
Sunday, March 03, 2024

What about an RCI to probe the Sheraton Move and two other political coups?

Focus Malaysia:

What about an RCI to probe the Sheraton Move and two other political coups?

Letter to editor

A FEW Royal Commissions of Inquiry (RCIs) should be set up to get to the bottom of the numerous attempts to carry out political coups in the country.

The first one was the infamous political coup against the late Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman.

However, as most of the players are dead except for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the twice former premier, we should just leave this to the historians to study the historical documents that have been declassified by the British government.

Most Malaysians would like to know in utmost certainty if Dr Mahathir was involved as one of the three young Turks against Tunku. How is this linked to the poison letter which he was alleged to have written and how did it link with the May 13 bloodbath?

Now that people are beginning to realise that the May 13 incident was never a racial riot but a political clash between political party supporters, this conspiracy theory has to be probed before the nonagenarian departs this world to face his creator.

It is important to lay to rest the ghost of May 13 that haunted Malaysia for many years, Except for a few places where there were clashes between supporters of political parties, the different races were still enjoying good relations in most parts of the country.

Even in Kuala Lumpur, the Malay families in Kampung Datuk Keramat surrounded a few Chinese families to protect them against the rioters. Sunway Education Group CEO Prof Elizabeth Lee Fuh Yen’s family also protected a Malay security guard until he was able to return home safely.

How did the Sheraton Move Come About?

Another RCI should also be formed to wise up Malaysians in order not to be sucked into the political propaganda that can lead us to another bloodbath. The Sheraton Move in 2020 caused the legitimate government elected by the people to collapse.

At the helm of it all is allegedly the same player, Dr Mahathir although the country’s longest serving prime minister of 22 years and 22 months denied his involvement.

However, an audio recording of what was allegedly a discussion between him and other Bersatu leaders showed that Dr Mahathir was fully aware of the plot. To what extent was he part of the controversial move is something that the nation would like to find out.

If found to be culpable, Dr Mahathir should be ostracised as this may not be the first time that he is involved in mounting a coup. Perhaps, his Tunship should be stripped and no state funeral is to be accorded for him.

Why did Tunku say that it would be disastrous for UMMO and the nation if Dr Mahathir were allowed to assume the country’s premiership?

Image credit: minaq-jinggo.fotopages

At the same time, PAS president Tan Sri Hadi Awang has proudly claimed that he was the one who initiated the Sheraton Move. For the sake of power, he willingly foregoes the Memali incident and be one with the man whom the Islamist party had initially blamed as the hidden hands behind the incident.

Given that no activists have questioned why he and Dr Mahathir could work together despite being self-declared enemies of each other, there is really no moral ground therefore for any of us to harp on every move that current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim makes.

Ringgit falls, it is Anwar’s fault. When the inflation goes up, it is Anwar who does not know how to manage the national economy. Anwar gets the blame when the OPR (overnight policy rate) rises. Who else to point fingers at but Anwar when investments or tourist arrivals are down? We have had enough of this.

What we want to know is what transpired between the different players, ie how former PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali and the party’s former women’s wing chief Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin defected to join Bersatu and played a key role leading to the collapse of the elected Pakatan Harapan (PH) government of which they were part of.

“Langkah Sheraton” is a bold and powerful pseudo-parliamentary painting by former Damansara MP Tony Pua depicting key moments and political players that were involved in the infamous move which led to the historic collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government in 2020 (Image credit: DAP Malaysia/X)

What transpired before the Sheraton Move would be interesting: Was there any negotiation involved and if yes, who was behind it all? Was there any corruption involved – whether money or positions promised – that prompted some lawmakers to hop to other parties, thus causing an entire government to collapse before it was able to fulfil its five-year term?

As this had never happened before, aren’t Malaysians interested to get to the bottom of it all? If money was involved, how much was paid to the MPs who jumped ship? Where did the funds come from? Who funded these financial rewards to the point that they are willing to betray those who voted for them?

Two other controversial attempts

The other two attempts at coup d’etat may not need to be investigated thoroughly but perhaps be linked to the Sheraton Move; hence, the RCI should set up its objectives to probe all the “Moves” while at the same time determine who masterminded these two moves?

People are equally curious to know how information leaked to a controversial blogger and fugitive Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK)? Was the list of names in his hands a genuine list?

The RCIs would ensure that such moves can no longer be implemented because people can see through their plots. Malaysians deserve to know the truth for there are many lessons that can be learnt out of this RCIs. – March 3, 2024.

Stephen Ng
Kuala Lumpur

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