
Monday, August 05, 2024

Christian group denies links to promotion of Bible courses near surau

Christian group denies links to promotion of Bible courses near surau

Published: Aug 4, 2024 12:13 PM

The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) has expressed deep concern over the recent 16-second video showing a small group of people promoting free Bible courses next to a surau in Malacca.

Its chairperson Cor Episcopa Philip Thomas denied any link between its component bodies and the incident.

“To the best of our information and belief, no individual or group within or associated with our component bodies, namely, the Roman Catholic Church, the Council of Churches in Malaysia and the National Evangelical Christian Fellowship were involved in that incident.

“CFM supports the many calls on the authorities to investigate this matter and take lawful action to maintain religious harmony in the country,” said the group in a statement this morning.

Yesterday, Malacca police confirmed receiving four reports on the distribution of pamphlets related to the Bible and the promotion of Christianity in front of Surau Warisan near the Stadthuys Building, Banda Hilir last Saturday.

Malacca police chief Zainol Samah said all the reports were received on Friday, with complaints made by four individuals, including staff from the Malacca Islamic Religious Department.

“The complainants have requested the police to investigate and take firm action against the individuals featured in the viral video,” he said.

The video, recorded by a rickshaw rider in the area, raised questions about the intentions and appropriateness of the group’s activities promoting the Bible in front of a Muslim place of worship.

1 comment:

  1. In the King Solomon cycle in the Bible, there is an account of two women making a claim for a baby, "stolen in the night"...until a sword to decide the judgement that the real mother gave up her claim in order to get her baby back.

    Lots can be ponder and meditate on.

    Proclaim the kingdom of God is a call for Christian, but there are many times the price is bloody but the prize is infinite.

    Hopefull not to the extent of extremity but love and mercy of God will prevail...
