
Monday, June 17, 2024

NATO Discussing Placing More Nuclear Weapons on Standby: U.S. May Provide More B61 Warheads to European Allies


Military Watch:

NATO Discussing Placing More Nuclear Weapons on Standby: U.S. May Provide More B61 Warheads to European Allies

North America, Western Europe and Oceania , Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had stated that the alliance is holding talks on the deployment of more nuclear weapons, stating that the bloc needed to show its nuclear arsenal to the world to send a direct message to it adversaries. “I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues. That’s exactly what we’re doing,” he stated, citing China, Russia and North Korea in particular as the primary challenges which the alliance faced. Stoltenberg has in the past made unprecedented references among holders of his office to a NATO mission to counter China, despite the Western military bloc’s traditional Euro-Atlantic focus, citing among other factors Beijing’s refusal to support Western economic warfare efforts against Russia. He specifically highlighted the significant expansion of the Chinese nuclear arsenal, which by the 2030s is expected to reach around 80 percent the size of the arsenals fielded by Russia and the United States. 

F-35 Drops Mock B61 Nuclear Bomb During Testing
F-35 Drops Mock B61 Nuclear Bomb During Testing

Regarding modernisation of NATO’s nuclear arsenals, Stoltenberg elaborated: “The U.S. is modernising their gravity bombs for the nuclear warheads they have in Europe and European allies are modernising the planes which are going to be dedicated to NATO nuclear mission.” Alongside three members of NATO which are nuclear weapons states, namely the United States, Britain and France, five other NATO members are to be given access to nuclear weapons by the United States in wartime: namely Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. This arrangement has remained controversial due its de facto creation of new nuclear weapons states, with Western analysts having widely highlighted that it violates Articles I and II of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The nuclear strike capabilities of all these states are set to be modernised with the delivery of new fighter aircraft, with Turkey in mid-June having signed a letter of offer and acceptance to acquire enhanced F-16 Block 70/72 fighters, while the four Western European states will all deploy F-35 stealth fighters. The Royal Netherlands Air Force 313 Squadron’s F-35s fully took over the country’s nuclear attack role from its F-16s as of June 1, making it the first European stealth fighter unit armed to launch nuclear attacks. As European states have placed growing orders for more F-35s, the possibility remains that more B61-12 nuclear warheads will become available for nuclear sharing allowing more of the continent’s fighter units to become de-facto nuclear armed. 


  1. Was deep fakes being weaponized and now being exposed?


    KJP now blaming the damning videos of Biden on the “desperate Republicans” using “deep fakes”…

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984

    You best start believing in Orwellian dystopias… you’re in one.

    NB: attached video of WH spokesperson.

  2. ~~~~~

    The Kiev Symphony Orchestra, in its entirety, has refused to return to Kiev and asked for political asylum in Germany.

    Isn't Ukriane the land of "Freedom and Democracy"?

    New record in Ukraine: Kiev Symphony Orchestra escaped to Germany, fleeing the massacre in the Armed Forces

    ▪ 武The Kiev Symphony Orchestra with all the tools and the number of 70 people, of which 2/3 are men of mobilization age, did not return from Germany after the tour.

    ▪ 武The authorities of the city of Monheim-on-Rhine in North Rhine --- Westphalia provided housing for members of the orchestra and their families for three years.

    1. Link to telegram channel post. Google translate of Russian text matched.


    Fences going up around the Supreme Court

    They are about to rule on something and they think people will protest

    NEW: They put up fences around the Supreme Court.

    Are they afraid that the left is not going to like the ruling?

    1. My apology. Alternate observation point to no such happening.


      🚨#UPDATE: Old footage from March 5, 2022, is being circulated, showing fencing surrounding the Supreme Court. However, people on the scene have confirmed that there is currently no fencing or any crews assembling fencing as this is a current picture. This is why we deleted our post, as I was confused by the outdated footage.

  4. Just prudent insurance preparations by NATO, given the daily crude nuclear threats emanating from Putin and his fellow barbarian thugs.

  5. Anecdotal observation of icbm activity at Vandenburg AFB.


    Heads up, normally there’s a median notification of a planned ICBM launch from Vanderburg space force base testing their Minuteman missile system. As of right now I can’t find a scheduled launch, but we just had one about five minutes before I posted this Godspeed.
