
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Israeli Intelligence? French? Six Pistols? 200 Bullets? Assassination?


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Saturday Lite : Israeli Intelligence? French? Six Pistols? 200 Bullets? Assassination?




  • KL March 29 — police arrest Israeli man, seize several firearms
  • IGP: Armed Israeli entered M'sia to assassinate fellow countryman
  • entered using French passport, he produced Israeli passport
  • police seeking out French embassy for assistance
  • entered country to assassinate a fellow countryman
  • investigators remain unconvinced by suspect’s admission
  • we are not buying his story
  • arrested 36-year-old suspect March 27 
  • 2 weeks after entered through KLIA on March 12
  • entered as tourist, detained at hotel in Jalan Ampang
  • firearms, 200 bullets purchased by suspect using cryptocurrency 
  • investigations ongoing to identify payment's recipient
  • suspect purchased them upon his arrival here
  • IGP can attest to it because flight from UAE, stringent security
  • We believe suspect not acting alone and has local contact 
  • we have yet to ascertain their identity
  • Israeli intelligence - investigations leaning towards that aspect
  • IGP stressed safety of key figures in Malaysia
  • arrest took place during ongoing Palestine-Israel conflict

My Comments :  First lets settle the geo-politics. Lets say there are enemies of our country who want to cause harm to Malaysia. They will look at the leadership of the country and say, 'Never mindlah. No need to do anything. They are doing a wonderful job. No need to waste time and money. Just leave them alone. They will destroy themselves.'

I am more interested in knowing how this French-Israeli guy could just walk into the country and within a short time he could buy SIX pistols and 200 rounds of ammunition? Was he planning a Moscow style attack? In Moscow FOUR terrorists fired off 500 rounds of ammunition.

To digress ...
Maybe he was planning to set up a gun club?
Or organise a shooting competition?
Six pistols and 200 rounds could be enough. 

But how does a French-Israeli passport guy walk in and just buy SIX pistols and 200 rounds of ammunition? How did he make the contact? Through Ali Baba? Craigslist? Or maybe

The Police have done very well in arresting the French-Israeli passport guy so quickly. Congratulations. But why havent the Police found the gun supplier/s yet?

Israeli intelligence under disguise will never carry passports issued by their own country. There are well known cases of Israeli intelligence using "original" passports issued by other countries. Among the well known operations was the assassination in Dubai in 2010 of Hamas' operative Mahmoud al Mabhouh  by 11 Israeli agents - all of whom used original passports issued by other countries. They never carry Israeli passports - not even hidden in secret compartments.

'travelling to Malaysia to kill another Israeli over a family feud' is the dumbest cooked up story anyone can think up. Who cooked up this story? 

Israelis are NOT ALLOWED to travel to Malaysia. So how did the "family member" get into Malaysia? Using Afghanistan passport? They all look alike. Why would he go to a country where Israelis are banned from entering? Cari pasal ke? Why not go to Singapore where Israelis are welcome?

But why ignore the monster elephant in the room?

In the past and until now Malaysia has played official host to all sorts of terrorists, criminals, political exiles, people with arrest warrants by Police in other countries.  And some of them have been shot dead or assassinated here in Malaysia.

In 2017 Prof James Chin wrote an article in Malaysiakini with a long list of such people   (click here).

Malaysia has a long history of allowing political exiles, wanted terrorists, people with arrest warrants from other countries to enter the country. This has been our style.

And for some strange reason Ampang in Kuala Lumpur is a hotspot for expatriate terrorists and wanted criminals (as defined by other countries).

In 2018 Hamas operative Fadi Mohammad al Bash was shot dead in Ampang.

In 2017 the North Korean exile Kim Jong Nam was assassinated at the KLIA.

In 2000 an Achenese rebel leader Teuku Don Zulfahri was shot dead also in Ampang.

Abu Bakar Bashir the Indonesian terrorist leader responsible for the Bali bombings lived as a PR in Malaysia for 17 years.  His right hand man Abdullah Sungkar was also here in the 1990s in Ulu Tiram in Johor. They ran the Luqmanul Hakiem religious school which was also attended by al Qaeda terrorist Hambali (locked up in Guantanamo since 2003).

Lets not forget the Moro leaders who also lived in exile in Malaysia in the 1990s.  

Malaysia also played host to Thailand's Patani rebels.

That Indian goat with an arrest warrant for him in India (for inciting terror) is still flying in and out of Malaysia.

So there is a lot of sh_t in Malaysia.  
That is why we attract all these flies as well. 
Where there is sh_t, there will be flies. 
Why are you surprised? 
Apa heran sangat?
The monster elephant in the room is our really foolish and moronic policy of entertaining so many  political exiles, wanted terrorists, people with arrest warrants from other countries to enter the country.
People are fed up with all these really stupid policies. I am fed up with these stupid policies. This is also why the Barisan Nasional lost the elections in 2018. People are fed up. That is also why Dr Mahathir 2.0 got kicked out. Or Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri. And now this present set of clowns are standing on one foot on a tight rope. 
If you want to win elections, if you want to remain in power then stop all these stupid policies. 
Beruk itu orang lain punya.
Kera itu orang lain punya.
Pasal apa awak bodoh nak bagi susu kera dan beruk orang lain?
Using our money.
Stupid. Bodoh.

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