
Friday, January 26, 2024

TMJ Exposed the History of Tun M Bullying of the Royal Family

TMJ Exposed the History of Tun M Bullying of the Royal Family

26 Jan 2024 • 10:30 AM MYT

Tmj revealed the dark side of Mahathir. Source of image: Mstar

Tunku Mahkota Johor Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim recalled the terrible history of 1992, when previous Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was in office, and warned the government not to repeat the mistakes made in the name of greed and power.

"I'll never forget the constitutional crisis that happened in 1992. I vividly recall how federal officers treated my family.

"I still remember the attempt to disband the Johor State Loyal Soldiers, the Johor Exco members being told not to greet my late father at the airport, and the JKR being told not to restore and preserve everything in the Johor Palaces."

"My mother-in-law was detained by Malaysian customs when she returned to Johor from Singapore. My mother-in-law was told to exit the vehicle so that they could conduct a thorough inspection. "I still remember everything, and I remember the people who were responsible," said TMJ.

According to Malaysia Kini, the 31-year-old prince was eight years old when a special session of parliament was convened in December 1992, during which a motion was introduced to limit the power or immunity of Malay rulers.

Two incidents involving the Johor royal family caused the events that occurred. The first incident occurred when Tunku Abdul Majid, the second son of the Sultan of Johor at the time, Sultan Iskandar, struck the goaltender of the Perak hockey team after the Johor team lost a match.

When the Malaysian Hockey Federation suspended Tunku Abdul Majid from playing for five years, Sultan Iskandar became enraged and pressured the Johor State Education Department to order all school hockey teams in the state to boycott the national championships.

Douglas Gomez, a hockey coach, was dissatisfied and denounced the Johor Education Department, demanding the resignation of all committee members from the Johor Hockey Association.

The late Sultan Iskandar was upset by the situation and summoned Gomez to the palace, where he was accused of roughing him up. The hockey coach then filed a police report.

Meanwhile, Tunku Ismail stated that the 1992 episode was old, but that “Allah is great and the law of karma is a beautiful thing.”

"Today, the government's relationship with the Johor Royal Family is good. I appreciate it. I hope it's not just because you rely on us so much.

“It's good to recognize that we need each other. However, in my opinion, the current focus should be on correcting mistakes and making progress in the country,” said TMJ.


  1. Fact of the matter is , back in the 1980s , when the controversies erupted , the Johor R*y*l family were bullies , acting out their then absolute immunity to interfere and abuse with unchallenged impunity.

    Mahathir carried out necessary Dental defanging work at the time.

    1. That was the time when I held enormous admiration for Mahathir until I subsequently learnt he did that for a sinister purpose, to distract attention whilst outflanking a constitutional crisis he had initiated which destroyed our Judiciary for aeons. With that he outmaneuvered TR-MH and became dictator for years

    2. Both your arguments are valid, but let it be said loud and clear that the Johor monarch's brutal acts presented Tun with the perfect ammunition to kill two birds with one stone. The monarchs should learn that without the rakyat they are nothing, even with all their wealth. On that note, while we see an improvement in the relations between royalty and rakyat, the same cannot be said for Tun. He could've left behind a grand legacy, one which our history books will treat with respect, but alas his desperate need for attention is quickly reducing him into an outcast among politicians.

  2. Every evil deed carries with it a tint of good. Likewise, in opposite camp.

