
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Umno showing true colours once again, says Zaid


Umno showing true colours once again, says Zaid


After video of Dr Akmal Saleh giving duit raya to police personnel in Melaka, the ex-law minister says Umno is being emboldened by its place in the unity government.

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Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim said the prospect of ‘Anwar Ibrahim holding hands with Azmin Ali is a welcome scenario’.

PETALING JAYA: Umno is being emboldened by its place in the unity government to do things considered inappropriate or illegal, says former law minister Zaid Ibrahim.

In a post on X today, Zaid took aim at Umno Youth chief Dr Akmal Saleh’s defence of his duit raya for police personnel, saying sardonically that the “giver decides the definition of a gift”.

“Umno has come alive, doing things others consider inappropriate or illegal. Who would have thought that a political hegemon close to extermination would be showing its true colours once again?

“Thanks to the intervention and life support system … DAP, PKR, Amanah, Sabah and Sarawak, Umno (are) well and thriving again,” he said.

Zaid said PAS and other opposition parties would likely not be able to do what Umno does.

“We have different applications of the rules and various interpretations for the same thing. Umno is always special. You can’t say ‘why can’t I do it if Umno can?”

Akmal had recently come under fire after uploading a video of himself on social media distributing duit raya to police personnel in Jasin, Melaka.

He defended the act as his “personal contribution” to the police force and civil service every Ramadan to show his appreciation for their services, a practice the Merlimau assemblyman said he has maintained since before joining politics.

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