
Saturday, August 03, 2024

Iraqi Shiite Militias Redeploy to Syria as Fight Against Israel Looms


Military Watch:

Iraqi Shiite Militias Redeploy to Syria as Fight Against Israel Looms - Reports

Middle East

Following the assassination of Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31, which has near unanimously been blamed on Israel by regional and Western sources, escalation tensions between Iran and Israel have led states across the region to take growing precautions against the outbreak of full scale war. 

With the Iranian leadership and that of Hezbollah affirming that there would be retaliation against Israeli targets, while Tehran has cited Article 51 of the United Nations Charter guaranteeing its right to self defence, Israel had warned that any attack causing significant casualties or widespread destruction would lead it to retaliate by launching a full scale war.

Ongoing hostilities across Israel’s borders have seen the country exchange fire with Palestinian paramilitaries in Gaza, the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, the Yemeni Ansuruallah Coalition, and with Iran itself in April. 

The possibility has more recently been raised of a further front being opened in Syria, as while Syrian government forces are preoccupied with confronting Turkish forces and Turkish-sponsored paramilitaries across their western border, non-state paramilitaries maintain a considerable presence across the Israeli border. Recent reports that Iraqi paramilitaries, largely trained and armed by Iran, have been redeployed to Syrian territory, if confirmed, would provide a further indication that Syria would emerge as a further frontier for hostilities. 


  1. Plenty of moronic Iraqi, Yemeni, Lebanese idiots ready to die for Iran.
    And they will die in large numbers if they attack Israel.

    Israel IS Very Old Testament style, not like the softly, softly Wankees playing with weak signals.

    Israel's signals are loud and painful and very bloody.

    Don't play-play.

    1. Don't play play?

      Ooop… mfer, u have conveniently forgotten the past Zionist history!

      They r instead very old testament style. That eventually caused their downfalls & exodus.

    2. diasporas - 3rd and final one coming

  2. Lets see what'll happen...


    Not to be redundant, but the UK is going to cut off arms to Israel just as they become necessary for Israel to defend itself.

    One might assume that the large Muslim population now housed in England poses a significant internal threat, but it has never stopped the UK from arming Israel before.

    Biden is signaling a reduction in support if Israel continues to escalate.

    The US is deploying military assets to the coast of Lebanon, but this is likely to protect our own bases in the Middle East. We have a lot of resources there. Official announcements concerning this deployment speak to rising tensions, but fall short of mentioning support for Israel.

    Is Israel being slowly hung out to dry?
