
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Foreign Ministry: Malaysia does not recognise China’s claims in the South China Sea

Foreign Ministry: Malaysia does not recognise China’s claims in the South China Sea

This photo taken on August 22, 2023 shows Chinese coast guard ships corralling one of the civilian boats chartered by the Philippine navy to deliver supplies to a Philippine navy ship in the disputed South China Sea. On Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources issued the ‘China Standard Map Edition 2023,’ which also covered the exclusive economic zone maritime areas of Malaysia near Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam, as well as several areas in India. — AFP pic

Wednesday, 30 Aug 2023 6:43 PM MYT

PUTRAJAYA, Aug 30 — Malaysia does not recognise China’s claims in the South China Sea, as outlined in the “China Standard Map Edition 2023,” which also encompasses Malaysia’s maritime areas, stated the Foreign Ministry.

The map holds no binding authority over Malaysia, it said in a statement Wednesday.

“The map, among other things, displays China’s unilateral maritime claims that encroach upon Malaysia’s maritime areas in Sabah and Sarawak, based on the 1979 Malaysia New Map,” it said.

Furthermore, as previously emphasised by the Malaysian government regarding the South China Sea issue, including maritime boundary matters, Malaysia consistently rejects any foreign party’s claims to sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction over maritime features or maritime areas based on the 1979 Malaysia New Map.

“Malaysia also views the South China Sea issue as a complex and sensitive matter,” the statement said.

This issue needs to be managed peacefully and rationally through dialogue and negotiations based on provisions of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

“Malaysia remains committed to cooperating to ensure all parties implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea comprehensively and effectively.

“Malaysia is also committed to the effective and substantive negotiations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), with the goal of finalizing the COC as soon as possible,” it said.

On Monday, the Chinese Ministry of Natural Resources issued the “China Standard Map Edition 2023,” which also covered the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) maritime areas of Malaysia near Sabah and Sarawak, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam, as well as several areas in India. — Bernama


  1. Ultimately, Malaysia will accept China's claim , as the least bad out of even more unpalatable alternatives.

    Majority of Malays, Chinese, Indians are overwhelmingly against the West, so seeking diplomatic support from the West in this issue is unacceptable to most Malaysians.

    Malaysia is already practically a China satellite state, so accepting China claims to Malaysian waters is just a minor step.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Who the f*ck r u to speak on behalf of m'sia?

      cf: South China Sea needs to be managed peacefully and rationally through dialogue and negotiations based on provisions of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).

      Malaysia is also committed to the effective and substantive negotiations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC), with the goal of finalizing the COC as soon as possible.

      These r the POINTS that have been similarly been mentioned multiple times by the China authority!

    2. China shit on UNCLOS as soon as there was a ruling that did not go in China's favour.
      It's signature is worth less than used toilet paper.

    3. Is USA a signatory of UNCLOS?

    4. So USA was being more transparent in not signing up to UNCLOS when it was clear it may not want to abide by it .

      China was/is being far more hypocritical in signing up to UNCLOS , but its signature is clearly worth less than used toilet paper.

    5. China IS a signatory of the UNCLOS bcoz China wants to use an internationally recognized platform to NEGOTIATE for mutually agreed compromises!

      No current political incidences have proven China has NOT abided any international laws/treaties that she has signed?

      That illegally organised South China Sea Arbitration of that infamous arbitration tribunal of July 2016 attributed to The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is a fake kangaroo setting.

      The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is a
      non-UN intergovernmental organization located in The Hague, Netherlands.

      The Yank is just arrogant enough such that no any internationally agreed laws/treaties, signed &/or no signed, should hinder his wonton behaviours!

      Mfer, u call that transparent!

      Wow… wow…
