
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Daim has fallen and facing his deserved fate in the Dock. All that is now left is the reckoning...and he will be done!

Arguably the richest man in Malaysia. Probably the most sinister finance minister that ever prowled the corridors of power. Without doubt, the most prolific user of proxies in and out of government. A man who have made others who have done his bidding rich, but made himself much much richer. The man who had served Umno and our nation when called to do so, but never failing in the process, to served himself better. And in doing all this and more, Daim Zainuddin has kept his deeds, misdeeds and devious instructions, shrouded in mystery and ultimately hidden from prying eyes by the ingenious means of penciling his instructions and then having those incriminating self serving instructions erased forever.

Like his devious exploits in the financial arena, this slight, short and quiet man was no slouch when it comes to matters of the sexual kind. Numerous marriages, possible dalliances with delectable sweet young things and enough goings on in his confusing matrimonial merry go round to make us all wonder whom he was married or not married to, and who was his first, second, third or maybe even fourth spouse!

Some may see, in this man, the makings of a financial genius who was able to achieve almost legendary status given what he has amassed in his lifetime from initial failed business beginnings. Some may even think Daim to be a Malay hero able to give the Chinses a run for their money when it comes to business undertakings. There may or may not be some truth in all of these tales BUT in truth, this diminutive small man, is nothing more that a greedy, conniving bully who went about the business of taking for himself and taking from others, what ever he can, to make himself filthy rich. Never having any regard for the welfare or suffering of others whom he had exploited and used for his own financial gains. Daim Zainuddin is a financial Machiavelli of the worst kind...successful in his endeavors of stealing, scamming and simply taking for himself, what he wants from other to sate his unbridled greed.

And on Monday January 29th 2024, all his yesterdays caught up with him.

For reasons that escapes me, he was NOT dressed in orange with the legend "LOKUP SPRM" boldly emblazed on the attire he was wearing. He was not handcuffed nor did he arrived in a Black Maria. Instead we saw a frail old man in a wheelchair, being pushed by his minder, into the court room. Not only was one of his eye missing, but what was obviously missing was the Daim who once thought himself invincible against all comers, untouchable and above the law.

And what was he in court for?

Kesalahan Daim simple aja. Pada bulan February, MACC minta Daim declare asset. Dia minta lima kali extension. In November 2023 final extension. Daim submit asset declaration to SPRM tampa memasoki asset yang amat jelas: WISMA ILHAM bangunan 60 tingkat jelas dalam nama Neamah dan anak Daim. Dia tak declare!

Ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan PMX. So kenapa Daim marah kapada PMX? Dan di kaitakan ini dengan keadaan ekonomi dan kadar matawang! Kadar ringgit jatuh kerana US$ very strong dan Bank Negara Malaysia refuse to increase OPR. US interest rate is now 5.5 %. Ringgit interest rate only 3%. Tak ada kena mengena dengan PMX!

Daim, do not worry too much about the state of our country. Worry about the coming days that will see you in the Dock stripped off all of your past positions, glory and any respect that old age should accord you. You will be at the mercy and deliberation of the court who surely uncover, expose and perchance, convict you for the wrongs that you have inflicted upon so many others and upon our nation.

Enough said.

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