
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Facebook user faces probe over ‘offensive’ comment on child’s photo



Facebook user faces probe

over ‘offensive’ comment

on child’s photo

FMT Reporters-

Officials seized a mobile phone and SIM card believed to have been used for the posting, after recording a statement from the Facebook account owner.

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Free Malaysia Today
An MCMC officer recording a statement from a woman who is suspected of making a Facebook posting which drew a complaint. (MCMC pic)

KUALA LUMPUR: Officials have recorded a statement from the owner of Facebook account ‘Adeline Chang’ after a complaint over a posting containing allegedly offensive caption on an image of a child.

The statement was recorded at the Petaling Jaya district police headquarters on Friday (June 21) by officials of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission in collaboration with the police.

The officials seized a mobile phone and a SIM card believed to belong to the suspect which were believed to have been used to post the photograph, MCMC said.

Under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 it is an offence to transmit obscene materials or anything aimed at offending or disturbing others, the MCMC said.

MCMC reminded the public to exercise caution before uploading or sharing any content, particularly those involving children.

The statement added that MCMC is committed to raising awareness to protect the safety of children through collaboration with various parties and ensuring strict action is taken against those who mistreat children.

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