
Sunday, August 27, 2023



Sunday, August 27, 2023


This is adapted from Permadu Blog here.  This first part is very brief:


'Di Penanti PN rampas kerusi milik PKR empat penggal '

After 40 years of getting nothing the people of Permatang Pauh have finally kicked out the entire family: 
  • Setelah 40 tahun diberi kepercayaan tanpa menyumbang apa-apa 
  • pengundi Permatang Pauh tendang keluar Madani dan keluarga
  • Politik Anak-Beranak di Permatang Pauh disingkir keluar

In Nov 2022 the daughter was kicked out of the "family" Parliamentary seat of Permatang Pauh.

Pukulan pertama PRU15 Nov 2022 Nurul tewas parlimen Permatang Pauh

Then on August 12 the PKR lost ALL THREE of the State seats under the Permatang Pauh Parliamentary constituency. The most significant loss was Penanti State seat which the PKR had held for FOUR consecutive terms.  

  • Pukulan kedua KO (knock out) PN sapu bersih semua tiga DUN P Pauh
  • Seberang Jaya PN dapat 20,877 undi tewaskan PH dapat 15,951 undi
  • Permatang Pasir, PN dapat 13,526 undi kalahkan PH dapat 10,418 undi
  • Penanti PN (12,586 undirampas kerusi milik PKR empat penggal (9,011 undi)

PKR held the Penanti seat for FOUR terms. Yet on August 12th, 2023 they got kicked out with a 3000 vote majority. This is very bad.
Coming up next are the Pulai and Simpang Jeram by-elections which the PH is expected to lose as well. This is the end of the PH.
  • hanya 24% Melayu menyokong Madani
  • PRK Pulai dan Simpang Jeram tidak lama lagi
  • PN akan menawan hampir 100% undi Melayu

So the DAP and the GPS folks in Sarawak must take note. Especially the DAP. Hello DAP friends (YBs Tan Sri Lim, Ronnie, Kian Ming, Chin Tong) you are riding a dead horse. Itu kuda sudah mati. You cannot be that blinded. Wake up.

Pas will break up with Bersatu. Or Bersatu will break up with Pas. The sooner it happens the better. The Pas guys have locked out Bersatu from the Kedah Exco which the Bersatu guys are not happy with.

The Pas do not realise that out of the 99 State seats or so they won on Aug 12, 2023 about 90 of them are from Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah. Outside Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah the Pas is not as strong as Bersatu who won 46 seats from all SIX States. 

So to the DAP keep your lines of communications open. Politics in Malaysia has changed completely. There are no more "final solutions". Everything is negotiable. Anyone can sleep with anyone else.

But Madani is a dead horse. There is no point beating a dead horse. There is no point kicking a dead horse either. Just hitch up another horse.


If the PH wants to survive the PH must decide, do you really want to survive or no?

That is question no 1. This is no more a silly question. Because there are people (inside PH) who feel that as long as they can get something for themselves "now" who cares about the future of the party or of the country. "Make hay while the sun shines". In Malay "pukul habis".

So the question is indeed relevant : do you wish to survive? 

If you wish to survive then really start thinking about the people. 

Dont be like that really stupid dunggu who introduced that book into the education system recently. They dont give a shit about the students, about the education system or about the content of that book. 

It is all about awarding a contract to the book publishers and printers - using tax payers funds. About someone making money. That is all. I have said it before - the book publishing mafia can influence policy. This is a classic example.

So if the PH wants to survive start thinking about the welfare of the people, the rakyat instead of the welfare of the rich people.  

Do the following now and let me assure you the PH will win the next elections with a 2/3 majority. Do the following now and I, Syed Akbar Ali, will not only vote for you but I will also campaign for you. 

1. Abolish the Sedition Act. You already did this in 2018 but only for a few weeks. Then some "advisors" around Dr M influenced the PH gomen at that time to put the Sedition Act  back in place. And what happened to them after that? Dr M got kicked out. Padan muka. Bodoh. Serves you right. Then TSMY and Sabri got kicked out and now the PH is also getting kicked out. Just abolish the really useless Sedition Act. The people will support you.

2. Revamp the Defamation Acts (the libel and slander laws). Any member of any political party (aka politicians), ALL businesses and high and mighty "public personalities" should NOT be able to use the Defamation Acts as a weapon or a shield to shut the people up from criticising, questioning or making fun of them.  No more 'I am suing you for RM50 million because you said this about me . . . boo hoo hoo.." As the Kedah Menteri Besar said, 'Kalau main dalam gelanggang politik, jawab dalam gelanggang politik la. Kenapa bawa pergi ke mahkamah pula?

Dont be chicken shit cowards and pondans hiding behind the Defamation Acts to safeguard your millions and billions. First class pondan betul.

3. Monopolies and Oligopolies. Malaysia is the world champion in gomen licensed monopolies and oligopolies. Almost ALL (REPEAT : ALMOST ALL) these monopoly and oligopoly licenses and businesses were granted to the cronies and the GLC cronies since 30 to 40 years ago. 

Banking, telecoms, toll roads, broadcasting, rice imports, food imports, the entire AP system, gomen vehicle maintenance, weighing machine calibration, gaharu wood processing, fishing licensing, fish farm licensing, oil and gas supply bases etc etc are all monopolies and oligopolies.

That is why in Malaysia everything is so expensive. Because the crooked politicians give monopoly and oligopoly licenses in so many business sectors and industries. The people are suffering to sustain the politician's crony system. 

Get rid of them. They are just 'curi duit' mechanisms for politically connected cronies, to steal from the people. Itu saja. Mencuri harta dan duit rakyat atas penipuan membela rakyat.

But let me explain. Let these cronies keep their businesses. Yang import beras can continue to import beras. Do not shut down their businesses. They also have to cari makan and survive. 

But open the market to everyone so that anyone can also import beras. I can import rice from anywhere in the world. I have the contacts. Apa susah sangat? Bukan susah pun.


Then the people will give the Pakatan Harapan 2/3 majority.

4. Toll roads

Abolish the toll roads. The toll roads are owned by the gomen and gomen agencies and gomen controlled investment 'agencies' anyway.  When the highway was completed in the 1990s Tun Daim Zainuddin said that the new highway added 1% to 2% to Malaysia's GDP growth. But now 30 years later the toll road has become an added burden in a sluggish economy. In the 1990s getting on the toll highway saved costs for businesses compared to say 8 to 10 hours driving between Penang and KL. But now after 30 years the tolls add to the cost of doing business especially when compared to almost all other countries in ASEAN and China which have bigger and better highways and without tolls. They are more competitive. Our economy is less competitive and therefore losing money. More unemployment. Gaji pun rendah. Toll road punya pasal juga - the head bone is connected to the neck bone which is connected to the backbone etc.

If the tolls are abolished believe me the GDP will automatically jump by another 1% to 2% again. Property values all along the highway will jump - leading to even more developments and even more growth. New businesses and new jobs will be created.

If the PH can abolish the tolls, believe me you will win 2/3 majority in Parliament. I will vote for the PH.

5. Banking deregulation

How can a country with 34 million people only have FIVE anchor banks? Who is the idiot who thought up this moronic idea. You need hundreds and thousands of banks and financial institutions. Only then we will have the hundreds and thousands of banking and finance CEOs we will need to become a financial center. 

You cannot become a financial hub or an Islamic banking bath-tub with ONLY FIVE "anchor bank" CEOs in the entire country.  Where did your mother give birth to you? In the zoo? Why so stupid? To become a financial hub we will need thousands of banking and finance CEOs who will create an ecosystem of financial professionals who are the basic ingredients to become a financial center. We can create hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs as a financial center in Asia. Instead your university graduated sons are now food delivery boys. Nauzubillah. Bodoh punya bodoh.

Just abolish the banking oligopoly and open the banking and finance sector to ALL Malaysians. NO ARABS, NO PAKISTANIS, NO IRANIANS, NO AMERICANS, NO BRITISH. JUST MALAYSIANS.

You open up the banking and finance sector and the PH will win 2/3 majority for a long time.

6. Car import duties, motor vehicle import APs

This is the longest running cerita bodoh in Malaysia. Paying three or four times world market prices for imported cars. The latest cerita bodoh is that the APs for electric vehicles add up to an extra RM100,000 to the price of an EV. With ZERO value added. The Malaysian consumer simply pays two, three or four times world market prices for imported cars. Just to make the politicians and their cronies rich. And this has been going on non-stop for over 40 years.

Just abolish all the excessive import taxes, duties, levies, APs etc  which make imported cars two, three or four times the world market price. We will pay the same world market prices for imported cars as other open market economies around the world.

The basic Honda Accord 2023 in the USA is about US$28,000 or about RM130,000. In Malaysia Honda Accords start at around RM187,000!! An extra RM57,000. 

As I said the oligopolies, the high import taxes, duties and levies, the motor vehicle import APs forces Malaysians to pay higher and higher prices for motor vehicles.

7. RQUI - Racial Quota for University Intake

We cannot abolish the racial quotas for university intakes (RQUI). We must have the racial quotas to help the Malays and bumiputras get into university. 

But the racial quotas to help the Malays get into university is not a political tool or political weapon to prevent the non Malays from entering university. 

The moron said the other day that if we abolishe the RQUI then Pas will come into power and make things worse. How do you know? Who told you this? This is just a false excuse to cover up your own racism. He is the real racist who does not want the Indians to get ahead in life. Instead he is using Pas as a boogeyman to cover up his own racism.

Who said the Malay voters do not agree that Indians and other non-Malays who qualify should be admitted into the gomen universities? 

As long as the Malay and bumiputra quotas are not disturbed the ordinary Malay voter will not mind if the Indians and other non Malays who qualify are admitted into gomen universities.

The racial quotas are meant to help Malays and bumiputyras get into universities. They are not meant to prevent qualifying non-Malays from university entry.

So if the PH can guarantee university admissions for underperforming Malays and bumiputras as well as qualifying non Malays then the PH will win the 2/3 majority.

If the PH can do the above asap, then they will see that the support for the PH will increase immediately. 

If the PH can abolish the highway tolls before the Pulai and Simpang Jeram by-elections  they will win both the seats.

The billionaires and the cronies will be very unhappy. But use your brains. You abolish the rice import monopoly and 34 million Malaysians ESPECIALLY 21 MILLION VOTERS will be happy. BUT only ONE rice importer billionaire will be unhappy. So can you use your brains? Who do you want to sacrifice? One Billionaire's vote or 21 million other votes?

If you abolish the tolls, 34 million Malaysians ESPECIALLY 21 MILLION VOTERS will be happy. But only a few chairman of this GLC, CEO of that GLC will be unhappy. So use your brains. Who do you want to sacrifice? A few Chairmen and CEOs or 21 million voters who are now getting ready to put the PH in the tong sampah?

When you play money politics this is what will happen to you. You will get screwed.

If you really take care of the peoples' welfare they will vote for you.

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