
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Pro-Zionist speech: MOHE cancels US don’s programmes, orders probe

Pro-Zionist speech: MOHE cancels US don’s programmes, orders probe

Published: Apr 25, 2024 8:54 AM

The Higher Education Ministry has cancelled all programmes and activities involving a US-based academic who made several pro-Zionist remarks during a speech at Universiti Malaya (UM).

“I have also instructed UM to probe the matter and provide the ministry with details,” said its minister Zambry Abdul Kadir in a statement.

On April 23, Portland State University’s political science professor Bruce Gilley accused local politicians of advocating for a second Holocaust against the Jews during a speech at UM.

A check by Malaysiakini revealed that Gilley made the remarks during his keynote address at a lecture titled “Will Malaysia become an active middle power?”.

In his address, Gilley said that a country whose political leaders “advocate a second Holocaust against the Jewish people will never be a serious player in world affairs and will certainly never be a friend or partner of the US.”

Gilley also shared excerpts from his address on his X account. He cited a remark by Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu at a rally in October last year that “Israel will soon disappear” as an example of an anti-Jew remark.

‘Vet your speakers’

The academic’s statement triggered the ire of Muda acting president Amira Aisya Abd Aziz.

“This is absolutely misleading and unacceptable.

“His statements are falsely depicting Malaysia’s aim and goals towards peace for an independent Palestine state,” Amira said on X yesterday.

Muda acting president Amira Aisya Abd Aziz

Amira reiterated that it is the Zionist government of Israel that is committing genocide of Palestinians.

“Academic institutions should be very careful in inviting speakers and lecturers who are spreading pro-Zionist narratives.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” she wrote.

Meanwhile, Zambry urged local higher education institutions to be more careful when selecting speakers for their events.

“Although universities have autonomy when it comes to organising their intellectual programmes, it doesn’t mean they have absolute freedom. We must consider local sensitivities.

“Plus, decisions made by varsities must be in line with government’s stand and policies,” he added.

Gilley removes post

In an update, Gilley removed his post from X, citing safety concerns.

“I have removed the post below for the safety and well-being of my colleagues at UM, whose leadership has responded to a student outcry.

“The quote from my keynote address reflects my views alone. I regret the harm I have caused to my academic colleagues.”


kt comments:

Prof Gilley should STOP guilt-crediting the Israelis with the WWII Holocaust (rendered into 'Hollow Cause' by the Netanyahu Administration itself). We no longer have any sympathy for Jews because of the barbaric atrocities and heinous oppression committed by Israelis in Gaza (and West Bank) against Palestinians.


  1. Why is the Malaysian Government so frightened of views contrary to its Pro-Hamas Terrorist policy ?

    Incapable To defend it with facts ?

    1. just like President of Columbia University denying pro Palestinian protestors the freedom to protest, and calling on New York City police to intervene, resulting in the arrests of more than 100 protesters

    2. The Columbia University protestors had reached the point of physically threatening students who were overtly Jewish eg wear a kippah, and blocking entrances and exits of students going about their daily activities.

      There is such a thing as Public order to be maintained.

      Do highlight what did Bruce Gilley do to threaten Public Order in Malaysia.

    3. "Do highlight what did Bruce Gilley do to threaten Public Order in Malaysia"

      Mfer, u DON'T understand comparative argument!

      Under what circumstances have the Columbia University protestors reached the point of physically threatening students who were overtly Jewish eg wear a kippah, and blocking entrances and exits of students going about their daily activities?

      When the President of Columbia University called in the police to hinder & threaten the RIGHT of expression of the students!

      Similarly, Bruce Gilley's speech would cause uneasiness amongst some of his audients who would then react in violence.

      Causality has NO meaning to u. Neither is the sequence of event!

      All u mfering self want IS just to express yr f*cking demoNcratic thought of inconsequential!

  2. The universities in the US are blowing up with anti-Zionist protests, some turning violent as a result of the police's brutal attempt at quashing any form of demonstration, however peaceful. I can understand the students's actions. Any decent person would have reacted the same way upon realising that their beloved nation has been protecting and funding mass murderers.
