
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Extend Taxpayer Benefits To Americans Serving In The Israeli Defense Forces

Thanks again MF for following - I've merely expanded slightly on the story:


Michael Tracey

Holy crap! Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) have introduced a bill that would extend the same taxpayer benefits to Americans serving in the IDF as if they were serving in the US military!

GOP Lawmakers Introduce Bill To Extend Taxpayer Benefits To Americans Serving In The Israeli Defense Forces

By Danielle | May 21, 2024

Two Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation to extend taxpayer benefits typically reserved for uniformed servicemembers in the U.S. military to Americans serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

“Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) have introduced a bill that would extend the same taxpayer benefits to Americans serving in the IDF as if they were serving in the US military!” Michael Tracey wrote.

“For purposes of this chapter, to the extent practicable, the service of a citizen of the United States in the Israeli Defense Forces shall be treated in the same manner as service in the uniformed services,” the bill reads.

Note: Over 20,000 Wankees are serving Israel to fight against Hamas


“Two GOP reps have introduced a bill to extend benefits reserved for US govt servicemembers to US citizens serving in the IDF. Our own servicemembers are struggling but the GOP wants to give their benefits away to troops serving in a foreign army!” Information Liberation publisher Chris Menahan wrote.

From Information Liberation:

Miller made headlines last year for demanding a Christian woman delete a “bigoted” tweet stating that salvation can only come through “having faith in Jesus Christ alone.”

“God says that Jewish people are the chosen ones,” Miller, a self-described “Proud Jew,” insisted.

The woman was fired from her job at Ohio Right to Life — where Miller’s wife Elizabeth Marbach works as a communications director — just days later.

Tons of our own servicemembers are struggling but the GOP wants to give their benefits away to troops serving in a foreign army.


WankeeLand ruled by Shylocks

The global imperialistic Wankees
Are in truth mere shylock-ish macai
Behaving like obedient monkees
Their apish visages like chi-bye-bye

Wankees had slaughtered the Apaches
And the Sioux and Southern Navajo
Making victims too of Comanches
And to Mexicans they're nasty gringo

But the self-proclaimed 'Chosen Ones'
See Wankees as Pharaoh had saw them
To be milked for gold & silver by the tons
As Macai they obey, not daring to blaspheme

Wankees are mafulat-ish and moronic
Slavish to sly Shylocks to the extreme
One wonders how they can be so idiotic
Giving abject homage to Massa Supreme


  1. ~~~~~

    Why don't more people wake up? "In some sense we are captive of something and it is doing a very good job of structuring the incentives as you contemplate departing from their worldview such that things get very hot very fast. And I think that is why people are in general confused." – @BretWeinstein

    You can watch the full Better Way LIVE event 'Enlightenment or Dark Age?' with Bret Weinstein (professor of evolutionary biology), Christof Plothe (WCH health and science chair) and me for a donation towards the work of the World Council for Health at


  2. For info.

    My colleague just came back from a holiday in Sydney. No more cash, only credit card transaction for tourist.


    Major outage strikes ANZ online banking and app, services beginning to 'come back online

    ANZ says its app and online banking service are returning online after a major outage prevented some customers from using them.

    The outage was first reported around midday on Tuesday.

    The bank says it is investigating a technology issue relating to a third party vendor.

    ANZ says its app and internet banking services are coming back online after a major outage prevented some customers from accessing the services.

    The outage was first reported around midday on Tuesday.

    A few hours later ANZ said the impacted systems were coming back online.

    "Access to the ANZ App, Internet Banking and ANZ Transactive Global began to come back online from 2:45pm AEST," an ANZ spokesperson said in a statement.

    "We continue our work to resolve any outstanding impacts as soon as possible and apologise for the inconvenience," the spokesperson said.

    In a statement shared on X, the bank said it was investigating a technology issue relating to a third party vendor.

  3. Like previous one...suspect it is a narrative seeding for an even major power disruption to come. But we'll wait and monitor.


    Raised risk of blackouts this summer as national energy operator sounds alarm on supply in NSW, Victoria and South Australia

    Much of eastern Australia faces a heightened risk of blackouts this summer in part due to delays to a major clean energy project, the national energy market operator has warned.

    NSW and Victoria face a heightened risk of blackouts this summer, the Australian Energy Market Operator has warned as it sounded the alarm over delays to transmission projects and the upcoming retirement of coal-powered generators.

    In an update to the 10-year outlook it released last year, the AEMO said the worsening outlook was in part due to a year-long delay to the delivery of a Project EnergyConnect power cable between NSW and South Australia.

    It follows the operator warning last year that it is continuing to forecast "reliability gaps" in the network, largely due to the move to close 62 per cent of Australia's coal fleet by 2033.

    To minimise the risk of outages, AEMO will tender for emergency reserves to mitigate the impact these possible outages will have on Aussies.

    Energy expert and the Grattan Institute's Director of Energy Program Tony Wood said the operator’s warning should be seen as a motivator rather than a warning.

    “This is a statement of opportunity, not a statement of catastrophe,” Mr Wood told Sky News’ First Edition.

    When asked why there had been such significant delays with the green energy projects, the energy expert told Sky News the capabilities needed to undergo Australia’s power transition has been “underestimated”.

  4. will be one heck of a show when the Don is back in charge. Can see where it will lead to...damn if don't do, damn if do...


    Donald J. Trump





  5. Sorry...cannot tell if it is for real or a real satire or was he trolling with come and get me, if you dare.... You decide for yourself.


    "Charging me for crimes in Gaza is like charging George Bush for 9/11"

  6. In case if you are interested. Doubt Leonard will get a get out of jail card before his time in the cell is finished. Guess too many big time fellas and the Navy itself are implicated for the prosecution to pull a stunt like this.


    Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders

    Few Navy officers entangled themselves in the Fat Leonard corruption scandal more than Steve Shedd. In court documents and testimony, the former warship captain confessed to leaking military secrets on 10 occasions for prostitutes, vacations, luxury watches and other bribes worth $105,000.

    On the witness stand in a related case in 2022, Shedd also admitted that he had lied repeatedly to federal agents and betrayed his oath to defend the Constitution.

    “You’re a traitor to the United States, aren’t you?” attorney Joseph Mancano asked the Naval Academy graduate.

    “Yes, sir,” Shedd replied, acknowledging that he was “a disgrace” who “deserves prison.”

    Yet because of mistakes by the Justice Department, Shedd might avoid punishment for his crimes.

  7. From Michael Tracey. Another front opening up?


    Does anyone know why Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) has such an oddly specialized interest in whether US "aid" is being adequately distributed to "armed groups" and "ethnic groups" in Burma? He seems to indicate it's yet another harebrained proxy scheme against Russia/China

  8. Two fascinating x on my feed.

    For those into all things netzero, the second x provides a warning. A lot of cassandra were ridiculed bigtime until the devotees experienced the consequences themselves. How much land do we need to have for solar to match current output of Kapar powerplant, using coal?

  9. The situation with the Don is clear cut.

    The President or ex-President cannot be prosecuted for actions or decisions he makes in his official capacity as President of the United States.

    That is why any parties or nations attempting to prosecute George W. Bush for his decision to invade Iraq in 2003 is futile, unless they are willing to take on the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

    However, the actions the President does in person, nothing to do with the US Government, if they are illegal can and should be prosecuted, especially for. serious matters.

  10. I read this book many years ago.
    Written by a Jewish American author, best seller, the same guy who wrote
    "The Winds of War".

    Very admiring of Israel. Not surprised that support for Israel is very strong among Americans , especially over-40.

    I remember TV3 actually broadcast
    "The Winds of War", the drama tells the WW2 story from a very pro-American view.

    That was in the 1980s.

    These days, I doubt very much it would be acceptable to the predominantly Type-M viewership.

    1. Herman Wouk was a Jew through and through - his father was from Minsk Belarus

  11. How do one read between the lines? Why Mar-A-Lago, a no-fly-zone, or a TFR? Why until May 31, 2024? What so special about MAL? Does George Bush or Barak's residence get a TFR now? Haven't seen anyone speculating on those. Etc...

    Just datapoint being pickup for awareness.


    NB: too long with technical description of the notice but essentially mean, no fly zone around MAL - mf

  12. For info.


    Stepping away a moment to post this, as it is important for Patriots to know —

    - The Biden/Manchurian FBI has now issued an Islamic terror alert ahead of “Pride” Month 2024
    - The US State Department (which predicted the Moscow terror attack of 3/22/24 w/ astounding accuracy) told us just THIS MONTH (May 2024) that LGBT+ communities might face “foreign inspired violence” in the near future
    - On September 10, 2001 the US Army released a report detailing how foreign intelligence agencies, specifically Mossad, in league w/ foreign and domestic actors, are capable of pulling off a terrorist attack on US soil and “making it look like Arabs did it”

    👉👉 They are telling Us at least part of what the [DS] remnant are planning in order to subvert the 2024 Presidential Election, blacklist MAGA as “domestic terrorists”, split the American consciousness, pit Judeo-Christian West against Near and Far East, and finally complete what the Patriot Act started.

    We won’t let them.

  13. In case you are interested to hear what the good bishop has to say...

