athletic qualities. Tall people tend to excel in basketball. They are closer to the hoop. Did we cry, “unfair,” when Shaq took the court? Nobody said, “he was born too big and tall. Nobody can defend him. Disqualify him.”

    Mark Phelps has a body like a porpoise. That makes him an abnormally great swimmer. Are we going to test for porpoise-like body syndrome and send him home?

    Tiny, coordinated women tend to do well in gymnastics. Taller ones, volleyball. Stout ones, softball. Muscular ones with tons of testosterone do well in boxing.

    Boxing is a battle sport. Every boxer volunteers to get hit and risk physical damage. Some boxers are bigger, stronger, faster and have more endurance than others. They are born with those traits.

    Men do not belong in women’s sports. Hard stop.

    Women who have the physical traits that allow them to excel in their sport belong in women’s sports. That’s the entire point.

    Khelif is Algerian. She was born a female. She has a lot of testosterone and an ideal body for boxing. Do you think an Algerian child who took up boxing knew she had genetic markers or hormone levels that were manly, or do you think she kicked ass and became an Olympian?

    You can cry foul all you want, invoke fairness and seek mushy parity in sports or you can admit we rushed to judgement on Khelif and go back to your core argument, which is that there are only two genders and men don’t belong in women’s sports.

    Khelif is not a man. The argument, for me, ends there.
