
Sunday, March 31, 2024

I restrict use of term ‘kafir’ at home, says Fadhlina


I restrict use of term ‘kafir’ at home, says Fadhlina

31 Mar 2024, 02:00 PM

Education minister Fadhlina Sidek responds to a viral video of a speech she made on the matter, saying it was deliberately taken out of context.

Education minister Fadhlina Sidek said it is not her intention to prohibit the wholesale use of the terms ‘kafir’ or ‘non-Muslim’, or deny the use of the terms in the Quran.

PETALING JAYA: Education minister Fadhlina Sidek has said she restricts her children from using the term “kafir” (infidel) to refer to non-Muslims, claiming it is tantamount to hate speech in Malaysia’s multi-religious society.

She said this in response to a viral video on social media, which shows her at a closed-door event discussing the use of the term.

Fadhlina said the video was deliberately being spread and taken out of context in a malicious attempt to mar her image and credibility, and ignite religious tensions.

“A poster has been spread, showing my picture with a caption taken out of context. It was deliberately produced to create a polemic to distort the original meaning of the viral video clip, which shows me giving a speech stating that I do not allow my children to use the term ‘kafir’ at home.

“I touched on the spread of hateful, ‘ghuluw’ (extremist) and takfiri (excommunication) sentiments among a few people, who have slandered me and said that my life will not be blessed because I work for infidels,” she said in a Facebook post.

She said it was not her intention to prohibit the wholesale use of the terms “kafir” or “non-Muslim”, or deny the use of the terms in the Quran.

On the other hand, she said, it was an issue of choosing the appropriate term in daily life.

Fadhlina, who is also the Wanita PKR chief, said she had not initially intended to respond to the viral issue as those who heard the speech could judge her true meaning, but the viral video and sentiments it raised posed a threat to both her and her family’s safety.

“My friends advised that a police report be made for security reasons. A group of lawyers suggested taking legal and civil action against those involved. Lawyers are also gathering evidence through social media.

“The reaction from many social media users shows they are behaving out of control,” she said.

She also apologised for hurting the feelings of any party due to misunderstandings and mistakes on her part.

Yesterday, Fadhlina’s political secretary, Atiqah Syairah Shaharuddin, filed a police report in Kuching, Sarawak, regarding the spread of the video and a slanderous poster carrying Fadhlina’s face.

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