
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Snippet - Biden/Manchurian FBI has now issued an Islamic terror alert ahead of “Pride” Month 2024

Just an Anon snippet to entertain us, wakakaka (Thanks MF):


  1. ;-)


    The REAL reason Sunak panicked into calling a snap election will come out very shortly

    Make no mistake
    This is why Rishi Sunak has called the election
    We are at war with Russia and he doesn't want to be a war time Prime Minister
    Episode 172
    They are dumping the US dollar and buying massive amounts of gold.

    China is preparing for something big ...


    SHOCK REPORT: ⚠️ Three of Speaker of House Mike Johnson’s TOP STAFFERS RESIGN abruptly.


    Three key figures from Speaker Mike Johnson's policy team are departing his office by the end of May, depriving the House's leading Republican of a crucial cadre of seasoned aides.

    Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske, and Preston Hill, all of whom previously served under former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are transitioning to Michael Best Strategies, a prominent lobbying firm with branches in Washington, D.C., and nationwide.

  2. My, my, my...Saudi Arabia having its own board in 8kun anonymous board... ;-) Welcome to the brave new world...


    "▶ Q Research Saudi Arabia #1: Hail to the King Edition Anonymous 03/18/24 (Mon) 14:13:13286697 (8) No.20584424 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

    Welcome to Q Research Saudi Arabia

    Notes in English and Arabic - mulahazat biallughatayn al'iinjiliziat walearabia

    If you are Saudi Arabian, no doubt by now you will have noticed that the Saudi Arabian government does not represent you THE PEOPLE.

    New "rules" are being made up daily to undermine our Legal System, effectively turning us into Government Slaves. We are no longer in control of our government, they no longer even pretend to act on our behalf once elected. Pretty soon they will no longer need to pretend we have any rights at all.

    The intention of this board is to provide free space for the people of this Nation to circumvent the traitorous Media, Government and Business interests arrayed against us the people, to allow us to post a collection of open-sourced and verifiable information, supplied BY and FOR the Saudi Arabian People to demonstrate their corruption and lies and take back OUR power.



  3. Sometimes there is a tendency to project and correlate meself here in MY, what is there US, CA, EU etc...not without concern given the way things are but the best is to live one day at a time. But people only open their eyes and pay attention when there is nothing else to occupy them but what is before them.

    In the meantime...


    Bidenomics Is DESTROYING The US Economy

    Restaurants closing in 2024:

    - Fuddruckers is expected to close ALL locations by the end of the year
    - Old Country Buffet is closing ALL remainder locations
    - IHOP is closing 100 locations
    - Buffalo Wild Wings is closing ALL Canada locations as well as 60 locations in the US
    - Applebee's is closing 35 locations
    - Red Lobster is closing 50 locations as they enter bankruptcy
    - Denny's is closing 20 locations by the end of the year
    - Marie Callender's is shutting down ALL remainder locations
    - Pizza Hut is planning to close 500 locations
    - Outback Steakhouse is closing 41 of their 700 locations
    - Sai Baro is closing a total of 50 locations with majority being mall locations
    - Mard Pizza is closing a total of 27 locations
    - Ruby Tuesday is closing 16 more locations in 2024.
    - BDQ is closing 8 of their 59 locations.
    - Joe's Crab Shack is closing 41 of their 60 locations
    - Bonefish Grill is closing 7 locations

    “So sad to see all our favorite restaurants disappear.”

  4. ~~~~~

    There is a global wаr cabal trying to open a second front against Russia through Georgia

    - Georgian Prime Minister

  5. QANON ... Wakakaka... Down the rabbit's hole.

    1. The holes of demoNcratic lair!

    2. ;-)


      All right, I’m going to break down some recent Q stuff for those that may have not figured it out yet, because I think it’s a pretty big deal.

      If you’re new here, you can learn more about what Q is and what the purpose is here:…

      So the Q posts are known as drops and in drop number 40, Q shows us we need to start paying attention to gematria and how they will communicate with us.


      So if A = 1 and B = 2, 4 10 20 = DJT
      DJT = Donald John Trump

      Got it?

      So Q preemptively shows what gematria is so we can connect the dots on future drops.

      Now we get to Q drop 55. This was posted 26 minutes after drop 40.

      JFK JR = 55


      Look to Twitter:
      Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."
      God bless.

      This drop is telling us that something is going to happen on Twitter and that this exact text is going to occur.

      Guess, what? That exact tweet did occur and it occurred on January 6, 2021 at 7:17 PM and believe it or not, it was from an account that called himself John Kennedy and many believed it to be JFK Jr.

      This account was suspended right after this tweet, and I actually was there when all of this happened.…

      Why JFK Jr you ask? Why would we even think about relating him to this? It could’ve been anyone right? Like maybe there are others that tweeted this exact same thing and we didn’t pay attention?

      Q brings up the importance of JFK Jr out of nowhere about 5 months later in drop 1082:

      POTUS & JFK JR.
      Plane crash 1999.
      HRC Senate 2000.
      The “Start.”
      Enjoy the show.

      Many people were expecting Trump to actually post this tweet. He never did.

      Now, tweets are no longer called tweets and X is no longer called Twitter. So it happened, and IMO, that was THE tweet.

      Also really hard to deny that 55.

      On June 18th, 2020 at the Orlando Trump Rally, this interesting Abe Lincoln showed up and had some shocking similarities to someone we know.………

      Just to confirm everything, Dan Scavino posted to Instagram & Facebook, on April 4th, 2024……

      This post shows Trump asking Lincoln to try a tweet, and Lincoln starts typing “My fellow Americans…”

      It wasn’t Trump that did the tweet. It was an actor that played Lincoln.


      Now let’s circle back to Twitter/X and Elon Musk or the person/group acting as if they are Elon Musk.

      Q has some well known drops saying “future proves past”. This is most likely related to a lot of the cryptic drops that confuse people and don’t seem like they have any meaning at the time. AT THE TIME.

      Like Q drop 621 for example:

      Nobody is sleeping tonight.
      Let that sink in.

      After Twitter was acquired, what does Elon do? He walks in through the front doors carrying a sink.…

      This and many other posts made by Elon tie in directly with Q drops.

      Bringing this in full-circle, there’s reason to believe that Q drop 55 was planned from the beginning to be from a very specific account BEFORE the Twitter purge, by design.

      That account was a JFK Jr account.

      Elon Musk is directly tied into this operation based on the many “coincidences” that have occurred which are mathematically impossible.


      You are learning.
      How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
      Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.

    3. ~~~~~

      Why did Q say that Israel was saved for last?

      The Reason Behind Israel Being Saved for Last:

      Q suggested that #Israel is the key to bringing down the global deep state. This assertion is not rooted in antisemitism but rather in a belief about a historical group known as the Khazarian Jews, who usurped the identity of real Jewish people. The Khazarians are said to have created powerful banking families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, originating from South Germany, where the Illuminati was established in 1776. These families supposedly took control of local governments, financed infrastructure, and established influential banking systems throughout Europe and the U.S., significantly shaping global power dynamics.


    4. Oct 6, 2017 What storm Mister President?

      NBC News
      The Telegraph
      Guardian News
      AP Archive
      The Strait Times - You'll find out
      Washington Post - What did the President meant by "the calm before the storm"?

  6. New and ĺatest batch of Twitter Files just drop by Michael Shellenberger at his x. Going to be long read, if you are interested.



    The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the most famous of the 18 US government agencies that comprise the Intelligence Community (IC) of the United States of America. Unlike the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the law strictly prohibits CIA employees or contractors from spying upon or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil.

    But now, a new Twitter Files investigation reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of the CIA’s mission-driven venture capital firm and ostensibly “former” IC and CIA analysts were involved in a 2021-2022 effort to take over Twitter’s content management system.

    The effort also involved:


  7. ;-) i can get the news of why there is a traffic jam faster by lifting my headup and look upfront towards the lorry broken down just at turn of traffic t-junction with the yellow light flashing... :-D

    Goodnight, goodmorning...


    Trust the collective wisdom of the people

    "We need to allow the people to develop the narratives that are of interest to them. If there's only half a dozen editors-in-chief, or even fewer, deciding what the narrative is, that's a form of manipulation of public opinion." Elon Musk to Tucker Carlson one year ago.

  8. Last one... :-D I'll be quick and quiet so as not to disturb the sleeping monster...ok?

    Britain dirty meh? Need clean up?



    Martin is a clever man who uses his brain. Be more like Martin!

    If there’s a mucky military clean-up job to do in Britain, you might need non-British soldiers to do it. Less emotionally invested or later compromised. Unpleasant and unpopular realities.

  9. In case if you are interested to listen to an audiocast by SGAnon on recent geopolitic developments. 57m15s long. This particular assessment starts with the event of the recent death of Iranian president. Regards.

