
Friday, September 01, 2023

Video : Iranians Randomly Shoot, Stab, Knock Down And Kill Mullahs


Friday, September 1, 2023

Video : Iranians Randomly Shoot, Stab, Knock Down And Kill Mullahs



Here is a video from Iranian TV (Tasneem News) that shows Iranians quite randomly shooting, stabbing, knocking down (on the streets) and killing mullahs. Four separate incidents are shown. The narrator suggests there are more incidents.

Here is the Twitter link. Highlight the link, right click your mouse and click 'Open Link'.

That video from the bank CCTV is particularly illuminating. An old mullah fellow was sitting in the banking hall waiting to be served when an armed bank security guard calmly walks over and shoots the mullah dead - without any provocation.

The TV narrator asks why is this happening now in Iran?

Well actually there has been plenty of provocation - by the tyrant mullahs. Iran has been under the tyranny of the mullahs for 45 years since 1979. The people of Iran have had enough.

In 2023 alone the Iranian mullahs have killed 500 Iranians on various charges of being enemies of god, enemies of the regime, enemies of this and enemies of that.

I have predicted this before - I recall saying it more than once. From years ago I have said that one day, the Iranian people will chase the mullahs down the streets and string them up from the lamp posts. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. It looks like it is starting already.

The mullahs live by hatred and violence. 
They shall therefore die by hatred and violence.
All the monkey and chimpanzee look alikes around the world should take note.

September 16th (15 days away) is the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini the 22 year old Iranian girl who was arrested and beaten (on the head) by the mullah's religious enforcers for not covering her head. She died later of injuries suffered from that beating. Her death sparked massive protests around Iran that lasted for months and have never fully died down. 

The Iranian people are now preparing to commemorate Mahsa Amini's death which will most likely result in more protests.

The Iranian mullah's "lets-have-a-good-time" party has to come to an end sometime. It has been 45 years since their party started but the time seems to be about now for their party to end.

It is not a good time to be a mullah in Iran.

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