
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

More on Conspiracies re Baltimore Bridge

Once again thanks to 'MF' we get the following:



I spoke to a US Navy Vet, who was a navigation specialist. He shared some interesting facts with me… He says once a ship like that loses power, it loses nearly all ability to steer. And definitely not enough to steer off the way it did. He believes it was intentional. He also shared that there are roughly 40-100 vessels that were immediately impacted about to make port in Baltimore that no longer can; which will now have to be rerouted to Hampton Roads, Virginia. The Port of Virginia. This poses immediate security and safety concerns as now that port will be severely overwhelmed for what is believed to be several months, at least. It’s a logistical nightmare and we’re talking backlogged shipments of various items, so it’s not immediately known what supplies chains could be impacted. But not just that… port authority will also have to have their ears to the ground for potential dangers inside the containers. The dirty kind. We’ve all had that gut feeling that things will severely intensify this year. Pray for our country. Keep God close to you.
The Ship Changed its Course Appox. 2 Minutes prior to Hitting the Baltimore Bridge • At 4:44:37 UTC, the ship begins its journey • 5:27:37 UTC, the ship changed course • 5:29:39 UTC, the ship hit the bridge This was no accident. Other Ship Details: • DALI (IMO: 9697428)……
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  1. The dirty kind might refer to the alleged club k system, apparently develop by the yanks MIC. Attached here with RU, to point out that both and any and can play the same technological weapon system.

    Also, there are fellas that make use of air traffic monitoring websites that monitor plane such as these

    This is an example of those doing snalysis of air traffic. This used to be free. Apparently, it is now lagging and had moved to his own website. Guy must be doing something right that disturb some right people or group. There are others who do these kind of monitoring.

  2. Here's the authoritative analysis of available factual information by a Associate Professor of Maritime History , US Navy Veteran
    Sal Mercogliano

    When a ship loses all power, it could go in any direction, it could go left, it could go right.
    Hitting the bridge pier does not mean it was intentional.

    (My own analysis) Then again , maybe it was intentional...Singapore owners with deep ties to China and CCP..who knows what was happening inside the ship. ?

    1. Wakakakaka…

      "When a ship loses all power, it could go in any direction, it could go left, it could go right.
      Hitting the bridge pier does not mean it was intentional"

      Such described phenomenon could only be possible when the ship is stationary in choppy water.

      When a ship lost power while moving, it would stay on course due to its moving momentum even when waves r swaying around it.

      In the bay of Baltimore, there were NO big waves while the ship sailed on. When the power comes back on there is a massive amount of machinery to restart before the main engine can be restarted.

      Emergency gen should start withing 45 seconds. That will power the emergency steering pump which may be a bit slower than main pump but you can still use the rudder.

      Mfer, have u read the accompanied comments to justify yr blurred support of a guessing academician?

      But we'll, still with yr mfering China/CCP bashing wet dream. U do need it to live on another day.


    Also a coincidence Baltimore port is the one where most of DoD supplies bound to Ukraine were shipped from 🤷🏻‍♂️

    What if a major attack was stopped?

    Q mentions Sum Of All Fears often.

    In that movie - a nuclear bomb goes off in Baltimore.

    Kinda hard to carry out such an attack when the ship is currently butted up to a bridge support.

    Just spitballin …

    BREAKING NOW: ⚠️ Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Annapolis, MD south of The Francis Scott Key Bridge that COLLAPSED after bring hit by a container ship has been SHUT DOWN...


    As of now the bridge is CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC due to weather conditions or "SAFETY" concerns..

    Is this a strange coincidence or something much much more?

    This will be a spicy year

    Bridges collapsing

    Airplane parts falling off

    Trains crashing

    We are living through the Collapse of Complex Systems

    Still think it's an accident?


    Something funny happened in accessing your blogspot. After some minutes of inactivity, I get auto logoff even though I did not clear my cookies cache nor explicitly logoff. Also, when selecting notify me before posting attempting to any comment, I don't get any notification in email, as though I did not checked the option. This happen starting this week. So, will lay off for awhile after this, instead of react commenting. You can counter check any expanding opinions from any channels that were shared previously independently. Regards ~mf


    March 23, 2021: cargo ship blocks Suez canal

    March 26, 2024: cargo ship destroys Key bridge

    March Madness.

  5. One of those smackyourselfinthehead moment. Apparently, MY has its share also, in varying degree.


    🚨🇺🇸 Transportation Secretary In Response To Bridge Disaster: Maybe Some Bridges Were Made By Racists

    "If an underpass was constructed such that a bus, carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids, was designed too low for it to pass by, that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices.

    I don't think we have anything to lose by confronting simply reality."

    Besides sanity perhaps?

    Source: C-SPAN

  6. While the bridge collapse incident is in the news, there is also viralling in the social media on rap singer Sean Puff Daddy and his exploitation over the years...even Prince Harry is reportedly in the mixed...


    HOLD UP?

    50 Cent has been working on a Diddy documentary this whole time and he just announced it?

    He’s literally making a documentary exposing all the secrets he knows right now????

    Uhh… the things Katt said are starting to make a lot more sense.

    He knew. 2024s the year

    All lies will be exposed.

  7. The whole point of it...


    “There is no evidence of a Cyber attack”

    We saw the lights bizarrely turn OFF/ON - Twice. It then turned hard Right and plowed directly into that bridge

    Question: What evidence would there be of a cyber attack? What would that evidence actually look like?

    You have no idea.

    Yes, it’s entirely possible this was one big accident, no attack whatsoever. I don’t know what happened and neither do you.

    But this whole situation stinks to high heaven. It’s 2024 - question everything

  8. Human exploitation, especially children as young as toddler, is horrendous. Trump issued several executive orders addressing these under human right issues and subject to economy sanction under USTreasury purview, applicable up to individual level.


    RE: The #BaltimoreBridge tragedy.

    Ok, so it's worth noting that it's the largest industrial port (Port Baltimore) in the vicinity of DC (38 miles).

    Now, given what we know about most of the swamp creatures, I believe that it's not outside the bounds of possibility here that it has been long used as a major hub for the child sex trafficking industry.

    If true, and I believe that to be HIGHLY likely, then perhaps shutting down the port was the point all along - just not by the black hats in this scenario. That and grab a ton of attention...kinda like the appearance of Diddy being on the run yesterday.

    Truth is, all sorts of things can go down we hear about and just accept which may or may not be true. For example, we hear word of Construction worker deaths from the bridge collapse. Does it have to be true for people to believe it?

    And what if this was also tied into the larger reality that involves Diddy and a whole bunch of bad actors around and above him.

    Anyway, I think there is value in not locking in on only one scenario because of the likely complexities involved behind the scenes. Keeping an open mind is key.
