
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Korean Borders, Warmongers & Peacemakers

Badlands Media

Korean Borders, Warmongers & Peacemakers

JUN 19, 2024

The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.

That’s where we come in.

In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand pick news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community with some Badlands flavoring to help wash it down.

Now, onto the news from Tuesday, June 18 …

Russia’s Putin arrives in North Korea for rare trip as anti-West alignment deepens

Russian President Vladimir Putin has landed in North Korea for a rare visit that signals the two countries’ deepening alignment and Moscow’s need to source weapons from Pyongyang to sustain its war on Ukraine.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un personally greeted Putin at the plane ramp as he arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang in the early hours of Wednesday morning local time, video footage of his arrival showed.

State media RIA reported that the two leaders talked animatedly with each other for several minutes before reaching their motorcade.

The pair then rode together to the Kumsusan State Guest House where Putin will be staying, according to North Korean state media KCNA, and the two leaders “exchanged their pent-up innermost thoughts and opened their minds to more surely develop (North Korea-Russia) relations in conformity with the common desire and will of the peoples of the two countries.”

After arriving at the guesthouse, they held a “friendly chat,” KCNA added.

The streets of Pyongyang were decked out with Russian flags and posters of Putin ahead of his first visit to the country since 2000. This week’s visit is a rare overseas trip for Putin since he launched the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, and a key moment for Kim, who has not hosted another world leader in his politically isolated country since the Covid-19 pandemic. — CNN

Our Take: What a day in Pyongyang.

The city was decked out in regalia very reminiscent of the way King Salman decorated Riyadh when President Donald Trump visited the Saudi capital in 2017, and received the infamous Sword Dance.

Upon Putin's arrival, Kim Jong Un couldn't contain himself, foregoing the traditional handshake and grappling Putin in a full hug. As Trump would say, it was a full-blown love fest. Honestly, this isn't surprising at all; it's just affirmation that the Sovereign Alliance is real, and the JACOB Accords are expanding at an accelerating rate. (It's not gay, it's Just A Couple Of Bros hugging it out on the tarmac, preparing to bring down an ancient death cult that wants to enslave humanity.)

My favorite part was when a few dozen NK troops shuffled across the DMZ, and exchanged fire with South Korean troops, in a very rare display. The Daily Beast—the menstrual rag of record—got duped into running the headline, "Is Kim Jong Un Starting a War to Impress Visiting Friend Vladimir Putin?!"


(I did mention yesterday that I was hoping to get some DMZ comms, so shout out to the Ghosts in the Machine.)

It makes me so happy knowing that these morons are this easy to fool, and that the boys are having some fun while they prepare for the main event, which inches closer with each passing day.

Putin disclosed in an op-ed that the two countries are working to develop financial systems "that are not controlled by the West." (Maybe Un has been the whale scooping up Bitcoin this whole time,

"A considerable amount of time will be dedicated to informal contacts between the leaders, as these negotiations … will contain the most important and most sensitive questions."

Music to my ears. JACOB. —

Biden Announces Protection Against Deportation for Some Illegal Immigrants

President Joe Biden on June 18 announced that his administration will not deport many illegal immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens or whose parent is married to a U.S. citizen.

Approximately 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens, as well as about 50,000 children, will be shielded from deportation and given the ability to gain legal status without leaving the United States, the White House said.

The new process requires illegal immigrant adults to have lived in the United States for at least 10 years as of June 17 and to be married to a U.S. citizen. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is managing the program. — The Epoch Times

Our Take: This sounds like a made up story — meaning, the Biden administration is fabricating a policy win.

Spouses of US citizens and their children are not a big concern of immigration critics. To be honest, I thought immigrants married to US citizens were already immune from deportation, and certainly their (actual) children should be as well.

That being said, children means adults here, too. If a 70 year old immigrant marries a 70 year old US citizen, are all of their adult children, men and women in their 40s and 50s, here to stay?

Sounds absurd, but so is the Biden administration.

Promising not to deport 450,000 US citizens’ spouses and step kids is a winning policy position for a problem that doesn’t exist. They weren’t going to be deported anyway. It may incentivize marriage, though; marriage among illegal immigrants, many of whom are in vulnerable situations.

Anyway, can we please do something about the millions of military aged males?

Whose vote is he courting with this one? —
Ashe in America

The Return of Peace Through Strength

Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin phrase that emerged in the fourth century that means “If you want peace, prepare for war.” The concept’s origin dates back even further, to the second-century Roman emperor Hadrian, to whom is attributed the axiom, “Peace through strength—or, failing that, peace through threat.”

U.S. President George Washington understood this well. “If we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for war,” he told Congress in 1793. The idea was echoed in President Theodore Roosevelt’s famous dictum: “Speak softly, and carry a big stick.” And as a candidate for president, Ronald Reagan borrowed directly from Hadrian when he promised to achieve “peace through strength”—and later delivered on that promise.

In 2017, President Donald Trump brought this ethos back to the White House after the Obama era, during which the United States had a president who felt it necessary to apologize for the alleged sins of American foreign policy and sapped the strength of the U.S. military. That ended when Trump took office. As he proclaimed to the UN General Assembly in September 2020, the United States was “fulfilling its destiny as peacemaker, but it is peace through strength.” — Foreign Affairs (Robert C. O’Brien)

And …

Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

As the White House presses Israel to agree to a ceasefire that will allow the terrorist group Hamas to regroup and attack Israel again in the future, it’s worth taking stock of the mess Joe Biden has made of the Middle East, especially compared to Donald Trump’s record.

President Trump’s approach of peace through strength, in the Reagan tradition, has been supplanted by Biden’s record of war through weakness, in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter.

Trump kept Europe safe from Russia without risking nuclear war and kept Israel safe by keeping Iran in check; Biden has failed on both counts.

On Biden’s watch, Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis and took 251 hostages – including eight Americans, Iran attacked Israel with drones and missiles, and Iranian proxies regularly target and harass U.S. forces and allies throughout the region.

The contrast is stark. Trump brokered the Abraham Accords, a historic series of peace agreements between Israel and four Arab countries – the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan – which set the region on a path toward peace, prosperity, and integration. — American Greatness (Kristi Noem)

Our Take: Hold up ... you're telling me Robert C. O'Brien published an Op Ed on Trump's return to the Kennedy "peace through strength" doctrine on the same day Kristi Noem deployed the same thing in one of Trump's favorite publications, American Greatness?

That’s quite a pair of cameos pushing the usual talking heads and quilling pundits aside to launch parallel and intersecting narratives laden with the sort of peacemaker theming many in this community have been forwarding for years.

We're in a War of Stories, and as that story accelerates toward a series of mass psychological inflection points, it seems patriots are trying to lend a helping hand to Americans who aren't quite picking up the themes on a quick enough timeline.

We've reached the assisted reading point of the narrative.

Coordination = Control.

But, why this narrative? Why this particular angle?

Because the movie is about to get very, very tense, and because we were called, trained, perhaps even born to be the frame and support over the coming days, however long they last.

In order to make peace, you must first have the threat of war. Not far-off. Not hypothetical. Direct, immediate and seemingly inevitable.

The only thing warmongers hate more than peace itself … is those with the strength and foresight to bring it about. —
Burning Bright

CNN Data Reporter "Speechless" At "Historic" Loss Of Black Support For Biden

CNN data reporter Harry Enten expressed shock at just how much support Joe Biden has lost among Black voters, admitting that Donald Trump’s polling numbers are “historic.”

Enten detailed how Trump is on course to win around 20 percent of Black voters, around DOUBLE what Republican candidates usually achieve. In the demographic of Black voters under 50, Biden’s support has halved in just four years.

“I keep looking for this to change, to go back to a historical norm, and it, simply put, has not yet,” Enten declared. — Modernity News

Our Take: Can we just take a moment and enjoy this?

Trump is gaining support in every demographic, and Biden is officially — and objectively — the worst candidate in the history of American suffrage.

Young black voters (under 50) are literally fleeing the Democrat Party. Biden is -43 from his 2020 support levels in the demographic.

Better, if this polling is close to accurate, they’re seeking asylum and refugee status with MAGA.

Welcome, new friends!

America First! —
Ashe in America

White House baffled by Netanyahu's claim Biden is withholding weapons

A White House spokesperson responded bluntly on Tuesday to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claim that the Biden administration is withholding weapons from Israel: "We genuinely do not know what he is talking about."

Why it matters: Netanyahu's remarks, made on video in English, were one of his harshest public criticisms of the Biden administration since the war in Gaza began on October 7. They come despite the fact that the U.S. has only withheld one weapons shipment since the war began, while providing billions worth of arms and ammunition.

That shipment was put on hold in May to signal U.S. concerns over a looming Israeli ground operation in Rafah. It included 3,500 bombs for fighter jets, many of which were 2,000-pound bombs

Since then, Biden has faced growing pressure from fellow Democrats to cut off or condition military aid to Israel over Palestinian civilian casualties, but has declined to do so.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday that beyond the one paused shipment, "everything else is moving."

What he's saying: Netanyahu said in the video that he'd had a "candid conversation" about arms deliveries with Secretary of State Tony Blinken during his last visit to Israel. — Axios

Our Take: Something very significant just happened; Something that I have been waiting for since before October 7th.

The Turn.

Burning Bright has written about this kind of moment on his Substack. It is the moment that the long-play finally pays off, and the faith you have placed in a leader—often predicated on speculative presumption—becomes material, paying dividends against the odds.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has taken a lot of flak from many sides over his inert disposition toward Israel these nine months. As I explained to Jon, Chris and Patrick on DPH back on October 7th, I firmly believe that MBS has assumed the most important role in this entire Gaza conflict.

MBS has been the rock in the storm, holding steady as the violent tempest swirled around him. After the IDF invaded Gaza, he convened an emergency summit of the entire Islamic world, where I presume he asked the elders for their trust in his leadership.

The Muslims had to do the one thing that nobody in the world expected them to do: nothing. MBS had to simultaneously hold back nearly 2 billion citizens, while serving as the whipping post for all their vitriol, as they cast blame on him for betraying Palestine. If he failed to keep the peace—to prevent the Ummah from turning into a Caliphate—it would mean WW3.

Simply put, MBS had to thread the eye of a needle in the middle of a hurricane.

I calculated that, at some point, he would turn on Netanyahu. That would be the logical progression of a counterinsurgency—if that was, in fact, what we are witnessing. But in order for that Turn to be genuine—and not result in calls for revenge—he had to bide his time, and be the rock in the storm. He had to let Netanyahu show the world who he is.

As for Netanyahu, it should be obvious to everyone by now who he is. If you understand his bloodline—he claims to be descended from Vilna Gaon—then you understand that he is trying to fulfill a prophesied destiny that has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or the events from the Book of Revelations. (If you want to know more, watch Breaking History today.)

October 7th was an inside job, intended to subvert the Abraham Accords, ignite World War III, and begin a campaign of conquest that would deliver the vision of the Revisionist Movement—the movement of Netanyahu's grandfather. That's why the IDF is now invading Lebanon, and has been provoking conflict with both Syria and Egypt: All of those territories are part of Greater Israel. You can find a map of it on the patches now worn by certain units of the IDF. (You can also hear an IDF commander giving a speech to his troops back on November 5th, where he says they are about to conquer the lands necessary to create Greater Israel.)

These people—the ruling elite of Israel—are not what some of you may think they are. They come from a place called The Pale of Settlement—the borderland regions of modern-day Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland—and their ancestors lived a very difficult existence, while our ancestors were rebelling against the very same oppressors, to create America. But now, these people carry a vendetta against Russia, among others, that cannot be satiated. (I believe this is what was referenced by Colonel Macgregor to Tucker.) They are consumed by their appetite for revenge.

Everything happening right now is connected, and I suspect that, with time, the full picture will become more evident. —

"We're Currently Watching The Collapse" Of The Daily Beast As 70% Of Unionized Staffers 'Gutted'

The journalism industry is in a severe downturn, with over 8,000 job cuts reported across the US, UK, and Canada last year alone. The first half of this year has already seen more than 1,000 layoffs from traditional newspapers, online media outlets, and even leftist nonprofit watchdog journalism organizations. The industry is crumbling in an election year as some conservative media outlets thrive.

A new report from The Wrap says leftist media outlet The Daily Beast is "gutting its senior editorial team after implementing voluntary buyouts last month, with nearly 70% of unionized staffers leaving the outlet."

According to people with direct knowledge of the situation, some of the senior staffers taking buyouts include reporter Justin Baragona, political investigations reporter Jose Pagliery, senior national reporter Pilar Melendez, senior reporter Emily Shugerman, and many others. About 25 unionized staffers received the buyouts, which equates to about 70% of unionized staffers.

The people expect upcoming layoffs later this month to impact non-union editorial staffers.

"We're currently watching the collapse of The Beast," one person told TheWrap, adding, "There is no doubt the site won't be able to recover from this."

"One of the first lessons of any company: Don't alienate your core customer and piss them off so much they begin to call for a boycott against your firm," the person continued.

The source is likely referring to the Daily Beast's radical leftist reporting and boycotting of President Trump over the years. This type of reporting and commentary on Trump has made some readers highly skeptical of its stories. Remember when the outlet was sued for pumping disinformation about Hunter Biden's laptop? — ZeroHedge

Our Take: I mean, you don’t need lots of employees if you don’t have any customers


It’s obvious what’s happening, even to those involved:

"One of the first lessons of any company: Don't alienate your core customer and piss them off.”

Strange it has to be said.

"There is no doubt the site won't be able to recover from this."

Do you promise? —
Ashe in America

Billionaire under sanctions could get $300mn in controversial US-Congo deal

Dan Gertler, a billionaire under sanctions, is set to receive hundreds of millions of dollars as part of a controversial US plan to lift restrictions on the Israeli tycoon if he sells his remaining mining interests in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Gertler was hit with sanctions by the US Treasury in 2017 for alleged corrupt dealing in Congo, but retains lucrative royalty streams from three mining projects there.

Under the US proposal, the Treasury would provide Gertler with “special” licences to sell the three royalty streams back to the Congolese government and would eventually grant him a “general” licence to regain access to the US financial system.

The total amount Gertler would receive is yet to be decided, but US officials expect it to be somewhere around $300mn, according to two people who asked not to be identified discussing the financial terms of the deal, which have not previously been reported.

The US officials behind the proposal argue that removing Gertler from Congo would create more opportunities for US-friendly companies to access metals such as a copper and cobalt. Both minerals are vital to the buildout of clean energy infrastructure. — FT

Our Take: Well, well, well... look what the cat puked up.

This article is some of the most shameless and brazen propaganda I've ever seen. No surprise that it comes from the insidious Financial Times of London-- the "paper of record for the Uniparty Establishment." (h/t Steve Bannon)

For those unfamiliar with mining oligarch Dan Gertler, check out this clip from a recent Badlands Daily, where I detail how President Trump used Executive Order 13818 to seize his assets, because he had maliciously acquired mineral rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and was using child slaves to mine diamonds, gold, and cobalt. (Gertler was extracting billions of dollars from Africa, then disseminating those funds to various Israeli oligarchs. Sounds like he was the cash cow for the Israeli elite.)

The article claims that restoring Gertler's assets will allow him to sell them off to more respectable operators, while Gertler walks away with hundreds of millions of dollars in ill-gotten gains.

But as I have also outlined, in detail, on another episode of Badlands Daily, the Sovereign Alliance has already coordinated to strip Gertler of some of his mineral rights.

Furthermore, investigative journalists from multiple outlets have spent years looking into Gertler, reporting that he is evading Trump's sanctions by using proxy companies to launder money into accounts that he can access. Some of these journalists have claimed that, since reporting on these developments, Gertler and his goons have personally threatened them. (A PDF that deeply details how he is evading those sanctions can be seen here.)

So this Financial Times article is nothing more than a hollow attempt to explain away why Dan Gertler will be allowed to recoup his seized assets, and why he will be allowed (presumably) to resume plundering Africa.

It is worth noting that Gertler's family is very close with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When Gertler's grandfather, Moshe Schnitzer—former member of the Irgun militia, a self-described "terrorist group," and founder of the Israel Diamond Exchange, the largest exchange in the world—passed away, it was none other than Netanyahu who gave the eulogy at his funeral.

Thick as thieves, eh? That's how organized crime syndicates operate. —


Secret Democrat plot to replace Biden revealed: How Clinton, Obama, Pelosi and Schumer would topple the aging President… and when they'd do it

Nearly every time President Joe Biden appears in public these days, he fuels the chatter: Will aging Joe bow out of the 2024 race? Will he be forced to step aside?

In the latest incident, former president Barack Obama was seen on Saturday reaching for Biden's hand and seemingly guiding the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief off the stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

And that came after Biden stood motionless and stared blankly for a full minute at a Juneteenth celebration at the White House on Monday, as others sang and danced around him. Eventually, Philonise Floyd, brother of the late George Floyd, noticed Biden's concerning pause and wrapped his arm around him to help.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates is denying that Biden froze in the viral video, calling it a 'cheap fake memo' being spewed by the media.

But it seems no matter how much cold water the Biden campaign or Democratic Party throw on this raging fire of speculation, Americans will not be put off the Great Joe Biden Replacement Theory.

It's the idea that somehow, some way the President will be swapped out as the Democratic Party's candidate ahead of the 2024 election.

'Dropping out would be a big risk. But there's some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk,' polling guru Nate Silver wrote on social media last week. 'Are we there yet? I don't know. But it's more than fair to ask.' — Daily Mail

Steve Bannon Predicts Leftists Will Sentence Trump To "Multiple Years In Prison"

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon has warned that the left will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from regaining the White House and that they plan to sentence him to “multiple years in prison” next month.

Speaking at Turning Point Action’s “The People’s Convention” in Detroit, Bannon warned “You know on the 11th of July, they’re gonna sentence him for multiple years in prison. You understand that, right?”

“They don’t care about this election, they don’t care how many votes we get. They’re gonna fight us every step of the way,” Bannon further proclaimed.

He added, “Winning in November is just the first step. From November fifth to the sixth, Jamie Raskin is going to try to steal the election on January 6th. They’re already talking about it right now.”

“They’re already going to say, ‘President Trump’s an insurrectionist and we will never certify an election of an insurrectionist,” Bannon further predicted. — 

Modernity News

Explicit rants and "love": Fauci recounts toxic relationship with Trump in new book

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert who became a COVID-era celebrity, is out Tuesday with an autobiography that details his fraught relationship with former President Trump.

Why it matters: Fauci is one of several ex-Trump administration officials who have published books — and his comes as Trump vies for a second term. Whether the tell-alls will impact voters' impressions of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee remains to be seen.

"On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service" chronicles Fauci's decades-long career as director of National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and time as President Biden's chief medical adviser plus early childhood in Brooklyn.

Seventy of the book's 400-plus pages are dedicated to the first year of the COVID pandemic, when Trump was in office, The New York Times reported.

The intrigue: Fauci shares some of the mixed messaging from Trump in a chapter entitled "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not." Their fallout isn't new information, but the book contains some more nuance about their interactions, according to outlets who have reviewed copies. — Axios


  1. Badlands Fake News forgets to mention their much admired Kim Kon Un had his uncle shot strapped to the muzzle of an anti-aircraft gun, and had his remains fed to hungry dogs.
    Of yes, also had his brother killed with Nerve Agent in KLIA.
    The Malaysian Government Covered THAT up, instead arrest8ng and charging the Indonesian maids , which Tommy Thomas correctly discharged them, but Mahathir refused to pursue further the investigation against North Korea.

    1. Wow…

      "Kim Kon Un had his uncle shot strapped to the muzzle of an anti-aircraft gun, and had his remains fed to hungry dogs.
      Of yes, also had his brother killed with Nerve Agent in KLIA."

      Mfer, shows concrete proofs before u fart with stories from roadsides media reportings!

  2. Are they talking about these 👇
    Audie Murphy American Legend: German Surrender Ceremony Berlin w/GFM Keitel
    Omaha World-Herald: Japanese Sign Final Surrender in 1945



    After West Rejected Putin's Overture, Document Of Ukraine's Surrender To Be Next Proposal: Kremlin


    Our Take: The problem with celebrating mental illness—as Europe and the West have done now for many years—is that you eventually end up elevating imbeciles and the criminally insane into leadership positions.

    Maria Zakharova is reiterating what I wrote on Monday's News Brief: The humiliating Swiss Peace Summit was not just a loss for Ukraine in its war against Russia, it was the first major geopolitical loss for the Globalist Empire in the War of Sovereignty.

    For the Sovereign Alliance, the summit wasn't just about opposing the Hegemony's will, it was about organizing a meaningful resistance that was demonstrative through political action. Flexing sovereign autonomy is critical in the face of authoritarian sociopathy, and the Alliance just showed the world that the Globalist Empire is no god-king; it can bleed.

    As the occult practitioners of the Empire retreat to their luxury compounds to lick their wounds, Putin has pivoted to expand the Alliance, bringing Kim Jong Un and North Korea into the fold. We must wonder whether Putin will ask Un to open up North Korea's markets to the Sovereign Alliance for investment and trade. Doing so would be a flagrant act of defiance to the UN (gasp!), who have imposed crippling trade sanctions against the reclusive nation for decades.

    Do it, Vlad. Let's hear the Empire squeal. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry


    1. There r 2 versions of the Japanese WWII 'surrendering' documents.

      The Japanese worded & the English translated.

      Only listed the translated English version where surrendering was translated as the wording for the Japanese version of "the emperor has decided to order the war cabinet to put down all weapons & aggressions against the alliances forces, & submit peacefully to them for negotiations of peace".

  3. ~~~~~

    The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses


  4. Hmmm...


    Another cryptic post from Stephen Baldwin.

    I know these are a bit idiosyncratic but my spidey senses tell me something is about to happen to Hollyweird, and that Stephen isn’t just talking smack.

    He even says “Particularly after this November.” 🔥🔥🔥

    John 3:36 “ Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”

  5. You can check out the video conference conversation from about the 5m50s mark to about 8m30s mark, if you want. The youtube channel belongs to an American Catholic who cares about his faith, his country and environment that he lives in. The conversation was with another concerned Catholic, a French and French-based, a writer and apparently active in investigating and examining alleged heavenly message to Catholic individuals in France and around the world in the more recent time, roughly the last fourty years.

    It so happen youtube algorithm push this video to my feed and watched about 10 minutes of it. As a Catholic, I am aware of eschatological discussion, heavenly message, many allegedly from the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jesus and St Michael the Arcangel, since the last three hundred years. My position right now is to somewhat keep track of this reported messages and visions but not emotionally vested in it but doing the demanded prayer and spiritual exercises for the state of humanity of this world that has somewhat gone out of control. If the heavenly message is true of a coming chastisement, I accept it and told God I will try my best to bear with, although no one wants to "drink those bitter cup". Because, after been aware of some of the hidden happening, it is a just thing for God to do, for all the cry of injustice towards heaven, including those done to babies and little children. It is also, what I believe, the Badlands refer Sovereign Alliance, is fighting against, the freeing of those insane harming of children, as let out by a few of the Q drops.

    In addition, I am also mindful of eschatological chatter among Muslims, that comes my way via cyber space. Including several videos of Sheikh Hussein, formerly based in KL, then in Barbados, now not sure where.

    I'm those that do lift the head up as I walkabout to see what was up above my head, glanced at the rearview mirror, as taught by my dad, during driving, in case any car may be coming in too close.

    As for those heavenly message, there are the prerogative of the Sovereign of heaven and earth. I decided not to hold breath for them but mindful that my earthly conduct conform to that heavenly call. What the Badland team alluded to I'm most keenly aware of. I'm que sera sera if there is a world war conflagration and try my level best to focus on one day at a time.

    Why at Ktemoc Konsiders blog? I grateful for those comments to alpear, and as an outlet to release those stuffs that come my observing way.

    In the way, let's see what will happen, mindful of one of the Q drop, to paraphase, it is at the precipice that human will change, also part of a dialog of a movie that was remake featuring Keanu Reeves as Klaatu, I think, John Cleese and a famous actress that allude me now, a remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still. Apparently there will not be an actual war but a situation of war where humanity will beg for it to stop.

    Will share as best as substantiated as best as possible but do check out the Badland Daily digest just prior to the above. The Russians know what is going on and they are not having of those things with the SMO.


  6. This will most likely boomerang back or the hook to bring out the real 9 11 story... some aspect of Saudi may be involved but i guess you know more about this story. American patriots have been for a day for the real reckoning...


    Saudis move off the petrodollar last week & suddenly 23 years later regime media finally decides to blame them for 9/11

    EXCLUSIVE: A video obtained by @60minutes shows a man the FBI says had ties to Saudi intelligence referencing a "plan" two years before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks – raising questions about Saudi assistance to the hijackers and planners. While the 9/11 Commission report two decades ago found that al-Qaeda acted alone, the victims' families are disputing this, citing the video from outside the U.S. Capitol and other evidence in a lawsuit.

  7. The reason there was security check at airport.


    Here we go...

    I speculate whether Trump gave MBS and the Saudis the 9/11 files for safe keeping. He certainly would have had the executive authority to do so.

    Wouldn't it be interesting to see MBS disclose the truth of 9/11 to the public?

    Let's not forget that MBS just allowed the petrodollar contract with the US to expire, then called out Netanyahu for being a war criminal. Now Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on Monday evening.

    No coincidences.

  8. Speculative thoughts but not without basis in real world current event. All these are American, Western centric. Will it effect MY? No idea, there are MY telegram channels that are pretty active debating similar concerns like those in US, but will find out.


    The Next Four Months Will Be Unlike Anything Previously Witnessed In American Political History. Each Month Will Be Significantly Worse Than The Previous, With A Crescendo In Late October. At That Point, Anything Can Happen.
