
Sunday, December 31, 2023

It's Christmas! Is the war over?

This year in lieu of Christmas greetings I invite you to view the video below.

It's non-religious and very relevant during this troubling time where genocide is happening in Gaza.

I play this song near New Year's end every Year, and never fail to shed tears when I listen to the message from John Lennon and Yoko.



  1. When is Putin going to stop his war against Ukraine and withdraw his illegal occupation ?

    1. not a word on the genocide in Gaza?

    2. Russia's aggression against Ukraine has been going on nearly two years, with tens of thousands of innocents killed.

      I have Zero time and Zero sympathy for those who support the Russian aggression and only now crying Ah Chee Ah Chor about the Palestinians.

  2. This know-nothing Mfer can't defense the indefensible Zionist Gaza genocide.

    Thus, could only fart about Russko/Ukraine war while praying hard that the comedian led Ukraine wouldn't go down the drain!

  3. Shameful to use Lennon' s song in this video. Scumbag!

  4. I will have to report you to MCMC and PDRM if you dont remove this video ASAP! Infringement of copyrights and insulting Christians!

    1. These people have been insulting themselves for more than two thousand years. How scandalous...

    2. song by John Lennon has been about compassion, peace and justice regardless of race, religion and creed, the lack of which make me shed tears whenever I listen to it
