
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

ATTENTION MUSLIMS : Muhammad Hijab And Mufti Menke Discuss 24% Muslims In US Left Islam


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

ATTENTION MUSLIMS : Muhammad Hijab And Mufti Menke Discuss 24% Muslims In US Left Islam


This is actually a growing issue all around the Islamic countries. It is not just affecting Muslims living in the West. It also affects Muslims living inside Muslim countries.

And almost all these Muslims who leave Islam are not converting to Christianity or any other religion. Instead they are becoming atheists. You can just Google 'Atheism in Islamic Countries' and see for yourself the information available.

Iran is almost 100% Muslim. But in a 2020 survey only 40% of Iranians identify themselves as Muslims. The remaining 60% are not. There is also growing atheism in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (of all places).

The following video is less than one minute and it shows Muhammad Hijab and Mufti Menke discussing the issue of growing atheism among Muslims.  Both Hijab and Mufti Menke are well regarded speakers and preachers of Islam. I have some comments after this.


The question is why?

My view is the gatekeepers, priests, clergy and the riff raff who have hoisted themselves as the guardians of the faith have failed miserably. Most of them are basically idiots. Fools. That is why Islam is losing its adherents, especially the younger generation.

This is the 21st century and yet these fellows still wrap their heads and shoulders with yards and yards of textiles and fabric - basically to show off their holiness. That they are a cut above. But too many of them behave like fools. So the modern generation laughs at them. The younger generation associate their dress and wardrobe with fear mongering (you will burn in hell), making all kinds of threats, angry sermons and constantly admonishing the people - as though they themselves are angels sent from heaven. 

In truth these monkeys can be the worse examples among the human species entirely. They can be uncivilised, rude, uncouth, they can lie, cheat even murder and steal. All in the name of religion. 

And yet these are the gatekeepers of Islam, the so called guardians of the faith. In the 21st century and in the age of the Internet the younger generations can see through these fellows like looking through glass. 

And they all speak a strange 9th to 12th century language which is becoming more irrelevant to the younger Muslim generations of the 21st century.

And these folks do not know the Quran. The Quran is rarely part of their vocabulary. So they rely on their own theological summaries and interpretations of this and that. 

Then we also had the shockers and the earthquakes. 

Since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict beginning in 1948 the worldwide Muslim narrative has been quite hijacked by this one conflict.  Despite Muslims around the world having thousands of their own issues which had or have a more direct impact in their lives the Israeli-Palestinian issue has taken center stage. 

In almost all mosques around the world, almost every Friday sermon would include a prayer for the Palestinians (the "mujahideen fi filistin"). As though that was the only Muslim grievance in the entire world. But this Palestine issue was relevant only during the half hour or one hour when people were attending Friday prayers. The moment they left the mosque the Muslims around the world had other more relevant matters to deal with. Matters that have largely gone unsolved.

The Palestinian issue was also useful for "islamist" politicians and others who used the Palestine conflict to collect money and to play the "kami pembela agama" dangdut.

From the following chart the Islamic countries contribute less than 10% of the world's GDP.  It was much less before 2015 (the year in which this chart begins).  56 Islamic countries with a population of 2.0 billion produce less than 10% of the world's output. Much of these are commodities (oil and gas). Value added manufacturing is a tiny fraction.

So the Islamic countries are obviously not even self sufficient. How are they going to 'save the world'? More people are becoming aware of this never changing reality about the Muslims. Including the younger generations of Muslims who are now leaving Islam (as per the discussion above). 

Then there were the shockers. In 2001 a group of 19 'Muslims' crashed two airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York. Some Arabs celebrated the event but for many Muslims around the world the event was a shocker. An embarrassment. 'Muslims did that?' 

Until today the average Muslim does not know why the 19 Arabs crashed the planes into the Twin Towers. Was it because of Palestine? It was NOT because of Iraq because the Americans did not invade Iraq and Afghanistan until after 9-11. 

What was the exact reason for the 9-11 attack? 

But certainly many Muslims around the world were also embarrassed over the 9-11 attacks. Then the decade long War Against Terror began. That was the decade of Osama bin Ladin and Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was everywhere including here in Malaysia and South East Asia. And again the Al Qaeda stigma did have an embarrassing  effect on many Muslims, especially those living in the west. They did not want to be even remotely linked to the "terrorist" stigma.

I think Osama bin Ladin and the Al Qaeda terrorism did drive some Muslims to leave Islam. I think some Muslims, especially those living in the West, decided 'I am not going to be identified with this in any way. I am leaving'.

Ten years later the Arab Spring began in 2011. Inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood or Ikhwan Muslimin. Another earthquake in the Islamic world. The Arab Spring has become the Arab Hell which is still ongoing until today.  The Arab Spring failed.

The Muslim Brotherhood's Arab Spring was defeated or stalled by the bloodthirsty Salafi/Wahabi ISIS maniacs and their so called "Caliphate". By this time their head chopping and hand chopping went viral on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook etc. This was Achmed the Terrorist's 'I kill you' at its finest. 



Needless to say all those viral videos of the ISIS headchopping gave a cardiac arrest to many normal and moderate Muslims all around the world. 'Is this what Islam is really? Is this what Muslims should do? Cut off peoples' heads? Chop off their hands by the roadsides?"

I think the ISIS head chopping beginning 2013 drove more Muslims to leave Islam than anything else in this 21st century. I think many young Muslims, especially those living in the West, decided 'I am not going to be identified with this in any way. I am leaving'.

These industrial scale butchery, madness, mayhem, chaos, total collapse of Islamic countries was periodical but quite predictable. About every 10 years there would be some major eruption among the Islamic countries.

Now after 9-11, Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Arab Spring, ISIS we have the complete U-turn in Saudi Arabia. There is MBS or Mohamed Bin Salman the effective "ruler" of Saudi Arabia who has opened bikini beaches in Jeddah, nite clubs in Riyadh, unmarried couples (non Muslims) can check into hotels etc. Salafism is dead in Saudi Arabia.

This too has made many Muslims, especially the young have even more doubts about their religion. From Salafi / Wahabi head chopping to Saudi bikini beaches - all within 10 years.

Granted you (my dear readers) can argue and debate what I am saying here. But by any measure, by any argument,  so much confusing, dysfunctional, contradictory, violent, chaotic and stuck-in-the-9th-century behaviour can (my view is it already has) create serious doubts among young Muslims, especially those living in the west, about their religion.

It all contributes here and there. Hence that discussion above. 24% of Muslims in the US have left Islam. Mosques are about 1/3 full on Fridays.  People are getting tired.

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