
Monday, September 18, 2023

Hypocrisy takes precedence in M’sian politics

Hypocrisy takes precedence in M’sian politics

YOURSAY | ’Silence sometimes is not the golden rule, but the only rule.’

Kit Siang: Dr M 'eating own words' over unofficial adviser role

IndigoTrout2522: Why should DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang be stunned and surprised by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s recent actions, including being an adviser to “state government four” (SG4)?

You said all the great things about him before during and after the 14th general election in 2018 but he has never changed since he entered politics and is interested only in power and position to advance his narrow political agenda.

He would partner or demonise whoever and whichever is in his way.

The rakyat does not believe in him now and his words are no longer relevant.

Mahathir will continue to stir controversies and cause the downfall of the unity government and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

Sorry, did you just wake up?

Mazhilamani: Why be surprised when we have all along known that Mahathir is a fiction story narrator and writer?

What has Mahathir ever valued or practised or upheld assertions and values he once passionately preached? Nothing.

Every thought or word was written on swift-flowing water, not for posterity.

Mahathir just wants a position, it does not matter with which party.

He is not going to bring any value to the PAS-ruled states.

No international company will want to invest in the four PAS-ruled states without the approval of the federal government.

Let us forget the accusatory and atrocious remarks PAS levelled against Umno.

As far as Mahathir is concerned, they were made against Umno and not against his person.

Kilimanjaro: What are we going to do with these politicians - they are now blaming one another. Remember the days when Umno and the DAP were at each other’s throats?

If there is any sanity in both, they would have sat down in the interest of the nation but they didn’t.

We have to unwillingly stomach all these players and wait for the next sledgehammer. What have these politicians done to think of a honeymoon?

With so much of resources, the sins of squandering them are finally catching up.

Why should you and I pay for their sins? All of them are just useless.

None of them have any moral right to talk about another politician.

Apa pun boleh: Mahathir is best left alone for Perikatan Nasional (PN) to do whatever it is that they want to do with him.

As long as he is persona non grata in the unity government, he is best left alone to seek shelter wherever he is welcome.

Everyone knows his agenda is to break up Malaysians at any cost to topple the government.

What else has he to offer as a politician other than racial incitement and provocation?

We have seen the racist ferocity he froths in his recent state election and by-election campaigns.

In appointing him adviser in the PN-controlled states, it probably finds the toxic divisive venom he spews of value in indoctrinating its captive voter base.

It is better to leave them to reflect on their destructive ways.

Lionking: All this sharing of thoughts is just a waste of time. Nothing will change because of these useless statements by these politicians.

Lim should focus on the unity government to act on the manifesto they have made.

So far, it is a little discouraging, especially about the way corruption is being handled.

Why not focus on reforms?

On top of that, the present legal system is overwhelmed with corruption cases and it takes years to conclude cases.

Why not fast-track these cases and ask the law minister who seems unproductive to seriously bring some suggestions?

The unity government will be celebrating its first anniversary soon and it will be interesting to see what has been achieved by the Madani government.

We will have no hope if the PN government comes in. My bet is on Muda.

No harm in giving them a chance if the unity government fails to live up to their “reformasi” slogan.

Bamboo: For political expediency, Mahathir can do anything to achieve his own ends.

He could team up with Anwar for the 14th general election. Now he could team up with another former foe, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

This shows to all how crooked, unprincipled and shameless Mahathir is.

Only our traditional Eastern politeness stops us from throwing eggs at Mahathir when he appears in public.

By the way, he has already got “eggs” on his face by losing his deposit standing for the Langkawi parliamentary seat during the last general election.

A Little Bit Crazy: Alamak Uncle Lim, you should be the last person to condemn Mahathir, especially since you are from DAP.

The more you say against those Malay politicians, the more damage you cause to DAP and non-Muslims. Don’t be provoked too.

Your time has passed too. Just retire gracefully.

Be a role model, be an example to other old politicians, and let the younger existing active politicians respond to comments on political issues.

Don't issue any public statements. Silence is sometimes not the golden rule, but the only rule.

LETDOWN 2018: It is comical for Lim to say this. He has worked with all of them before on his party’s route to power.

Today’s political situation is that hypocrisy takes precedence over power.

If these old deceitful people retire quietly and enjoy the superfluous pension that the taxpayers pay, perhaps the nation can be saved.

Pink: Mahathir is going to advise on the economy only. He has vast experience in that, more than Lim and his son Guan Eng put together.

Such a shame if his experience is gone to waste. Religion is not his forte, so he is going to avoid that. After all, he is an unpaid adviser. Stop quibbling.

Anonymous11223355: Atok has lost much of his influence on all Malaysians.

We just leave him alone to ponder his bad deeds. At one time, I did respect him, but now he has zero respect for me.

Why? Because whatever initiatives he has embarked on lately are very divisive to all Malaysians.

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