
Monday, September 25, 2023

Ukrainian-Nazi links proven, saluted by Canadian Parliament

al Jazeera:

‘Deepest apologies’: Canada official backtracks after Ukraine Nazi honoured

House Speaker Anthony Rota praised Yaroslav Hunka, 98, as a ‘Ukrainian hero’ at Canada’s Parliament, with Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Justin Trudeau attending and applauding.

The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons has apologised for praising an individual who served in a Nazi unit during World War II in a session attended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and visiting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Speaker Anthony Rota recognised Yaroslav Hunka, 98, as a “Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero”, saying “we thank him for all his service” before the Canadian Parliament on Friday.

Hunka served in World War II as a member of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, according to the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group, that demanded an apology.

The centre said Hunka’s ties to the Nazi war machine “are well-documented”. Both Zelenskyy and Trudeau joined in acknowledging Hunka during the parliament session with applause.

Rota took responsibility for what he characterised as an oversight, calling the initiative “entirely my own”.

“I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision,” he said in a statement issued on Sunday, offering his “deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world”.

The recognition came following the visit to parliament by Zelenskyy, who thanked Canada for its assistance in Ukraine’s war against Russia. Rota said no one, including fellow parliamentarians or the Ukrainian delegation, was aware of his plans or remarks beforehand.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Canada’s capital Ottawa on Friday [Sean Kilpatrick/AFP]

Standing ovations

Following Zelenskyy’s remarks, Rota acknowledged Hunka – who was seated in the gallery – praising him for fighting for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.

Hunka received two standing ovations from those gathered. As Canadian lawmakers cheered, Zelenskyy raised his fist in acknowledgement and Hunka saluted.

“At a time of rising anti-Semitism and Holocaust distortion, it is incredibly disturbing to see Canada’s parliament rise to applaud an individual who was a member of a unit in the Waffen-SS – a Nazi military branch responsible for the murder of Jews and others,” the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said in a statement.

“An explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of Canadian parliament and received recognition from the Speaker of the House and a standing ovation.”

Russia’s RIA state news agency cited Russia’s ambassador to Canada, Oleg Stepanov, as saying the embassy will send a letter to Trudeau and a note to the Canadian foreign ministry on Monday.

“We will, of course, demand clarification from the Canadian government,” Stepanov was quoted as saying.

‘Optics are not good’

Dominique Arel, chair of Ukrainian studies at the University of Ottawa, said the incident “is highly problematic”.

“We have the issue of symbolism here, the optics of serving in a military unit whose logo is that of arguably the greatest criminal organisation in the 20th century … so obviously the optics are not good,” Arel told CBC News.

Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, saying the goal of the “special military operation” was to denazify and demilitarise its neighbour. Zelenskyy is Jewish and lost relatives in the Holocaust.

Kyiv and its Western allies say Russia’s attack, which has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions, has been an unprovoked land grab. The United States says Moscow’s false justification for the war has been nothing but the Kremlin’s attempt to “manipulate international public opinion”.

B’nai Brith Canada’s CEO Michael Mostyn said it was outrageous that parliament honoured a former member of a Nazi unit, saying Ukrainian “ultranationalist ideologues” who volunteered for the Galicia Division “dreamed of an ethnically homogenous Ukrainian state and endorsed the idea of ethnic cleansing”.

“We understand an apology is forthcoming. We expect a meaningful apology. Parliament owes an apology to all Canadians for this outrage, and a detailed explanation as to how this could possibly have taken place at the centre of Canadian democracy,” Mostyn said.


  1. This is murky 80 year old story , not a 2023 story.
    The Putin cover story of invading Ukraine 2022 to "DeNaZify" Ukraine is a piece of Bullshit.

    Soviet Russia back in the 1940s was no friend of Ukraine. The Holodomor famine was a great crime committed by the USSR against the people of Ukraine.
    Some, I repeat ,some Ukrainians in the 1940s chose to resist the USSR by aligning with the Nazis, even the Waffen SS.
    But that is an old, old 1940s story, with maybe a few 90 year old survivors.

    Russia's pretext to invade Ukraine in 2022 for "DeNazification" is a piece of CHICKENSHIT.

    1. "some Ukrainians in the 1940s chose to resist the USSR by aligning with the Nazis, even the Waffen SS"

      What a mfering fart of the nth order!

      Mfer, u better set praise for Stepan Bandera, who is a remnant of that murky 80 year old story, as a true hero of Ukraine - in the same step as that f*cked comedian president in appraising Azov battalion in the 2023 war setting!

  2. "The Canadian House of Commons is putting up a vote to strike from the record their celebration of the SS Nazi yesterday.

    Hey fam, do you know who else burned books to erase history? 🤡"


    Questions, questions, more questions...Dan Andrew of Victoria just cabut...Jacinda lagi pandai, early-early already gone...


    Say what...?!!! Daddy Fidel would be proud...
