
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Pro-Israel speech: Someone must be given the boot, Maszlee says

Pro-Israel speech: Someone must be given the boot, Maszlee says

Following the uproar over comments made by a pro-Israel academic from the US, former education minister Maszlee Malik said someone from Universiti Malaya must be held responsible.

He also called upon UM’s vice-chancellor to apologise for it.

“Somebody in UM needs to take full responsibility for this.

“How can a pro-Zionist and someone who openly condemns Malaysia with slanders be invited to our most prestigious university?

“VC should be a gentleman, please openly make an apology, and somebody has to resign with honour,” he said on X today.

UM has apologised for the incident and pledged to improve its procedures and guidelines in vetting individuals it works with in the future.

Uproar over remarks

On April 23, the Portland State University’s political science professor accused local politicians of advocating for a second Holocaust against the Jews during a speech at UM.

Gilley made the remarks during his keynote address at a lecture titled “Will Malaysia become an active middle power?”

US academic Bruce Gilley

In his address, Gilley said a country whose political leaders “advocate a second Holocaust against the Jewish people will never be a serious player in world affairs and will certainly never be a friend or partner of the US.”

Gilley also shared excerpts from his address on his X account. He cited a remark by Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu at a rally in October last year that “Israel will soon disappear” as an example of an anti-Jew remark.

Following an uproar over Gilley’s remarks, Higher Education Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir cancelled all programmes and activities involving Gilley and ordered a probe.

“I have also instructed UM to probe the matter and provide the ministry with details,” he was reported as saying.

Gilley had since left Malaysia, saying: “I have safely departed from Malaysia, one step ahead of the Islamo-fascist mob whipped up by the government there. This is not a safe country to travel to now. Updates to follow.”

Gilley’s comments also courted brickbats from Muda, Amanah, PKR Youth and UM Students’ Union - with the latter referring to the fiasco as “deliberate negligence”.

On that note, Maszlee also pointed out that Gilley was a “visiting professor” at the university.

“Apparently he is a ‘visiting professor’ at the Department of International and Strategic Studies, UM!

“Someone is in deep trouble now!” added the PKR supreme council member.


kt comments:

Prof Gilley is not only pro-Zionist but also very pro-Western Colonialism - he recommends some countries should be colonialized, presumably non-White non-Western nations to benefit from Bwana-Sahib-Tuan's colonial legacies and systems - yes, indeed Congo under Belgium's King Leopold II who's also known as The Congo Killer

King Leopold II of Belgium a.k.a The Congo Killer

Wiki informs us that Congo for 23 years under the direct rule of King Leopold II saw the King's extreme measures in the colony to obtain the resources he desired. Unfortunately, the enslaved Congolese faced harsh labor, and failure or rebellion would lead to some of the harshest punishments (eg. hands chopped off if not enough latex milked from rubber trees), which led to their eventual genocide of the locals.

another notorious title for him was Butcher of the Congo


  1. There is Zilch evidence Bruce Gilley has ever spoken or written anything in favour of Leopold II.

    I hear marijuana is legal in most states in Oz, or at least decriminalised.
    Ktemoc must have been smoking a whole load of Ganja recently

    1. Monster don't put words in my mouth - old pathetic trick so drop it - I wrote that Prof Gilly is very pro-Western Colonialism - he recommends some countries should be colonialized, to wit, for governments and peoples in developing countries to replicate as far as possible the colonial governance of their pasts, and he even (outrageously) encouraged Western countries to hold power in specific governance areas (public finances, say, or criminal justice) in order to jump-start enduring reforms in weak states.

      As a counter (apart from many academics and scholars objecting to his "colonial" attitude, etc) I raised a very bad example of unbridled "colonialism", that by King Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo, where I showed in brief how 'colonials' could ransacked the country's resources wantonly, oppress the locals and brutalise their rights even unto torture and genocide.

      So, don't distort as some of your Western nations have been/are doing!

    2. "yes, indeed Congo under Belgium's King Leopold II who's also known as The Congo Killer."
      Ktemoc associated Bruce Gilly with King Leopold II all within one sentence. Don't try to wriggle out of what you already wrote.

    3. a riposte to his assertion that colonialism could be good for non-Western heathens

  2. Mazalee should stick to decisions on school shoe colours.
    He's completely out of his depth on International Academic matters.

    1. in this case Maszlee has been absolutely right - sack the culprit
