
Friday, October 20, 2023

Hadi wants PAS to win over non-Muslim voters

Hadi wants PAS to win over non-Muslim voters

PAS MUKTAMAR | PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang is now directing the party to win over the non-Muslim votes after the “Green Wave” has managed to create a major impact among Malay voters in the 15th general election.

"We have successfully gained the support of Malay Muslim voters in GE15, so the important and challenging task ahead is to attract non-Muslim and non-Malay voters in GE16.

"This matter is crucial and should be discussed and implemented with hard work, organisation, and wisdom," he said in his policy speech at the 69th PAS muktamar in Shah Alam today.

Hadi acknowledged that PAS' strategy revealed their weakness in attracting non-Malay support. As a result, he stated that PAS and the Perikatan Nasional coalition failed to secure enough combined seats to form a government.

All of this occurred despite an overall sudden increase in support for them, he added.

To make the agenda work, Hadi urged the party members to curb the use of the “Green Wave” narrative.

The term encourages Islamophobia and spooks the non-Muslims, he reiterated.

Serving all races

According to Hadi, PAS will continue to unite the people, including the non-Muslims who are “not extreme”, for the sake of the country’s stability and harmony.

“PAS works on serving all races and has never ruled out the concept ‘Islam for all’,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hadi also reminded party members to not be “choosy” when it comes to being loyal to the party leadership.

“This disease (being choosy) can pose a hindrance to victory,” he said in his speech.

He said that Allah had saved PAS by having disloyal members either kicked out or exited the party by themselves.

Although he did not elaborate, Hadi was believed to be referring to the mass exodus from PAS in 2015, which eventually led to the formation of Amanah.


  1. Use Gerakan as your outreach platform... Wakakaka...

  2. do not take a retard seriously, half the time they don't even realized they've crap themselves, its his blady filthy racist bigotted mouth that repulsed the non muslims in the first place yet here he is acting all innocent and ignorant, if the retard wants to win back the non muslim voters, apologize first man, then maybe we'll think about it wakaka, tan ku ku le
