
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Influencer wants IIUM academician to be conferred “Prof Sambal Belacan” for treating Malays as fools

Influencer wants IIUM academician to be conferred “Prof Sambal Belacan” for treating Malays as fools

A SEEMINGLY pro-Islamist influencer has hit out at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) linguistics thought expert Prof Solehah Yaakob (main pic, middle) by describing her as a “shrimp paste professor (Prof Sambal Belacan) for over-enthusiastically making fools of the Malays”.

Describing the controversial Arabic Linguistic expert as “a painstaking storyteller (penglipur lara) who persistently goes around the village”, Manan Razali who studied economics at California State University in Sacramento, US said people like Solehah deserved “to be smashed for making fools of my race”.

“The second reason why I took a very harsh attitude in criticising Prof Solehah is that the title of Prof Kangkung has already been taken by another Professor who became very popular prior to GE14 (the 14th General Election),” the intellectually-sound influencer penned on his Facebook page.

“So, what remains now is the title of Prof Sambal Belacan only.”

Manan Razali
on Friday


Saya ditanya mengapa saya mengambil sikap yang sangat keras mengecam Prof. Solehah Yaakob dan menggelarnya Prof. Sambal Belacan.

Jawapan pertama ialah kerana dia seorang penglipur lara yang gigih pusing keliling kampung dengan penuh bersemangat memperbodohkan bangsa saya. Orang begini patutnya di-smash saja sebab kalau cakap baik2 pun dia takkan paham nasihat kerana dia yakin dengan kepercayaan dan perbuatannya. 

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Manan further berated Solehah for openly sensationalised Malay historical folklores to Malay audience who become fascinated listening to her.

“Unfortunately, when she was invited for a dialogue with a historian named Dr Shahul Hamid and a well-known hadith expert named Dr Rozaimi Ramli in an open forum to defend her sensationalised statements, she refused to participate,” chided Manan.

“On the other hand, the answer she gave to the public through her viralled video was ‘it’s fine if you don’t wish to believe in it’. I’m really allergic and can’t stand people like this because they really damage the Malay mind. The university where she lecturees should be ashamed of her.”

In the latest development, Manan claimed that Solehah even wanted her fans to believe through her viral video that a man supposedly named Mawla Muhammad Amin al-Idrissi – whom he (Manan) labelled as Mat Amin al-Scammer – is the great-grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

“She claimed to have 100 pages of evidence on this matter but did not want to reveal the evidence because she said it was confidential. Ouch … what kind of professor talks like this without a tinge of scientific value?”

To make matters worse, Manan revealed that the Harian Metro Special Squad has reported on Feb 20 that it has received a response letter from the Moroccan Foreign Ministry (ASEAN Affairs Division) that Mawla Muhammad Amin has no connection with the holy lineage of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

In fact, he also has no connection with Sharif Idrissi in Morocco or any other lineage of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

“Therefore, I believe he did all this because he wanted to scam as many people as possible … Apparently, Malaysia has many people who can potentially fall prey to such scam,” asserted Manan.

“If indeed the Prof Sambal Belacan or anyone really has evidence that they consider authentic that this Mawla Muhammad Amin is indeed the Mat Amin al-Scammer, then they should present that evidence to the Moroccan authorities who have the power to confirm it or be able to announce their public findings in due course.”

Added Manan: “Otherwise, Solehah can choose to contradict the official Moroccan Foreign Ministry’s statement which states that Mawla Muhammad Amin is a French citizen of Algerian descent and not a Moroccan citizen.

“Later, you can also sue Harian Metro and PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police) for defaming the reputation of Mat Amin al-Scammer. Are you brave enough to do so?” – Feb 26, 2024

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